Saturday, December 5, 2009

Is This America?

We often hear about the “socialized” health care system used by our Canadian neighbors. Along with horror stories, about long waits for appointments and sub-standard treatment. Now I have worked in Canada, in the oil and gas fields around Fort St. John. The workers are paid well and never complain about their benefits, and they work for an American oil company doing business in a foreign land. I also toil for an American oil company, doing business at home! When comparing salaries, there is not a big difference. And the cost of living between that Canadian outpost – found along the Alcan highway system which finds Uncle Sam paving the way and removing the snow berms – when compared to Anchorage, it is not that different with respect to fuel costs, groceries, weather, etc. Now the other day, I had the opportunity to once again try out my non-nationalized un-reformed institutionalized health care program administered by who-knows and offered up by my employer, not totally for free, but affordable. I try to stay healthy, as that is easier then trying to use something that is impossible to understand. Honestly, maybe with such a screwed-up system, striving to be healthy is the only answer. In fact when I do have to use whatever it is I have, the receptionists always question my coverage and history, because I never use it, like something is wrong with being healthy! Regardless, here it goes, the math. I pay $6.96 per month for vision coverage. Being towards the end of the year, it is preferential too take advantage of the program, for new glassware. That way, another pair can be purchased come the beginning of the New Year. It kills two birds with one stone, as the prescription is good for a year, so I save and end up with a replacement pair of glasses. Now I have been waiting for a month on the standby list for an appointment. That isn’t working, as everybody has the same idea come the end of another year and many doctors vacate Alaska for warmer climates come the holiday season. So the 1st appointment was well into next year, that doesn’t work from an economic standpoint. Good thing this was not an emergency! So I was forced to go to a non-provider, and that cost me $40-dollars out of pocket, non-reimbursable, and yet to tell what part of the bill will be reimbursed, as there exists that “copay” crap of $25 for the visit. And a call to my provider’s hotline was so confusing that I finally pushed #9, “for those with a rotary phone”, just to speak to a human instead of some robot that practiced maybe 1st grade voice recognition. What ever happened to the truth in lending statements? So it looks as if the appointment will cost me $65 and at the same time cost my provider $45. So to date, with my contributions, I have paid out-of-pocket a total of $148 and change! Now comes the glassware. Frames, run of the mill type as I am not on a Sarah Palin fashion extravaganza, $154 minus a reimbursement of $97 equals $57 more out of pocket. Lenses, again nothing special but some sort of reflective must have crap so road crossing possums can be seen while night driving, $161 minus $45 reimbursable, which equals a running total from my wallet of $321 plus change. For plastic glasses! Hold that thought. Possums in Anchorage? Now add to that, another $25-dollars for yet another hidden and ridiculous copay, and my new glasses cost me a grand total of $347 dollars! And I had to pay upfront, and wait another two weeks for the delivery. So I still won’t see the new ware until maybe next year. Talk about a broken system. Sounds just like the Canadian system we hear so much about, but something that lacks circumstantial evidence to prove without a doubt it isn’t working. Now my friends from Finspong never complain about their socialized way of life, but they do tell a story about how much of their income is taxed, a whooping 50%. But major necessities are provided for from that garnishment. They do not have an IRS, as the system is not cheated upon. Schooling is free; higher education is free, even if one desires a trade instead of a profession. Health and welfare, all part of the guarantee. Out of work, no bother. Bankruptcy, isn’t necessary. Even energy for all is affordable and subsidized. You know what, I would have no qualms paying more in taxes if the money wasn’t used for idiotic bullcrap, therein exists the entire problem upon my country T’s of Thee! Taxation has become not a ways and means for approaching that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, it has become fool’s gold for the representative thievery that is the mainstay of modern day politics. There is plenty of money in the Treasury - or there was at one time - to make this country a happy place to live and die. We as a country have never sat down and talked turkey with respect to what or where our hard earned taxable income should be used. Why? Because it would be scary to those in power if they no longer had control of, “OUR” money. Look, if not already mentioned in detail, I would gladly pay $83 more in taxes if my vision coverage didn’t have this “copay” crap attached to it. I wouldn’t mind paying half the battle, but this is ridiculous, and I have coverage! Now for the sad fact of the matter, the ”rest of the story”. It has been about ten years since my last background check, with my eyes I am talking about. The price of vision service has increased about 400%, that is what has happened to health care here in the land of the free and home of the brave. Now since I stay healthy, my eyesight has improved, almost to the point that glasses are not necessary. So I can see clearly what is going on some many, many miles away on the Hill. There is no intent to provide affordable health care to the citizens of this country. For one ill important reason. It has nothing to do with a “public option”. The main reason “we the people” will see nothing but increased rates upon medical care is the fact that it is a business, and to succeed in this day and age, it means increases. The simple Simon math? We will end up paying more and getting less. That is what has happened and will repeat, no matter what the lame ducks argue about. The entire cast of representation has become so damn lame, it is pathetic that we haven’t expelled each an every one of the nothing doers. But here is my take on what will come from the bowels of what was intended to be an equitable system providing decent health care reform for all. The rich will get taxed along with tax breaks so they will end up getting the best coverage money can buy and get reimbursed then some. See, they never do anything for free. The poor will get the option and maybe a pat on the back indicating everything is OK, just take two aspirin and call your undertaker. And for the middle class, it will be more of the same, as even though there is the time tested saying, “don’t bite the hand that feeds you”, well it doesn’t work all that well because we have been muzzled! We can bark, we can drool, but we cannot make the bite count. That is why Rover gets better health care treatment then does most Americans. Honestly, right down east Anchorage there is a veterinarian not too far from a low cost maybe no cost medical clinic. The clinic runs on empty with one receptionist, a volunteer doctor and two examination rooms. The vet hospital, 5 doctors, a horde of receptionist and volunteers to walk the dogs. It is a place that takes in abandoned dogs. At the same time, people, Americans are left out on the street to fend for themselves. And those on the Hill…..sick they are and proud not to hide it at all! Hey Mr. & Mrs. Congressmen and Senators throughout the land, what’s in your wallet, beside a health care plan all Americans deserve? And I always learned that discrimination and segregation was no longer allowed under the U.S. Constitution. Really, when I look at my health care, it appears that I am seated in the back of the bus. And the poor? Just dragged along for the ride. Trust us? What a joke.

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