Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sarah Palin “Hit List” Litmus Test

OK, so many are trying to exonerate Sarah Palin, that her web-site's advertisement of a U.S. Representative Congressional Hit List was innocent the most recent mass murder spree in Tuscon, wherein Representative Gifford was gunned down during a meet-n-greet gathering. See, Gifford was targeted by that “Hit List”. So here is the “Litmus Test” that should put to rest Palin's innocence, that she was indeed guilty of this crime to some degree, by allowing the site to have people - Americans - targeted by inclusion in the cross-hairs of a lethal weapon.
Litmus Test 101: If I were to take a perimeter drawing of the White House, and cut and paste a mug shot of Obama then seal that inside the cross-hairs of a gun sight, say with some Simple Simon rhetoric like “You Bet Cha we'll Get Cha” then published it on a blog or public web-site, do you think I would be targeted? Of course, in no time flat by the G-Men. In fact I would probably be frantically looking for a lawyer, as it would be without a doubt considered threatening an official, in this case the President of the United States. Even if I had no intention of performing something stupid like this on my own, it could and would cause crazy people to act, like a road map. And that is exactly what has happened in this most frightening case. There is no difference in what Sarah Palin was doing. She is well versed in guns, something she brags about. She knows what it means to be captured in the sights of a high-powered weapon. So she could not say there was something else behind the web-site posting. And when Palin rushed to dismantle the “Hit List” after the “hit” was made, if this isn't enough to show a competent jury that she was an accomplish this crime, then something is wrong now the American justice system. Where have all the judges gone? Of all the songs of protest and government bullying that Bob Dylan sang about, Palin is bringing it all back into perspective, she is the one to be afraid of, not the government! So if you don't believe this “Litmus Test” outcome, then try it, go ahead, make a cross-hairs threat upon Obama, and see who comes knocking at your door, it won't be Sarah with that murderous smile! And then when your predicament hits the newscasts, she can brag away another lame excuse. I wonder if Sarah's mom and dad are still proud of her? Murder she wrote...maybe the title of her next laugh!

1 comment:

  1. she was an accomplish this crime..

    You mean accomplice to this crime. Unfortunately, bad English usage dilutes the message for the erudite.
