Friday, December 4, 2009

I'm Only Bleeding!

It has been a long enough April! Fool’s Day I am talking about, with Sarah Palin still in the limelight and on the loose. It has become a never ending horror story. I really don’t pay much attention to her fantasized reality life, but it is everywhere, like a computer virus. So even when one retreats, it sometimes doesn’t work all that well - as my peace and quiet and the right to be left alone has been compromised. See, Sarah doesn’t want to be left alone, she loves the attention, and is reaping the benefits of a puzzled worth. Her followers are fools! So as Sarah is off making millions, with book deals and photo-shoot opportunities, it doesn’t matter what her ghostwriter actually penned for profit, as we all realize it is somebody else’s story time line. By fact or fiction, it doesn’t really matter. And just the fact that Sarah couldn’t write anything intelligible or sellable herself, it kind of points to a fake artist mentality- a.k.a. scam artist! Intellectual property, what’s that? Whatever, not my problem! But there is a legacy that will be Sarah’s to own, forever and ever her very own. That is her Drill Baby Drill outbursts. Sarah, as governor of Alaska, was very instrumental in making the DBD a reality. It didn’t start with her reign as the queen-pin, but started when she was a commissioner on the Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission. A detail given her by then Alaska’s governor Frank Murkowski. Frank started the DBD, Sarah made it work, as it became her campaign slogan, so we all know she is all for it for better or for worse. There is no denial herein. Drill Baby Drill is the “green light” to drill, explore and exploit where no drilling rig has ever commenced drilling before, especially in Alaska. Like intruding and trespassing upon pristine offshore deltas and lagoons, areas that have been off limits, for a reason. These estuaries, these areas left untouched for so long, culminates one gigantic nest come breakup - no different then the greatness and importance of Africa’s Serengeti National Park. On Alaska’s North Slope, during a few months a year, this place miraculously transforms to become the cradle of naturization, all in efforts to survive and fore fill destiny of continued life, and when we disrupt, it is no different then an abortion clinic in full operation. But when this DBD came too be, it brings with it serious consequences, already showing the sadness of irresponsible resource development. The sad fact of the matter, the henhouse is being raided and everybody that is supposed to be watching and protecting is somehow or another AWOL! Heads are turning, instead of rolling. I have watched as caribou foraged upon loose drilling salts, left unattended, causing afternoon hemorrhaging that would make believers out of the most unconscious toward ecosystem and environmental stewardship. Environmental atrocities go un-checked, with even small quantities of unknown substances letting loose, wherein hazardous chemicals leach into the tundra, following the easy way out as water so does, making its way to where plankton thrives, food for the great whales that migrate here for a little peace and quiet, and respect - now missing as this sacred place is no longer a safe haven. Contamination is happening right now, even with wintertime upon us. Why so this dereliction to protect? When Sarah mandated this Drill Baby Drill mentality, do you think anybody would stick up and blow the whistle? That this ship of fools was off course? Of course not, as we all know too well what happens to people or employees that see differently Sarah’s mandate, or “mission”. So the atrocities continue. In time, it will be known that Sarah gave in, to allow such abuses upon the tundra and coastline of Northern Alaska. She will go down as the most abusive governor ever on record, even if she didn’t run out the clock on a single term. For years, Big Oil was kept in check, getting away with some mishaps, but all in all, they didn’t want to completely ruin a good thing. So most activity before DBD made its debut, it has been accomplished in a somewhat already industrialized section of Prudhoe Bay, land based activities that attest to the fact that it is somewhat reasonable to say that “spills” can be managed - with recovery realistic. Spills will happen, it follows that inherent human nature weakness, no matter how hard we try to deny such atrocities. It is cold and brutal up north, so sometimes “shit” happens. But with respect to hazardous spills in pristine areas, well response cleanup is not possible when we are talking water-based development. And I don’t know how one treats hemorrhaging caribou that take a fancy to an illegal and or abandoned salt lick. Afternoon nap on the tundra? Not when engaged in puking up blood seems to take over any semblance of a healthy habit. So, with Sarah at the helm, things have changed in the oil patch - for the worse. Besides roadside atrocities, Sarah left the impression that if you are not “with her but against her” you may find yourself in the un-employment ranks, and nowadays that can be a homeless like endeavor. Thus these atrocities go on, today, tomorrow and someday, the truth will be not an April fools like joke, but a sick reality wherein retreat back to normalcy may be but a dream. So as Sarah collects millions in royalties, this state suffers royalty garnishment, just so this Drill Baby Drill thing can become a reality, bringing with it a siege upon environmental responsibilities, a dereliction in duty upon those that are supposed to make sure it doesn’t happen - not in my backyard. But Sarah used eminent domain to take control, and now we have an open season, with this Drill Baby Drill occurrence rampant like an out-of-control train heading for the wreck target. It is just the beginning, but will anybody step up to the plate and take down this ridiculousness, as it is not worth destroying so much, not just a culture that relies on the liveliness of the “Great Nest”, but to the thousands of species that brave a long distant voyage to have a safe haven to raise their young, so the rest of the world can enjoy the winged species. And we all thought the EXXON Valdez wreck was an atrocity that would never be topped on the scale of harm, well with Sarah at the helm, the ripple effect will cause 10 times that damage, unless it is stopped now. Anybody interested in pictures that depict hemorrhaging caribou or dead birds harassed during the nesting period, all illegal activities that can get accusers to find out what jail time is all about, respond to this blog. In ending, this Bob Dylan tune seems appropriate for the times, especially with DBD upon us:

“Temptation’s page flies out the door
You follow, find yourself at war
Watch waterfalls of pity roar
You feel to moan but unlike before
You discover
That you’d just be
One more person crying.
While preachers preach of evil fates
Teachers teach that knowledge waits
Can lead to hundred dollar plates
Goodness hides behind the gates
But even the President of the United States
Sometimes must have
To stand naked.
It’s alright, Ma(I’m Only Bleeding)”

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