Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Joe's Bar & Grille - Maui

“The site has blocked you from posting new comments.”

The above message is what I find myself up against today when trying to access the Anchorage Daily News' on-line publication public comments section, in efforts at exercising my 1st Amendment Right in trying to respond with opinionated feedback on the article posted yesterday about yet another failed Alaskan sized project. “Failed” so defined in this case finds credibility when U.S. Taxpayer money is abused, as is the case herein with the Anchorage Port Expansion Project headed up by none other then Bill “Casey Jones” Sheffield. This guy has to be high on something? And with the failure thing, I am not talking Sarah Palin's Alaska(boring), or Ice Road Truckers(ridiculous), or Ax Men(idiotic) or Gold Rush(can't these outside jerks be arrested?). I am talking real failure! Why are boring, ridiculous idiots that should be arrested trying to be wannabe Cheechakoes, who have not an iota of an idea what this state means to most of us? Really, that is what it appears Alaska is all about these days, crap reality! Once upon a time citizens of Alaska were treated like celebrities with respect, when traveling outside, wherein talk about the wilds and mountains set the stage for conversation. Now, its a pathetic mess, just like the Anchorage Port Expansion Project. See, I guess someone went upset when I misspelled Bill Sheffield's name in an early morning response to the port project, wherein I was still hung over. Actually, it was my new computer's software that made the correction, without my permission. What a Christmas present, as it was an appropriate adjustment! Just like Shitfield has done, again, by wasting taxpayers' hard earned income on his “Pet Peeve Port Project”. Think of it this way. If you were a CEO and had a project that was 1000% over budget and now delayed 10 years because what appears to be mismanagement and customers once interested are selling away their assets originally designated for the project, would you be concerned? But I was glad to see the plans of the port published in the paper, as I could see that a “floating dock” was included, stuck way off in the outer edges of the massive port we don't need, or want for that matter. Remember when the once quaint Anchorage airport needed a bigger building to advertise Ted Stevens' name in lights, we ended up paying $10 more for a round-trip-ticket! Egad, the “Bridge to Nowhere”, it keeps on giving! As far as the floating dock, what for you may ask? Well when our Congressional crocks could not get or hide away enough money to build that “bridge”, it exercised the option, by believing Bill Allen needed a ferry, to transport filth in numbers between two unknown ports of call – a tax shelter I would assume. Yes crocks, as the way the taxpayers' money is arrested away then sleazily distributed, it is a crime that should be punishable by pie throwing sentencing, or something that gets the point across. The fathers of the Constitution insisted on inclusion of a “No” pain and “No” suffering clause. If I have to work more just to maintain, because too much tax garnishment is straining my income and diminishing that pursuit to happiness, it is painful and not only do I suffer, so does my family, as more time at work means more time away from loved ones. So one thing the Alaska delegation was best at was the ultimate hording and prejudice dispersion of that wealth, with it a whole lot of pain and suffering. We pay, they play. If you ever realized just how many “millionaires” were made by the Alaskan congressional delegation over the years, you would puke with madness. And it wasn't just wealth making for a few endowed Alaskans, as it appears now that the wealth runneth over and outsiders have joined in this Ken Lay Bernard Madoff good ol' boy giveaway program. Endowed means a member of the “Corrupt Bastards Club”. Stimulus is not a new concept with government and or invented by Obama. I would have to say that the 3 Stooges were the designers this government welfare program. That was Don Young, Ted Stevens and Frank Murkowski. It went on for years. But today we see another sad affair, with the Anchorage Port Project making headline news. Not for the Opening Day, but whether or not the project is still feasible, after spending close to $300-million already, most of it taxpayer loot and all we have to show so far is a bunch of twisted metal panels that cannot stand up to the wake from the amphibious assault vessel – a.k.a. the M.V. Susitna. What do you mean the boat is delayed? What do you mean it needs more stimulus? And a $5-million dollar floating dock, because Shitfield can't get a landing permit, as the boat is too powerful? With the port and every other project made possible by the generosity of taxpayer loot through the generosity of the stimulus stooges, much of it from taxpayer infusion also know as earmarks, the new estimates from Bill Shitfield himself is that the “port” project will cost over a billion! So who has gained buck-wise this now new failure? Sidebar: This is nothing new, as almost every project that has come this way to Alaska has been met with cost overruns. It is an inherent weakness that has made Alaska famous, for waste. What in hell reason is there for building a rocket launch facility on Kodiak Island? One that costs $14-million a year just to maintain, and as many rockets to blast off as trains leaving the Shitfield depot with tourists! But nobody complains, as overruns and delays, well it just keeps the paycheck coming for the workers. And makes the friends and acquaintances of the Stooges rich and famous. Just ask Bill Allen and Bimbo, and maybe Railroad Bill also! So there comes no incentive to do it righteously, to have earmark funded projects celebrating on time and on budget success. I worked in the oil fields, it is a whole lot different. Best way to find yourself a one-way ticket off the slope is to get lazy, to prolong a project. It just doesn't work to a workers advantage to act this way. If a project in the patch is done on time and on budget, it stimulates other projects. So who is involved in the money tree behind this “Port Expansion Project”?

According to reliable sources: “Both ICRC and VSE(Parent company of ICRC which landed the lucrative contract to manage the port expansion) have strong track records in serving the Federal government market. ICRC’s areas of expertise include information technology, advanced vehicle technology, engineering, materials and components testing, and infrastructure development. The company’s current projects include providing enterprise IT services to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; managing advanced vehicle research and development projects for the U.S. Army; conducting aerospace testing for NASA; and overseeing the intermodal expansion of the Port of Anchorage.

Carl Williams is the President and COO of ICRC. Mr. Williams joined the ICRC Team in 1999 and was promoted to his current position in 2007. Carl has directed ICRC’s rapid growth doubling resources, revenues, and profits over the last five years. His day-to-day responsibilities include the operational management of ICRC’s four divisions to include strategic, infrastructure & resource planning, financial management, as well as providing for ICRC’s internal information technology resources. From the inception, Carl has been directly involved in the development and deployment of ICRC’s information technology systems as the company’s resources and needs expanded over the past 8 years.

James Lexo serves as VSE’s Executive Vice President of Strategic Planning and Business Initiatives, as well as Chief Administrative Officer. In 1996, Mr. Lexo co-founded ICRC, which at that time was a start-up company with revenues less than $200,000. Over the next ten years, revenues increased dramatically and in 2005, exceeded $100 million. ICRC was acquired by VSE in 2007 and is now reported as the Infrastructure Group.
Mr. Lexo managed small to mid-sized businesses for 19 years mostly focused on federal contracting. From 1985 to 1995, he served as Vice President of International Research Group, which facilitated the transfer of technology from Europe to the U.S. Prior to that position, he was the Administrative Aide to Congressman Don Young of Alaska after having worked for the Republican National Committee.
Akimeka, founded in 1997, is a fast-growing native Hawaiian company that provides specialized technology solutions mostly for government agencies, including the U.S. Department of Defense. The company graduated from SBA's 8(a) program a few years ago, and has expanded since then.
Vasconcellos(Akimeka CEO) succeeds last year's SBA man of the year award winner, Beverly Gannon, the award-winning chef and owner of Haliimaile General Store and Joe's Bar on Maui.
So here it is in a nutshell. A Washington. D.C. WAR machine has infiltrated. We have ties this project to Don Young, through Mr. Lexo. We have ties to the RNC, through Mr. Lexo and we all know that Bill, even though he tries to come on as a democrap, Bill “Blow Hard” Shitfield is known for his republican fund raising extravaganzas at his fort in Anchorage, wherein the Allen VECO barbecue grill is used. Then the leftovers are sent to the Park Strip, for the peasants. I wonder if that barbecue was built with government funds? Like Ted's spread down in Girdwood. And we can find ties to Ted Stevens, through Hawaii's Senator Innuendo, Ted's brother, as Akimeka is a native corporation and trying to enjoy the same prosperity as the Alaskan Native Corporations have, with no bid multi-billion dollar military and government contracts. ICRC seems to be making it rich, because there are today two wars going on! What are they going too do when the troops return? That is maybe why the port project is out-of-control. The management mindset of these mega-corporations engaged in the conflicts – soldiers of fortune – care not too see an end to the money making kid killing affairs. And the CEO of Akimeka, well he is the winner this year, for SBA man of the year, taking over the reigns from Joe's Bar & Grille, last year's winner. A bar owner probably just making the pay grade, the other reaping in zillions in profits, some from the Shitfield project. SBA man of the year, give me a break! But it's all OK. See, I am sure that Young did not want the port completed on his watch, as it provides the tourists a bird's eye view of the failed wood chip facility, which will be but a stones throw away when and if Shitfield is successful in turning the inlet into a parking lot. How the hell did he get a permit for this? Ties to the EPA? So as tourists arrive at Ted's runway, they are first off greeted by the failed Bill Shifield's Train Depot. In 5 years of operation before bankruptcy, 2 trains and one wedding party. The wood chip thing, one and a half loads shipped out, before bankruptcy. And now we have a project that is 10 years delayed and will cost a whole lot of extra money to complete. How much is Mr. Shithead making every year for this boondoggle? But wait there's more. Why not just use the entire port expansion as a burial ground, for the M.V. Susitna, because when it arrives it will be DOA. That boondoggle, another gift courtesy Don Young, is also delayed and needs more money. Sorry, that waste of steel is courtesy of the U.S. Taxpayers through a defense appropriation bill, when that money could have been used to protect our troops, or how about a raise Mr. Congressman? The total waste that this state has allowed over the years, even though it may have created jobs, it in the end has proven a total disrespect for the hard earned money of the U.S. Taxpayers. For one all important reason, with the infinite money tree, it did not force this state to start and maintain a sustainable jobs infrastructure. Why? It was easier being a welfare recipient. That is it in a nutshell. Alaska has become the poster child of the age old republican argument about all and any welfare program. But what they don't realize in their argument is the fact that it is no different to what has been allowed to occur here in Alaska. When this state was receiving $3-dollars on the dollar from the U.S. Treasury, a red light should have warned the gatekeeper. And early on those that preached it could be done, a sustainable jobs infrastructure, those that said it could be done were run out of town. If this state did it right, back some 30-years ago and we did today have a sustainable jobs infrastructure, wherein our college grads could stay put instead of flight out of here, then that would have allowed us to wean ourselves away from pork. It would have meant no need for the dysentery dynasty that started with the 3-stooges, and today we see more of the same. Hundreds have made it filthy rich the shenanigans that was allowed through Alaskan pork-economics, distributed by and through the “Corrupt Bastards Club”. And the only thing this state has to show for it is failure after failure after failure and more to come. So in my book, history will show that power and might in the end is bad all around. The real sad thing is that the waste, cost overruns and delays could have been avoided if local hire had been given the project management contract, instead of some forced association with a company started with Don Young's help. There are many competent project management companies right here in Alaska, that could have seen to it that this project would not end up like all the rest, FAILED. Bill can I buy you a one way ticket to Failure-ville, a good retirement home for you along with Allen's barbecue. Hey, remember the nosebleed affair! You are a joke and will go down as a failure, along with your crappy attitude towards ethic responsibility. Do us all a favor, quit. Hey, it made Palin famous, so why not walk the talk?

1 comment:

  1. I can't read your post effectively without a paragraph every now and then.
    That said, I am probably in agreement with most of it.
    Sheffield, Binkely,Samuels and most of all and prominent, John Shively, can be found near any still-steaming pile.
    Connect the dots to the Alaska Senate, especially when considering Sheffield's permanent live-in.
