Monday, January 17, 2011

Anchorage Bird Count Update 17

SPAM Magee News Bullet: This is the Day 17th update of the follow-up investigation over the devastation which occurred upon the “Big Wild” - a.k.a. Anchorage, Alaska. The devastation herein referenced upon and fall-out came about when the “Big Wild Assembly” got constipation and became total “assholes” and decided it was OK to lift the “No fireworks” ban, for a measly one night stand, on New Year's Eve. It was Shock & Awe beyond! Anyway, in celebration of MLK day, the birds have returned. Not in the normal numbers usually seen this time of year when natural food is scarce, but numbers are increasing at a healthy rate. BRAVO. But it may be short lived, as in a few weeks time it will be the Chinese New Year, which occurs the day after Ground Hog's Day. And if the Stool Stuck Assembly has it their way, the “No Fireworks” ban will be but a thing of the past and the wildlife will suffer. But for today, it is a true celebration in honor of MLK's strive for peace as without the shock & awe, nature rests in peace.

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