Monday, January 17, 2011

Light Bulb Shopping

Don't you just love the now generation, and all the hi-tech gadgets they come equipped with? It is almost the Dick Tracy generation come true. Not only a birth certificate at birth these days, as that take home bag for mommy has more then diapers! Multitasking is in, as this “now” generation can do all kinds of things at the same time, except concentrate. I went looking for an RS232 cable the other day. Even the Geeks had trouble trying to figure out what I needed. But they get even more confused and amused when I try to tell them that once upon a time not too long ago I had responsibility for a hi-tech computer that was used on the pipeline, to measure the oil coming into Pump Station 1. Yes indeed, at the time the Eagle with 4k memory was way beyond compare, with 16” floppy drives and when necessary, a reboot with that nasty tape drive. I congratulate myself for letting the celluloid get loose one day and filling the control room with mayhem. Nowadays, I get confused trying to buy light bulbs. And what the hell is a terror-byte drive? How many zeros? How many songs? Sign of the times I guess. But in this day and age of the scenery going with the greenery, how come I can buy a new printer cheaper then what it costs to buy ink refill cartridges?

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