Monday, January 25, 2010

America’s Greatest Threat

So Bin Laden is alive and well, again trying to raise praise terrorist defined activities in the friendly skies! Now anybody that would place an insane incendiary device capable of igniting with temperatures so heated that it would melt steel, placing such a devise in their undergarment, would you want such idiocy as part of your game plan? But today, this country’s biggest threat is not Bin Laden, as he has laid low for several years. America’s biggest threat upon the trinity - life, liberty and pursuit of happiness - is not from abroad but homegrown. Today, this yet another threat upon us is clear and convincing, which seems to get reinforcements each and everyday it is allowed to exist as a bonafide threat. It is called American Greed. When one continues to hear the horror stories behind so-called Americans continuing to rip off the system, to rip off the Treasury, it is so mind boggling sinful that maybe our “WAR” efforts are miss-directed! Maybe we are way off course the major reason this country is tanking and on the brink of an economic and ethical TILT. Now for a long time it was those on welfare that held the distinguished label of con-artist typical rip-off artist, taking advantage of Uncle Sam’s generosity. Nowadays, it isn’t those in need of a handout, but individuals involved in taking advantage of government contracts. Even though Medicare and Medicaid continues to help this country sink economically, by a checks and balance system that continues to send out more checks to participating doctors and hospitals wherein this “balance” is just a suggestion, there has come before us the serious rip-off artists. The system is infiltrated by “crooks”, including those that represent Congress. But unfortunately the latter were honestly elected, so have immunity. But these real crooks, they have no qualms boasting the fact that it is rip-off central when dealing with Uncle Sam. Hey, what gives with this type of mentality? And a whole bunch of these CEOs engaged in this rip-off scam have degrees from what are supposed to be reputable institutes of higher learning, like Yale and Harvard and….And these thieves have American citizenship! They walk and talk the American line! Talk about a smoke-screen attempt to cover the truth. I am talking these fly-by-night outfits that are taking advantage of economic gains through involvement upon the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am talking scoundrels that see fit to handcuff Uncle Sam, with ransom notes demanding payments for basically “Nothing”! It is happening all around. I bet if you look up and down your neighborhood, there is one freak-show citizen within punching bag distance that will head off to work today with one and only one intent, getting laid, I mean getting paid for finding even more ways to hijack the U.S. Treasury. And here is the sad fact of the matter. This is not a crime that can be solved and eliminated overnight by laws, as there seems to always be this “loop-hole” bailout clause. When this country’s citizens hear the call to Patriotism and realize that it is “our” government that they are so intent on stealing away the crown jewels and realize this is not the way it is supposed to work, then maybe Lincoln’s head will not look so heavy, so tired, and then and only then will this country find itself on the road to recovery. In the meantime, can we get a security detail at the Treasury? Oh, it was outsourced to save money but is costing us twice as much and the armored guards have more important things to do, like turning a blind eye as their bosses run off with un-accounted for loot, for bonuses! Sad fact of the matter, the checks are not counterfeit, the checks have no bounce except the fact that it seems that it can bounce from one CEO court of approval to another CEO’s court of approval and still get cashed, like these crooks have indeed succeeded at one all-important impossibility, perpetual motion! And it is making me dizzy, please stop this train before it wrecks, please stop and let me off, as I want nothing to do with homegrown terrorists fulfilling Bin Laden’s ultimate threat, that of economic doom! We are becoming our own worst enemy!

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