Sunday, January 16, 2011

Anchorage Bird Count - Day 16

SPAM Magee News Bullet: This is the Day 16th update of the follow-up investigation over the devastation which occurred upon the “Big Wild” - a.k.a. Anchorage, Alaska. The devastation herein referenced upon and fall-out came about when the “Big Wild Assembly” got constipation and became total “assholes” and decided it was OK to lift the “No fireworks” ban, for a measly one night stand, on New Year's Eve. It was Shock & Awe beyond! Anyway, “scout” chickadees are starting to show-up, to test the waters. I can hear their stealth like curiosity as they remain hidden away deep within the spruce trees and occasionally see them fly away, not towards the feeder but in the direction of the BLM Campbell Tract. They are still gun-shy, so it appears that maybe the species are slowly moving back where they once could peacefully cherish a secure winter's supply of nourishment. Before the ban, I could easily get the “chicks” to eat from my hand, especially this time of year. The birds that frequented “My Space” recognized me, so were not afraid my presence when filling the feeders. Today, nothing but a frosted over seed pile! I am saving money, as the feeder remains full of sunflower seeds, no takers. In fact when I questioned the feed store guy, he said that sales are down considerably so far this year, like people have stopped filling the feeders? Maybe this is what to expect from a “Shock & Awe” mentality, nothing but a noisy and useless display of lack of human intelligence!

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