Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wicked Witch of the North

Gabe Zimmerman: “A dad's best friend”, so Sad!

Sarah Palin: “Hitler's best friend”, so Mad!

“You Bet Cha”? How about “We Got Cha”! Yes, there is “Blood on the Tracks” here in Alaska, following Sarah Palin's pathetic journey continuation over that “Bridge to Nowhere” in efforts to destroy this country. She is Hitler in disguise, no doubt about it. Just look at her evil demeanor! Yet, she finds every opportunity to hide and seek revenge, when she once again finds a ways and means to be stupid, her IQ only MO. Why this wicked person has still a following, it goes to show that we live in a country, once a nation, that is on the brink of Harry Carey. People are desperate, so seek snake oil wisdom for temporary relief, and Palin dishes it out with as much fortitude as a politician campaigning with “Trust Me”. I just watched an interview with Gabe Zimmerman's dad, how sad. Gabe was gunned down at the Tuscon shoot-out, an innocent victim of Palin's premeditative motives. That is why such preponderance of guilt found Palin quick to alter her web-site, wherein she tried again her hide and seek revenge tactics. Hey, the proof is in the poison pudding. If not guilty some participation this crime, then why rush to take down the “hit list” that targeted one of the meet-n-greet shoot-out victims? Yes victim, as still alive with half a brain bulletized! And we see today what some say is a miracle, that “Gabbie” is responding to child like inquiries. That is not a miracle! One step forward, a whole life backwards? All because she was on the hit list! Palin's wishes have come true, so sadly. A miracle would be seeing Palin go down for the count. There exists today more than enough pure unadulterated evidence that should have placed Palin in custody, at least detained until she could prove that she was innocent. What about innocent until proven guilty? She has worn out that freedom. In Alaska, the State Constitution trumps the U.S. Constitution under “the right to free speech”. Article 1 Section 5: “Every person may freely speak, write, and publish on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right.” So this law provides the remedy, under the clause “responsible for the abuse of that right”. But the authorities are wimps, as they realize that such a stance – to incarcerate Palin as an accomplice this murderous spree – it would force her prostitute posse of Hitlerites to disrupt what little peace and quiet remains from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans. More blood shed would follow, as she has protection from an idiotic following that cannot count to 10 before Armageddon triggers a reaction, wherein this idiotic following armed above and beyond any sane level can shoot at 10 bystanders - Americans - within a wink of an eye. Another Palin subliminal trait – the wink. Palin is guilty, of exciting a riotous climate here in the states, just because she has failed time and time again. She failed her time as a mayor(Book Banning), failed as a State Regulatory commissioner(Breaking into a co-workers computer), as a governor(Half baked), as a VP potential(Mad Scientist John McCain's Sarahstein creation), as a host of some crap like Alaskan fake show, so she has the mentality with guts and now the power and money to take everybody down that path to fail-dom, including this “My country T'is of Thee”! Again, so much like Hitler, as there is no gain to such fame. She is a “MONSTER”! Wake up America! So now that the smoke has cleared, we find innocent victims her hit list wish list being full-filled, I guess like Bush's “mission accomplished”. Palin in my book will go down as an infidel Hitler accomplish, which makes me ponder that McCain would have been better off as a lifelong POW. Sorry, but what McCain has done for this country by bringing Sarah Palin front and center for his own personal goals is treasonous, and now murderous. People's brains are getting blown away, 9-year old kids are being blown away, innocent people are caught in Palin's cross-hairs and McCain remains silent protected by his wealth and power. We were lucky with Wikeapedia, as there has come no new dictionary's published, with George Bush's mugshot, as a reminder of an out-of-control administration. And we are glad that all time capsules have been sealed, before Palin's reign, as if intelligent life had evidence of a Palin like dynasty disease, following a Bush error(not a typo) dysentery dynasty, then we are doomed for intergalactic friendship as no intelligent life would ever want to befriend us. And what makes it all so sad, this shoot-out, the fact that it comes when we are supposed to be preparing to celebrate Dr. Martin Luthur King's journey, which has a whole different meaning then Palin's pathetic “Nowhere Tour” journey. Think about it, one brings us closer to heaven, the other closer to hell! Things are getting hot, especially when we are looking down the barrel of a loaded gun. So today I urge all my fellow Americans who have had enough of Sarah Palin to write or e-mail the Alaska Attorney General requesting that the law department look into the fact that Palin did indeed go a little too far with free speech, with the publication of a “hit list” and the fact that a member of that hit list has become a victim, and with that, the fact that this is an abuse of Palin's Constitutional freedoms - which is a felony and she should be incarcerated without bail for “risk of fright” and tried before a competent “No Tea Party Allowed” jury. King had a dream, so did Gifford, so do true Americans that have had enough of Palin!

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