Saturday, January 16, 2010

Crap Shoot

Why is it that the Clintons – both Bill & Hillary – must use misery as another opportunity for a photo-shoot? “Here we are, come and flash us….Hurry up Hillary, where’s your fake smile showing you love me…Up yours Bill”. Has anybody got some extra CIALIS? Its hard-on medicine, “so you can be ready anytime the moment is right”. If extra dosage is found, send it to Bill and maybe the couple can stay home this weekend, safe and away from more destructive Americanism. So why in hell Madame Hillary is encouraged to take a plane to Haiti, it is ridiculous interference. According to her taxpayer-funded spokesperson, Hillary wants a first hand look at the destruction in Port-au-Prince. Hillary, just turn on your twitter! This is 2010! The time and efforts wasted trying to get your fat butt down there is time and efforts taken away from humanitarian aid needed so desperately right now, don’t clog up the arteries of help – not now. Bottom line, the Clintons are remains of freak show family politics. Bill ruined the U.S. Presidency; it has never been the same since his terms of endangerment and may never regain the statute and status that position once enjoyed, with men like Washington and Lincoln at the helm. After Bill and Hillary it was Bush and Laura, and I recommend cutting George’s mug-shot out of every new Webster’s and replacing it with that of Alfred E. Neuman. As far as Obama, the new kid on the block, seems like a failed civics lesson on what taxation and the U.S. Treasury really stands for. It is not a perpetual Willy Wonka candy factory! When is enough just that? And if Pelosi would just show up to officiate meaningful legislation instead of spending days in Botox makeovers or withdrawals, maybe this country could be what it is supposed to be, a leader instead of a lender. Look, the terrorists are alive and well, right here on the Homeland, just look at the individuals receiving gigantic bonuses after the taxpayers’ bailout and that points to the guilty. “fake” Americans ripping off “True” Americans. It accounts for widespread looting, and this is the United States, not Haiti. The Clinton’s have enough “skeleton closets” and past deeds of mistrust that they should just go away, and be heard only when necessary, like Jimmy Carter. You don’t see Carter trying to get in on the action right away. Has Bill ever strutted a hammer blow for Houses for Humanity? No, for the Clinton’s it is all money and fame and a run at more power. Just go away! At least that is one thing comforting about George, he has fallen off the map! Look, when Bill had an affair in the Oval Office and lied to American, he burned the bridges forever with ethics. The Whitehouse should have been torched, or at least the Oval should have been renovated. And Hillary was given her new position just as payback, as things remain the same in Washington, pathetic. Not to blame Obama, but Congress is indeed suffering from ED – Erectile Dysfunction. Now if taking the prescription, one of the “Uncommon Side Effects Include”: “An erection that won’t go away. Loss of vision and hearing”. Sounds just like Congress today! So maybe they are all overdosed on CIALIS! Look, this country should have been better ready for a disaster upon a neighboring country like Haiti. But remember Katrina? When our military is tired, when our equipment to fight or aid other brothers and sisters in need is broken and worn-out, what do we expect? All the money wasted trying to force upon others not American democracy but cronyism, it is starting to wear us out. And humanitarian aiding, it is one thing this country does do well. So maybe that should be this country’s emphasis and focus for the future and a mission yet to accomplish. Instead of occupying, how about humanifying? Maybe it is time to turn the tides and focus on an entirely different mindset. Look, we have enough bombs – nuclear – in the arsenal to obliterate everything. So why be afraid of anything? Can you imagine what freedom this country would enjoy if tomorrow the arms of the army went replaced with tools to modernize the 3rd world nations, if the rifle was replaced with the sickle, for food production? Or replaced by the hammer for building homes and schools? Just imagine if our goal today were to make hunger a thing of the past by next year and then soon after no human would go unsheltered? We have the know how, we have the time and talent, we just have not the leadership as that has been sold to whores wearing blue dresses, drug dealing CEOs, maggot bankers and gun runners. And “We the People” suffer, as neglect upon our brothers and sisters is neglect upon our pride!

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