Monday, February 15, 2010

Must be a Typo!

Dear Leonard Pitts; Esquire, Miami Herald:

I believe there was a typo or printing malfunction made present upon your editorial found in the Anchorage Daily Stool, in Sunday’s edition under the “Daily News Opinion”. Maybe this mistake occurred when you were using the “paste” option made available with modern day word processing. Or it is possible that Mrs. Palin’s name wrecks havoc with the Intel. It went to print like this: “Mrs. Palin, you are an avatar of the shameless hypocrisy and cognitive disconnection that have driven our politics for the last decade, a process of stupidification creeping like kudzu over our national life”. I do believe that you meant it to read as "Congress” in charge of this “avatar” moment or movement instead of Mrs. Palin! As when the “shoe to screw fits, they wear it so well”. And that “avatar” thing, remember, it no longer takes 3D glasses to see the true dimension of things “stupidfied” by a crappy leadership. And in your editorial ending, with “Run Sarah Run”, it should warn “Run Congress Run”, because it is not only the “teabags” let loose that feel disenfranchised by a “stool stuck” congress, but all true Americans should feel the same, and take some sort of action. Hey, maybe that caption, so deserved ownership by Congress past and present than upon Sarah, it could have made for a great Sunday morning puzzler! It goes like this:

Great American Puzzler(Multiple Choice KISS principle):

Question: “ __________ you are an avatar of the shameless hypocrisy and cognitive disconnection that have driven our politics for the last decade, a process of stupidification creeping like kudzu over our national life”.

a) U.S. Congress b) Rush Limbaugh c) Glenn Beck d) Ann Coulter
e) Bill O’Reilly f) Shawn Hannity g) the list that keeps on giving…..

Is it true that Dave Barry is running for President? Is he taking donations?

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