Friday, January 15, 2010

Sarah, Oh Sarah!

Who asked me? That is, my opinion on what Sarah Palin left as a legacy. For a long time and almost a mainstay in that category, it was Drill Baby Drill. The fallout of such will show its ugly face sooner then later here in Alaska, when the tundra ranks in comparison to “Love Canal”, it’s coming to a neighborhood bird refuge near you! But can she be blamed for any adverse effects this irresponsible exploration and exploitation push on that fallows this “drill now plan later” mentality? She just reinforced the wheels already in motion as Alaska’s governess, so the regulators are the true responsible party, and we see each day with each new spill – not only in Prudhoe Bay but fuel spills all along the Alaskan coastline – that any oversight is missing in action. Probably those with that responsibility are stuck in line trying to get Palin’s autograph, or afraid to perform their duty, afraid just like Congress. And Sarah started an entirely new chapter with respect to Peyton Place and National Enquirer type paparazzi rhetoric and harassment. Not to forget was her debut into the fashion wardrobe world, Jerry Springer action figures and not to forget the McCain follies. But more credit is due Sarah. Early on in her career, Sarah had no problems taking on the powerful bureaucratic entities in and around Alaska. And talk about taking on adversary? She had no problem wrestling away the governor’s seat from Frank. Maybe she didn’t realize what she was doing, but it worked. Palin had no problems taking on the head of the GOP, when he was caught “red handed” using paid state time and state assets to breed more GOP followers. Palin performed a “rat out” on one of her own! She even had not a problem taking on Russia, by telling the world she could see this Rogue-Rouge nation from her bathroom window, like she was not afraid that this far from democracy government was so close to Alaska. From her backyard! So maybe it is time for credit where credit is due. Sarah Palin has taken on the world. She has no bounds and no restrictions taking on anybody or any entity, for reason or not. To that gift, credit is due. Like has been the time tested saying, we choose our battles. Seems Sarah has no ties or limits to this rule, and for her the sky seems the limit. We should all take something from this mentality, reckless or not, as it is needed today. The way “Big Government” has captured, rather incarcerated our freedoms, the way Congress has failed the American people time and time again, out of desperation maybe we have no choice but to take on Goliath. Now I am not a Sarah Palin fan, except for this single quality. She has “balls”! Taking on the “Big Show” is what is missing in action today by the citizens of this once great nation. It appears we would rather take a back seat and let “our” country go to ruins. Look, there is only a handful of crooks performing this national lobotomy upon righteousness and stealing away the U.S. Treasury. At last count it was like less then 500 strong, so we outnumber the crooks 60-million to 1! What are we waiting for? What are we afraid of? So Sarah may not be fit for the presidency, she may not be fit for any other public office in the future, but we must put aside our distrust and dissatisfaction and give credit were credit is indeed due, even for just a short spell. Remembering that she was fit to take on controversy, take on inept government, take on even McCain’s back stage back stabbing staff, so it shows no favoritism and pure John Wayne guts, signifying that she has Constitutional fortitude - something fatality missing in action today on the Hill and almost a thing of the past for “We the People”. So to lessons learned. We need to take the same stand against insane rulers, gatekeepers and make it known that even though we are only one voice, just a “Lone Ranger” individual trying to keep safe what is Constitutionally ours by birth, that being the enjoyment of life, liberty and a continued pursuit to happiness, and that together “We are ONE” and can make a big difference. If we only cared and tried individually to at least be heard, just like Sarah has been overly successful at, so far! And one thing seems to be missing her bag of tricks: If you can’t beat them, join them. Maybe it is time for something more appropriate today’s climate, Palin style: If you can’t join them, beat them. Where do I sign up? Hey, did Dylan write a song about Sarah a long, long time ago? Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands? “Oh, who among them do they think could bury you?…Who among them do they think could carry you?…Who among them can think he could outguess you?…Who among them would try to impress you?…But why did they pick you to sympathize with their side?…Oh, who among them do you think could destroy you.”

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