Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Seek and Thou Shall Find

They never tell us the bad news. They never tell us the truth. So it is still much of the same - nonsense. I am talking the state bureaucrats that once upon a time hid under the umbrella of the “Corrupt Bastards Club”. It is hard to break old habits. Maybe the entire cast can audition for “Intervention”! Now today I am talking the use of that umbrella to hide the amount of diesel spilled just a few weeks back by an escort tug in Prince Williams’ Sound. You would think this finding in report form to the public with the final tally would be front-page news once the spill size in question was official, maybe along side the front pager advertising the fact that the EXXON spill of 89 continues with its adverse effects, as crude oil lingers on deep down in the mudflats found along the coastlines in and around the Sound. But we must rely on some guy from Philly to tell us the bad news. What happened to homegrown concerns? Did this state outsource all its research? Did responsibility go down the drain? Was Bill Allen that effective? So what ever happened to local hire? See, the regulators in Alaska are indeed asleep at the wheel. So in today’s Anchorage Daily Stool, a little blurb not part of the news but in the “Public Notice” section found way in the back past all the adds and other boring bull-crap, it is claimed by Crowley’s mismanagement department that 6140 gallons of diesel spilled into the sound when the Pathfinder rammed into Bligh Reef. That’s a lot of fuel, and all the time the state idiots on scene said there was no apparent damage. Just how much of that was sulfur? I guess DEC’s motto stands as always: “The solution to pollution is delusion”. I meant dilution! And supposedly there exists some 20,000 gallons of Exxon’s crap left behind from that corporation’s - with unlimited immunity - famous wreck on the same damn reef. So this most recent diesel spill is a bunch when we consider that what is left over from the Hazelwood follies, as is substantial in comparison. “No apparent damage”? Hey, if you believe that there is a bridge for sale…. Bottom line, this spill will indeed help the Exxon cause by masking all previous research questionable, as Exxon’s attorneys are smart. Na, na, na, na, na you can’t prove anything anymore! And the way the courts play favoritism with Exxon, why not just do what is best. Change the name of this state to “Exxonaska”. Why not? They seem to own it, or at least have preferential treatment with the justice system. They can pollute the shorelines and get away with a small fine and community service. They can get away with just about everything and anything. This is a case wherein it would be best to join them rather then fight back. It is definitely a “with them” rather then an “against them” sounding. So, lets do the right thing for all concerned, change this state’s name and motto. Instead of Alaska and like already mentioned how about “Exxonaska”. And as far as the motto, instead of the “Last Frontier”, how about “Pollution Rules”. But just think of the possibilities if we all signed up and made it known that we have bent over to the Tiger, that we want to be on their side, no matter what. Hey, I wonder if health care would be included as a bonafide stake-holder’s perk? But I am sure that any adverse health effects from lingering toxicity would be considered a pre-existing condition with coverage denied, as that would effect the bottom-line, which today is nothing but outrageous CEO bonuses, for blunder like cover ups. And it appears this state’s bureaucrats have learned well this monkey-can’t see, monkey-can’t do attitude. Exxon Valdez and now the Pathfinder, an escort vessel hard aground on Bligh Reef, with so damage or apparent danger to the Sound. Sounds fishy in my book, but what does one expect when the bureaucrats have already passed the grade with this “with them” mentality. “We the People”? Hey, that researcher from Philly, can you lend a helping hand? So we can no longer eat the fish in Cook Inlet because of the amount of human crap that is discharged each and everyday smack right head-on the migration. And it appears the fish in the Sound are bombarded once again! Alaska has turned into a real live creep show. Don’t believe me, just turn on the History channel!

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