Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Oh Happy Days!

“Oh happy days, when Jesus washed, washed my sins away, Oh happy days” So go Ted! Not talking Ted Stevens, but Ted Olson, who today sports the most knowledgeable authority on Constitutional law, usually taking the conservative view when trying to convince the Supreme Beings – a.k.a. The United States Supreme Court. And on the other side of the fence, David Boies, who represented Al Gore in Bush verses Gore. Ted Olson was Bush’s attorney for that heated event. Now when you see these two brilliant men of legalize on the same stage taking up not sides upon national issues, but teaming together, I guess Dylan was right with, “It’s all Good”. Ted and Dave are teaming up to overrun proposition 8, which outlawed same sex marriage in California. And their thrust is the fact that it is un-Constitutional to have such a ban as a law upon law-abiding citizens. Many states have done the same or find secret ballot initiative banning drives supported by un-taxed money. That’s church money! Do you realize that if church was taxed like it should there would be no deficit and every kid in this country would be clothed, nourished and allowed to go to college, for free! So when constitutional scholars come forward, not for fame or fortune, realizing that what the voters do sometimes shows a lack on understanding their decision making, how it effects our rights to the trinity, that being life, liberty and pursuit to happiness, when statesmen like Ted and Dave come forward on their on accord to make sure those inherent rights generated by the great emancipator are not trampled upon, it is all Good. And when these two righteous men stand in front and debate the negative side of such legislation banning the trinity upon the gay society, the Judgment grantors will no doubt realize that rights are being compromised, then there will come across America “Happy Days”, like a new age revival wherein “We the Real People” see how the Constitution remains almighty and fair from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans with liberty and justice for all. So to Jerry Prevo and all the other goons who have sunk millions of dollars and millions of lies upon this issue generating yet more prejudice, Go To Hell, as you have not a leg to stand upon when it comes to true Constitutionality. Not even your fake god can take away what the real God provided to all his children, the right! And Jerry, maybe if you put all that money you confiscated for snake oil sermons, just think if all that money was sent towards the good of man, like preparing a place like Haiti for natural disasters, then you may have something to be proud upon, instead of sticking it to your brothers and sisters, just like you practiced upon the Anchorage assembly - with discriminatory war. I think its called “HATE”! And that Jerry is banned from My Constitution.

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