Friday, February 26, 2010

Common Cold CURE!

After watching the Health Care Summit, I was compelled to write my President and Congress, with a suggestion;

Dear Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, Madam Speaker and Members of the Congress, House & Senate:

Thanks for taking the opportunity to televise the Health Care Summit at Blair House. And now that the pundits from both sides of the isle are gainfully engaged in figuring out “who” won, maybe, just maybe there is hope. See, what was rather interesting about the debate is the fact that the Republicans think they represent the American people’s dreams, desires and opinions and at the same time the same sentiment from the Democrats. “Who’s on 1st?” According to polls, each side is dividedly split pretty equal on this reform, with health care. So, why not a “Special Vote”, just like many states allow and perform during a “Special Election” when it is required to fill a void or get legislation “For the People”, “By the People”, wherein it is best to let the “People” decide an outcome? Mr. President, you have the power of the pen, the “Executive Privilege”, to request a “Special Vote” on this complex and so far time consuming and dedicated reform issue. With a “Special Vote” orchestrated by the White House and solely “For the People”, then the outcome of the Health Care reform would be “By the “People”, an outcome that places acceptance or denial on the populace. With that, the outcome cannot be blamed on bipartisan bickering. Sure there will come all sorts of campaigning, to sway this way or that, but that is the system we have before us today. In the end, it would be the “People” making the final decision. But here is a situation that can be used to sway the “People” towards accepting reform, the American way! There is already before us a test case of success, wherein it is “Big Government” in control of people’s health concerns. It is called the “Alaskan Native Tribal Health Care Consortium”. As found in Alaska, providing the best health care available to the indigenous people. In fact, “Helping Shape Health Care” is this consortium’s motto and found on advertisements throughout Alaska. It works, and Americans should see no other reform, no less, no more, as this is the true litmus test of success, wherein it is a system of merit providing modern day health care under the watchful eye of “Uncle Sam”. So I hope to soon see a “Special Vote”, it is that critical and decisive an issue. It is not up to Congress to move this forward, it is ours now to contend with. So please Mr. President, take the time to consider a “Special Vote”. This will make it easy for everybody and show that it was not just something engaged upon for points, but something you placed before the people, “For the People”, because you care! Peace be with you and upon your family and cabinet.

With Respect, S. Pam MaGee – An American with Medical Insurance!

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