Sunday, January 16, 2011

United States v. Sarah Palin

United States v. Sarah Palin
In United States vs. WikiLeaks, according to reliable news bound hounds, “U.S. authorities are currently trying to build a legal case against WikiLeaks and some of its collaborators, claiming the release of the files puts lives at risk.” “Lives at Risk”? So that appears to be the crux the authorities argue to establish enough evidence to prosecute this web-site and its owner. Maybe the “collaborators” will be targeted as an accomplish. What a word these days, “Targeted”. See, by leaking information, it is like providing a road map to terrorists or anybody that may want to use such information to get even, that human revenge thing. So we consider a terrorist organization, which in this day and age could amount to many and any group of individuals bent on giving peace “Not a Chance”. Including the “Tea Party”. So WikiLeaks posts some information one of these organizations can use to its advantage. Then this information becomes the element of a “hit list” or plan of attack. So that is where the U.S. legal scholars' efforts to prosecute WikiLeaks resides, as leaking information becomes a thread that can turn to mayhem if not postponed through intervention. “Intervention”, another good word for today! Now this scenario is no different then what Sarah Palin has done with her so-called “Congressional Hit List”, and today the world knows that it has indeed put lives at risk. WikiLeaks, could put lives at risk. Could is the argument. Sarah Palin has accomplished that already, “mission accomplished”! When Palin published her Congressional Hit List, some crack-pot used it as a guide, targeting Gabbie Gifford, as this honorable U.S. Representative was in the cross-hairs of Sarah Palin's web-based “Hit List”. And to get to that preferential target, 18 innocent people received a bullet, now 6 are 6 feet under – including a nine year old girl. So why the hell has not the U.S. government taken the same approach upon Palin? What is with this evil person that even our own government is afraid to make waves, to intervene, at least make it known that this type of “free speech” hinders this freedom – and people die! I guess because the U.S. did not find “Intervention” a viable option before the fact, that it now has to hide in shame, that an assassin has trumped any security efforts and claimed his 18 bullets to fame. But Palin did intervene, after the fact, by taking the “Hit List” down, after the hit on Gifford was successful. Sarah Palin has some guilt this crime, but we have become so weakened a once strong nation that we cannot even separate the cave-men terrorists from home grown terrorists. If Palin is not a home gown terrorist that is bent on overthrowing decency, then just what the hell is the definition of a “terrorist”? Hey, this government is far from perfect, it takes time, we learned that in the 60's. But Guns and Moses is not the solution. I am talking a weapon in one hand and a Bible the other and twitter in between. The sad thing, if Palin had any guts she could maybe help instead of aiming her sights beyond “Great Expectations”, as she is a voice that could maybe help steer this country in the correct direction, almost said “right direction”! But she has not the spirit to demonstrate that she is a true American, one that would prefer to use 1st the word of.... Wait, that is exactly what she did, abused the 1st Amendment and uses the 2nd as a shelter, for protection, how pathetic. John McCain should receive the Nobel Prize, for success at becoming a modern day “Mad Scientist” and creating Sarahstein. She is a MONSTER on the loose! In fact, lets start a whole new chapter in the prize of the year category, the Mad Scientist of the year award! And you thought the Skull & Crossbones was dangerous collaboration! The present day situation surrounding a stalled Congress, foreign wars of nation occupying and a “Tea Party” mentality armed to insane levels and getting direct orders from Palinites, it has placed the 1st and 2nd Amendments at risk, and when these two fundamentals attack each other, we will see the wall come tumbling down, and all the King's men....


  1. My your logic, the Democratic Party are terrorists since look they have the same kind of map as Palin has not so longer with targets on:

  2. "My your logic, the Democratic Party are terrorists"

    Typical right-winger. All about killing lefties and liberals, but when it actually happens - "oh, but look at what the Dems are doing!"

    How about you right-wingers OWN your hate rhetoric for once?
