Friday, January 28, 2011

Staged Ingnorance

Pathetic is the word I want so badly to refrain away from using, out of respect, but after reviewing President Obama's State of the Eunuch address, I find no other conditional verbiage appropriate for the cause.

Really, pathetic is my only opinionated option, and I did count to ten already, not once but several times before I felt compelled to publish my views on this “Pathetic” waste of Americans' time away from twitter rage. 
Basically what I perceive as “Staged Ignorance”, and I voted for the dude! First and foremost, Obama begins by congratulating the 112th Congress, then sadly enough, throws in the fact that there is upon the House chamber's an empty seat, that of Representative Gifford who remains sight unseen following an attempt on her life by the Sarah Palin vigilante posse.
Then Wall Street was given the thumbs up with kudos, I guess the almighty green light to continue the arrogant abuse upon our 401K plans. And now we find out through the Financial Crisis Investigative Commission that Goldman-Sach's ran off with $3-billion of taxpayer bailout money, funds they were supposed to distribute to failing banks and to help ease foreclosures and keep Americans sheltered from the storm.

I am beginning to believe that there are very few Americans left roaming the streets from the mountains to the prairies. So to use the State of the Nation to congratulate crooks, something is very wrong here in the homeland, and it is not the TSA by any stench of the imagination. 
Then Obama's speech was soon followed by more Obama-kudos for Joe the Roofer and Joan the Furniture-maker. See, plumbers are banned, as that trade became the poster child mascot of the McCain mad scientist era, wherein Sarahstein came alive, still missing a brain and heart of ice.

Then we hear all this hoopla about tax breaks that will be taken away from Big Oil? Forget that, as these outfits know how to get around every taxable hurdle. Raise taxes on Big Oil, and the jobs creation index comes tumbling down. When Sarah Palin raised the corporate tax in Alaska a measly 2%, “Big Oil” shelved enough projects to keep hundreds employed for several years. Still today, those plans remain shelved, collecting dust. 
Then we hear this fluff rhetoric about fighting for a robust democracy, which supposedly “sets us aside as a nation”. Set aside? We are loosing it on all fronts! Then Obama goes off on a tangent about energy efficiency and remaining competitive with other nations, like China, those that are taking the turn towards the better by building efficient modes of transportation – in efforts to go green. 
Then some 48 minutes into this “Staged Ignorance” speech, we finally hear something about the Iraq and Afghanistan war. We finally hear something about “our” troops engaged away from their homeland. But by now, most Americans had fallen asleep with Obama's speech and it looked as though V.P. Biden himself was bored, or checking his twitter out. So this “staged ignorance” finds credibility in the fact that the troops and the war were left behind, finding a pathetic mention at the end, as a means to disenfranchise the really problem that this country must face - with the wars
Bottom line, this country may as well forget high speed rail systems when we must spend $70-million on a single jet fighter, one that carries a single passenger with payloads costing millions – those hi-tech bombs with eyes. Look, the present day wars find no use for such waste upon the taxpayers. We tried “bunker busting” bombs on the Mountain goats, but mountains are mightier then the crap we think can devastate age old caves. Hey, if Bin Laden is still kicking, we have lost. 
And when one looks at the increased level of crime and deaths in Iraq, with 37 killed today while attending a funeral for policemen that were gunned down, an indication that conflict is far from over with. With reasons to believe that many businessmen here in the states want the conflicts to continue on. Why? For the bottom line. War is making people filthy rich. And if you thought Wall Street CEOs were getting hefty bonuses, check out a CEO of a defense contractor and his or her take home pay, as it redefines arrogance! 
And about those million dollar payloads? Just how much fuel could we buy for a high speed rail car for that same amount, for a passenger rail-car that carries a thousand times more then a jet fighter? Look, this country is going nowhere forward in relation to other nations, when we have war and blood on our hands to contend with. We are still building to destroy, the age old mentality other countries have moved away from. War is outdated! 
Economic wellbeing is front and center over domain building. Work together is what it is all about. All aboard? And the fact that Obama did not make the conflicts a highlight of this Presidential update, well we can see that it is just more of the same on Capital “Corruption” Hill. War is bad, for a nation, for a president's ratings. And now that it is out that Obama will seek another chance at the helm, it is all politics as usual and nothing worthwhile will be produced, not from Obama, not through Congress. 
No wonder “No taxation without representation” is finding a following. So with the 112th, it will become the ultimate “slug fest”. I sat near a trooper on my way down from Fairbanks. I asked him if he was going to watch the president. He didn't have time, as he had to catch a plane to the war zone. So he didn't miss anything, as we see now that our troops have become 6th rate citizens, maybe instead of boot camp, they should have become furniture makers or how about a roofer? 
And what makes it all so more pathetic, is the 14 tetra-byte deficit that this country is facing front and center but ignored by the gatekeepers. See, that means for every dollar spent by Uncle Sam, 40-cents is borrowed from the Wall Street zillionaires, at interest rates that will make you puke and begin to hide away under the bed even those Lincoln head pennies
And it goes like this with most defense contracts. Any project that is deemed necessary by Uncle Sam, in the military arena, it has built in escalating cost factors that are a crying out loud sin of shame. A million dollar project for labor and materials will escalate to $5-million in the end - “mission creep” - and the labor rates don't change, its profit for the CEOs! Privatization is not making this country healthy, but draining us of any semblance of a strong nation with a future. It is theft upon our children's' future! 
Remember the gold plated toilet seat? It was a big joke, but things did not change in the arena of waste upon the taxpayers, so it is what goes on today by many in efforts to rip off my hard earned income, the Treasury is as safe as someone insured by the Gecko. So when I get that warning from my cell-phone, about “No Service”, I know exactly what it means, “staged ignorance” and the wars go on and on and on. “My country t'is of thee, beat up land of less liberty”. 
We vote for Representation. We want Representation. But we get not true Representation. As soon as the vote count is certified, in come the clowns, the lobbyist intent on sabotaging the good will of the people. Look at it like this. A lobbyist has a better chance of getting to wine and dine with the crooks then law abiding citizens, as birds of a feather flock together. And it all boils down to the “buck” and the biggest bang will leave but a pathetic laugh upon what this nation was supposed to stand for – liberty and justice for all
It is a simple equation. War brings a deficit, historically proven. Peace brings with it a balanced budget, and with that maybe a rebate for the taxpayers, or wherein the surplus can be used to update the infrastructure. We have bridges falling down and at the same time lame-brain representatives trying to build bridges to nowhere? In Alaska, we are receiving a high-speed amphibious assault vessel, turned into a ferry nobody will use, all at the expense of the taxpayers. Instead of the waste, give the troops a raise for crying out loud.

So let us see. Keith Olbermann is released from his duties soon after the Republicans take over the House, and hours within Obama's speech? Conspiracy theory, what else. I bet this anchor would have mentioned the president's pathetic speech, with respect to the troops meager coverage. When are they coming home? But let me end with this, as the focus was on no representation for the troops by the Commander-in-Hiding.

I frequent Fairbanks, for work, a military community it is. At 48 below zero, it is not unusual to see young guys walking around with Bermuda shorts, outside like it was summertime. Crazy? Gang banger?

No, as with metal limbs to contend with and knee knobs with no feelings of pain from sun-zero temperatures, this is no freak show. I am talking the thousands of kids coming home with the forever pain of war scars. During the Vietnam conflict Country Joe sang, “Be the first one on your block to have your boy come home in a box”. Nowadays, it is coming home missing in action limbs, for a life in limbo. 
So maybe we have been successful in curtailing the casualties of war, through hi-tech gizmo's made so from defense contractors making it rich, but now we have living corpses, as going through life with such handicaps is something this country need not be proud upon. With that said, our troops deserved much more respect from Obama, but that would have been suicide when political aspirations take over decency. Such “Staged Ignorance” is pathetic, and dangerous in my book!

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