Thursday, January 27, 2011

Time to Boycott NPR

I am appalled at what has happened to a once good network, the NPR, as once upon a time in history it offered an unbiased, slightly liberal approach and opinion on important issues. It was a “True” outlet for democracy. That does not seem to be the case today, like maybe a virus has inflicted good reasoning and fostered a “shoot the messenger” mentality – just like corporate America has been so successful at over the years. Bottom line, it appears that the output from NPR has been tamed, and that can only be attributable to the “Sponsors”. Money talks, money controls. When I wake in the a.m. and hear that Booz Allen Hamilton is s sponsor, it reeks in monopolizing upon the fairness clause of the 1st Amendment. In fact it causes morning sickness, and I am not pregnant. BAH has high profile members in its executive branch that were signatory of the PNAC – Project for a New American Century! It was basically a war machine bent on taking over the world. This organization is responsible for the continued war in Iraq and BAH is heavily endowed in Defense contracts that rakes in millions in the theater, so has no reason for the wars to end. And this same organization has influence from the Carlyle Group – owned in part by the Bush dysentery dynasty. After all the years that I supported NPR, in hopes that it would never bend over, I feel now that I have been sold out. If you can't go it alone by members that are true upholders of democracy and have to turn to corporate corruption for funding, then you my as well hang it up. Thanks NPR for being what I consider a real “Turncoat”. I will be heading up a movement to call upon friends and acquaintances to with-hold support from NPR, a genuine boycott, as we cannot trust the honesty of NPR broadcasts when organizations like BAH are affiliated, wherein one would be better off to turn off the now-biased news and listen to Bob Dylan's “Masters of War”, as that is what you have fallen into by allowing corporations like BAH to advertise support when all they have to prove is a pathetic journey in efforts to ruin this country. Just as pathetic you are to allow such infiltration upon your domain by those that have blood on their hands, now you promote the same, by accepting such sponsors, and that blood runneth over and is polluting the “freedom” airwaves. And think of it this way, maybe Cheney and Bush and and all the other bums will be listening in your broadcasts, realizing that they have taken over yet another once treasured American icon.

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