Monday, January 4, 2010

Uncle Sam Intervention

Maybe “Interference” would fit better this ridiculousness. I am talking the fact that the Anchorage Museum is about to raise the entry fee! Now why would anybody spend hard earned money just to see the world’s largest staircase? Yes indeed, thanks to MoanaLisa MurCowski robbing the treasury in efforts to provide “pork” to build something not needed, we are stranded with yet another nothing. All we have after millions of wasted dollars is a stairway to nowhere! Talk about the “Stranded Gas Act”, what about a “Stranded Infrastructure Act”? But maybe there can be a roof top observation post build so in the summer those that dig deep into their wallets can get a good look at “Congressman for Alaskans” Don Young’s notorious eyesore nightmare, the failed “Point McKenzie Wood Chip Export Facility”. Once again something to nowhere, build by the U.S. Taxpayers, a facility that has seen only “One” boatload of woodchips heading towards the export market. So we build this crap and then cannot afford to operate or maintain. It goes back to this “Build to Destroy” mentality. With the museum, just raise the rates. The tourists won’t know any better. And the fact that this museum is the recipient of even more wasted “pork”, for a People Mover Transit Depot, do you really think it will be allowed as a transient hangout? No, because it will be a heated facility and I bet it will have security and operating hours. And with the heating, I am sure that some routes will have to be cut, just to pay for this museum extension. Pathetic that this state’s bearcats and voters still cannot get it after all these years, that money for jobs that doesn’t develop a sustainable jobs infrastructure has only one reason it still exists. We have not intelligent representation when it comes to the real problems facing this nation. We have representatives that now only one thing, bring home the bacon and it is a guarantee for that job for a lifetime. That is the only thing MoanaLisa learned from her dad, Frank. A do nothing U.S. Senator and a do less Alaskan governor. See, Palin had nothing to worry following in a do nothing’s shoes. Even just showing up was reason for celebration and reward. Imagine a job wherein you are the nepotism favorite and have the audacity to vote yourself in a raise every year, no matter how bad the economy is. So there is madness in this “pork” to create jobs. Don Young once said it to set it straight. “Nancy Pelosi is a rabid skunk”. Now how did that enter this conversation? Off on a tangent! When this state was becoming the laughing stock state of the United States, with the “Bridge to Nowhere” concept, Don said he didn’t care if ever there was a connecting roads structure to support a bridge with paying customers, as it was for the jobs and nothing else. If somebody could back up the time line and show how much “pork” this state has received for no other reason then to create jobs, there would be a hanging! What ever happened to all the “Foreign Trade Zones” that were supposed to allow multi-billion dollar corporations to use Alaska as a proving grounds supporting a climate of sustainable manufacturing? It worked on paper, but one thing was forgotten about, the high cost of energy here in the state that produces more crude oil then Texas and California combined. It is cheap oil, for the companies that have raped and performed pilferage upon those resources for the past 30-years. Alaska has blown every opportunity to become self-sustaining. We blew it with the Delta Barley Project. We blew it again with a natural gas pipeline when Yukon Pacific held the Right-of-Way in efforts to get that commodity to market, that was 25-years ago. But the state bearcats were stubborn, and today we see the failure form having representation – both Federal and State – performing the same type of lobotomy like representation upon the constituents. And take this Alaskans. Do you realize that the Number 1 target by rouge nations is Alaska? Yes indeed, in efforts to keep their jobs, this state won out as the Star Wars deployment state, for a project that has already been written off by the military brass itself as failed. It doesn’t work, but thanks to baby Begich and MoanaLisa, this state is getting 80-more rockets that when deployed, because of navigational problems like swamped silos, these bastard rockets could end up in your backyard! But the enemy doesn’t know that this project was a flop and is today as we speak already being replaced by sky bound interceptors with high powered lasers. So, if there is a confrontation or a glitch, kiss your ass goodbye. With this and that, the museum is just more of the same, waste, crap, idiotic and I am sure that there will be more of the same coming our way, as the only way the current delegation can maintain a do-nothing job is by taking the easy way out. With keys to the Treasury, just keep on borrowing as the credit card line has no limits and one day, that bill with interest will show its ugly face, and guess who will have to dig deep to cover the expenses? Congress, our ticket to bankruptcy.

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