Friday, December 4, 2009

Cropping Out

MoanaLisa MurCowskie: Go guard your perch! Don Young: Go back to hiding! Honestly, sorry for the rant, but what is up with these decrepit creeps that we pay hard earned loot in efforts to hopefully see some serious and decent representation, instead of treason like rhetoric? MoanaLisa: “But the key question is whether the president is fully committed to a strategy that provides a peaceful future…and ceases the export of global terrorism.” What is up with such lunacy? I honor free speech, but please, have some decency upon something! Remember MoanaLisa, count to 10 before having a political orgasmic outburst. If terrorism is now a bonafide export, blame George Bush and your own crap & trade legislative terms of endangerment, idiots you are! Are you insinuating that Obama is not fully committed to cease global terrorism? That’s treason! And if the president is performing actions treasonable, do something. But therein exists your problem, you don’t do anything! Hey, when you and colleagues act like a bunch of kindergarteners and don’t support the American mission, what do you expect? Your ways and means are practiced upon and finds preference to failure over success, please stop it, for our children’s future. And with Don, it is more of the same old ED - explosive diarrhea of the mouth with not one iota of intelligence indicating neither he, nor MoanaLisa for this matter, respects the present Commander-in-Chief. Maybe Don did get hit in the noggin with a wayward coconut! I guess they were comfortable with a Commander-in-Thief administration, so cannot get used to the fact that this is America and the Constitution does indeed instill a values system upon leadership. I think it is called ethics! Something gone missing for the years, during which time MoanaLisa has been in her preferential treatment, help me daddy, cushion seat. Look, MoanaLisa has not done one iota of good for this state, or the country. When she is corralled by her idiot colleagues - wherein more treasonous like terrorist activity designed to undermine the America dream of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness surfaces - she reminds me of Alice the Goon’s slaver, the Sea Hag! I hope the voting public has learned a nepotism lesson, do not, I repeat, do not let the MurCowskies ever again garnish political control of anything in this once great state, not even control of a dog pound turd! The Alaska GOP delegates talk is cheap, as it is a cover-up for a cheapskate agenda, turncoat it is. See, it appears that there exist many that believe peace is a joke so cannot stomach an end to the conflicts – Afghanistan and Iraq. Remember, these are not Constitutional Wars! So the Sea Hag and Coconut Butthead Don are not for peace overnight and want to see a slow fake draw-out continuation of yet another failure. It is a failure now and forever Amen, and tomorrow it will be more of the same, so the sentiment is to take advantage of the situation, even if it means increased loss of life, loss of limb, loss of kneecaps and loss of our heritage - as America was once some many years ago a strong country not bent on occupying another’s homeland, not until Baby Bush dominated with a little help from his daddy. What is it with the GOP daddies? Can’t their kids go it alone? I am beginning to doubt it! Anyway, for many on the Hill, they find no other reason then to see the killing fields continue. And there is a reason for this. When one considers that it cost a million dollars per troop for a year in the theater, somebody is making damn good money on this ordeal. And it is surely not the men and women in uniform. Please read between the lines, military contractors have a stake in these conflicts, for a profit. So do you really think they have a desire to quit? Now take Iraq for instance. In the beginning, many youngsters came home in a flag draped box because there was not provided protective armor underneath their assault vehicles, reinforcements that could withstand the insurgents’ bad deeds. So instead of making available modifications, no, no, no, lets just build a better mousetrap, a vehicle that can withstand such roadside bombings. Great, so the states stay employed - which keeps the politicians in good standings - but the kids were not given the appropriate armor to do their “duty”, this was all for money. Stay cool kids, as help is on the way, in the meantime fend for yourselves! These conflicts - these illegal wars - are for one and only one all important sick reason, profit only, and in the end, we will spend billions if not zillions on rebuilding efforts, so the bastards that are getting rich over dead young troops doing not their military duty but assisting with some screwed up Christian like Baptist bible thumping plan designed to overthrow another God, to eradicate the muslin following, these rich assholes will most likely be able to secure riches for their offspring. Military contractors are taking home millions in Christmas bonuses. Militia contractors in the theater, which tallies a number at least equal to the U.S. troops with feet on the ground, kill and abuse with unlimited immunity, including no consequences for rape, these un-Americans are taking home paychecks that are 6-times the normal everyday salary of a hard working American. And a whole bunch of it is “tax free” income. This is not war by any stretch of the imagination, but just another form of rape upon the American taxpayers! And what about these young kids in uniform that are being tricked into believing they are doing this for America? What honor is there in telling them not the truth behind this boondoggle affair? There are so many things wrong with this picture that it is mind boggling that the rest of the nations let it occur. But they see it as a way to weaken this country, which is happening each and everyday that these conflicts are allowed to continue on without an exit strategy. The American people are being cheated, again. The troops are being cheated, out of their youth, for a conflict bent on making millions and raking the American dream over the coals of greed. These sleazebags in control have no guilt whatsoever, and this coalition thing is more of the same non-sense. Just look at the ratio of Americans to other invitees, as most other countries are hell bent on the future, which means a peaceful road ahead because we are no longer segregated away as individual countries and economies, but a global force! Either with them or against them will be our most stubborn stance and recovery will take generations. And if the Afghanistan conflict is indeed a NATO thing, why does America have to “Invite” participants to help out? Really, this should tell the brass something isn’t right. Now I am not making fun a sitting president. But Obama does have sizeable ears. Maybe that is good, as there is no excuse not to hear me now. End the WARs. Don’t get trapped into a GOP armpit grip, as it will be your fall and doom. And just this morning in the Anchorage Daily Stool, there was some cropping going on with Obama’s mug shot. Really, limited space allowed the “cropper” to cut off Obama’s ears! Respect? It is a joke in this country. At the same time there was a horror picture, MoanaLisa, Don and the new kid on the block, Begich - all with their quick to judgment smirks over Obama’s forward move on the conflicts. Look, we asked you to represent, so shut-up and do your job. We are not stupid, we didn’t ask for your opinion. I do believe I have something of interest figured out. Puppet pulpit government exists to rule destiny. The “rule” of the road followed leads to doom, to ruin. Atlantis disappeared due embarrassment and an out-of-control society. This country, through its inept leadership, continues to erode away any faith, hope and is hell bent of charity only. The Treasury continues to be on pilferage alert, but nobody gives a dam. MoanaLisa, Don and Begich, it doesn’t belong to any entity you represent, so it should not be given away like candy on Halloween! Honestly, even though the faces in charge have changed, behind the scenes it is more of the same Nothing, “For the People”? That disappeared a long time ago. The mandate of government, the mission supposedly, has shied away from reality. When the republicans ruled to ruin, our inheritance and heritage was given away. With the new puppet show, same thing, but with this blessing called transparency. Transparency: Giving away the henhouse and being honest about it. Really, it appears that the same damn mentality exists today as did during the Bush years of destruction. Why? It is like a disease that cannot find itself a cure. Do you think cancer cells hope for a cure? Of course not, as they thrive on causing ill health. The entire government needs an enema, a makeover, and those that can take the heat, maybe some kind of pardon. There are but a few genuine protectors of the Constitution these days, and their terms are short lived, because they are honest and uphold the Constitution. By doing their sworn jobs, they have a quick fall-out, because they are against this “with them” agenda. Politics today is not in the business to uphold righteousness. Politicians are in business to let our rights erode, because it is too their advantage to take sides, and believe me brother, you are not on that side of the fence that matters. And how about this fact not fiction. There is not one representative, not one U.S. Senator, not one U.S. Congressmen that can tell Americans without a doubt how much these wars - these conflicts - have cost the Taxpayers. Why? Because both engagements are illegal when the Constitution is present. So, the scoundrel money to fund these atrocities comes from secret locations. Look, Congress can vote on anything, but that doesn’t make it right. In fact, the entire government has come to a stage of constipation. The only thing our present day representation is good about, is just giving it all away. Like explosive diarrhea, no control, just let it blow, and let somebody else clean up the mess. I feel sorry for our children’s children, as it will take at least a hundred years to get this country back on track and they will be the ones responsible for the cleanup detail. In the meantime, we continue to throw money away on inept representation and throw money away on some far away conflicts. When at the same time this country has bridges falling down and a highway infrastructure on the verge of collapse. We spend wasteful amounts of hard earned income on a space program and nobody laughed when Bush signed a deal to go back to the moon, because he didn’t realize we have already been there, done that. We let an imbecile run this country, for 8-long years! So far, on estimates, it has cost every man, woman and child $10,000 to fuel the Bush Doctrine. Can you imagine if there wasn’t such a foolish doctrine funding these wars abroad and that money was in the hands of those that it truly belongs too, forget about an economic downturn. It would be a brilliant and thriving economy, and Americans would be happy and proud. How about this! What if we sent George Bush a bill for his mess? Then start down the list of acquaintances and accomplices, sending bills to those in the representative ranks that let this country down, like a fine for not upholding the Constitution. The Treasury would collect billions. And wouldn’t it be a hoot to get a levy on Crawford? Or a levy on Pelosi’s Botox collection! Americans have unknown powers inherent in the great emancipator, yet we let sleazebag representation ruin the mission, ruin our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness - the trinity. Our true rights are squandered away, all orchestrated “By the Politicians” and “For the Politicians” in their own pursuit upon personal greed. This country will survive, as when the idiots get finished there will be no money but what will remain is a future, because in the end, as long as we have the 1st and 2nd, we are somewhat still safe. So it doesn’t surprise me that the conflicts will continue, illegally funded by our taxed income and as mentioned before, it is all for the money, as nobody in power cares about the troops, except some crying moms and dads. And “So this is Xmas, And what have you done, Another year over…..”

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