Saturday, January 15, 2011

Anchorage Bird Count – Update Day 14!

SPAM Magee News Bullet: This is the Day 14th update of the follow-up investigation over the devastation which occurred upon the “Big Wild” - a.k.a. Anchorage, Alaska. The devastation herein referenced upon and fall-out came about when the “Big Wild Assembly” got constipation and became total “assholes” and decided it was OK to lift the “No fireworks” ban, for a measly one night stand, just to see how many Wasillabilly's would come into town, to destroy what had been so far a decent city. OK, there came no Wasi's, but the hillbilly mentality came out of the citizens, wherein idiots thought it OK to spend their kids' savings on bottle rockets, and watch their hard earned paycheck go up in smoke. But that one night of shock & awe, it had dire consequences. It scared away the wildlife. Moose are scarce. And still not a sign that the chickadees, magpies and nuthatch have returned to the neighborhood bird feeders - even with minus temperatures. Small species birds have been observed on the perimeter of the BLM Campbell Tract, an indication that the birds retreated away to dense forested areas when the shock & awe commenced. But their “homecoming” chirp is weakened, disheartening at that, not at all a happy song, more in-line with being scared still from a once friendly domain. Maybe a near-starving chirp. Ravens are returning to the Anchorage bowl following the out-of-control fireworks on New Year's Eve, wherein the “No Works” ban was lifted, and the Raven is trying to lure back the other birds. Hey, when Ravens leave, something is definitely screwed up! But the small ones have lost trust. And the Assembly claims it was a success because only one idiot blew his hand off. In the past, Anchorage gained the title of “Brotherly Love”. Then rape artists and the Bill Allens took over, because they became rich. With rapes making tourists beware, this city started downhill. And now, with the blasting zone a reality, it has become a city of fools high on gun-powder. Of course, when this city failed at a referendum to make it a city of equality, a city of diversity, this started the spiral out-of-control lunacy, so what can you expect but more hot air. And we had enough of that already, from Jerry Prevo! Anyway, the birds seems to be coming back to what was once friendly territory. But that may be short lived, as the “Asshole” mentality of the assembly wants to lift the ban forever. So those that had taken a fancy and enjoyment at feeding our beloved birds, to help them through the winter, well stop, as it is just entrapment. Lure them in with goodies, then obliterate their peace and quiet with a night of nightmares that makes us all appreciate what our young troops are going through. Occupation? I guess so, by a few for a few. Damn, the righteous loose out again!

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