Sunday, January 17, 2010

Oh Sweet Success!

The sweet smell of success! I catch a whiff of it every time I drive down past Tudor and Elmore intersection. It’s the SouthCentral Foundation’s ANHC – Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. You can’t miss it, as it shows off more a university setting then a “co-pay & bag’m” facility like that found over on Providence Drive. And it appears the ANHC campus continues to grow, now sporting a covered garage for staff, visitors and patients alike. So not only does this modern hi-tech facility provide health care second too none, it provides jobs for the construction crews. No doubt good paying “union” jobs, or possibly Davis Bacon wages. And I understand the famed ANHC has a record of rating that almost denies the chance of staff infection. Beyond that, this outfit has something to be proud of, besides winning a heck of a lot of awards for patient care. It tops the scale with respect to preparedness and readiness to respond in the event of a national emergency. It is the only facility in Alaska that sports such credentials, based on patient to medical staff ratios and available equipment. Basically, over-crowding is not an issue. And over at the airport, there is an advertisement that boasts to travelers and tourist this success story: “Alaska Native People Shaping Health Care - SouthCentral Foundation”. On the website for this institution - pointing out Public Law 638 titled “Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act” - that since the foundation’s start-up, it has dramatically increased its patient clientele base with a whole bunch of statistics that makes me want to sign up for this kind of first rate treatment. Now this health facility itself is gigantic, sizing in bigger then the two other “public” ER’s combined. The IHS acts as the principle federal heath advocate for Indian people. Its goal is to ensure comprehensive heath services for American Indians and Alaska Natives and to raise their health status to the highest possible level. “The Highest Possible Level”, what a mission statement, what a goal achieved! So, this is the proof in the pudding. This is basically “public” healthcare success in disguise. The only thing that keeps the public out is the fact that it is a system reserved today for those of Indian blood and heritage. But it is a show of “our” government at work and engaged in health care, at least to the point of providing guidance and the seed money through grants for its continued operation. So without confusion and no need for further debate, this is what health care for all should be modeled after. In fact, with a vote for a public option health care plan managed by an outfit like this with already a proven success, what more could any American ask for with respect to health care? Nothing, as this works. And it can be expanded and work for all of America. The blueprint for success is right here, right in front of Congress, as they oversee the IHS funding and know exactly this success story. So we have before us a proven system, executed by the government, funded by the government and complaints seem to be few and far between. It is a plan good enough for all citizens of this country. Congress started this, they know about it, then what are they afraid of?

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