Sunday, November 1, 2009

Go Botox!

Love them Yankees! Love them Phillies! Even though I am a loyal Red Sox’s fan, the showdown between the Phillies and the Yankees is another chapter in good old Americanism. Much deserved and needed nowadays. Especially when we continue to see a meltdown in politics and “We the people” need a diversion away from the crookedness, lies, scandals and the explosive diarrhea rhetoric that seems common-place outward from within the Halls of Congress. Bill Clinton ruined the office of the presidency when he had an affair but “didn’t have sex” with the Devil in the blue dress. The House went south when Don Young yelled out that one of his Democratic colleagues was a “rabid skunk”. The Senate suffered when Ted Stevens allowed Big Oil to testify about high gasoline prices without the bosses taking the oath to tell the truth. Its all gone downhill since then, and people try to place the blame for this political creep show ménage et trios on George Bush? Why is it that they refer to one another as a “colleague” and “my good friend” on the other side of the isle? Who are they trying to kid, as Joe Lieberman has always been a turncoat and will always be a turncoat fanatic! Just look at the first three letters of his last name, get the point? I can’t wait to see his memoirs in print, “A True Turncoat Terrorist In Their Midst”! Hey, the lagers are not lagging behind with such horrors upon us, even with Halloween here again. “Take me out to the ball game….” And what could be more appropriate a relaxation on Halloween night then a serious series game, some Sam Adams winter lager and a bag of goodies? Damn, Sarah Palin keeps knocking my front door for more candy! No Sarah, Sam Adams is not from the cast of the Addam’s Family, that was Gomez your thinking about! Maybe I should turn off my porch light, but that would disenfranchise the entire neighborhood! Wow, this has to be a joke. There is a live camera shot accessible through a “blog” that observes the entrance to the U.S. Treasury. It appears there is something going on. It might be some “Trick’r Treater’s” out looking for a sugar daddy. The camera is focusing in for a freak-show close up, the masked mug-shots look like House Speaker Pelossi and Senate Majority Leader Reid! Looks like a Botox overdose! They are both carrying huge orange bags. But it doesn’t appear to be masked bandits, but the real McCain! Too much, back to the tame world of sports. Now each baseball team is in the World Series because they represent the pennant champion for a different league. Represent? What a concept! There is the National League and the American League, each with different but similar rules of engagement. But what is interesting about this game, is the head count of referees required to keep the game up-and-up honest! So for each nine-member team either at bat or taking on the field, it requires 6 professional referees with unbiased opinions to keep it honest! And each referee is required to keep a book of rules close at hand, just incase there comes a questionable situation. Now what if the “People” required the same kind of oversight upon our representation? Think about it, not only for jobs creation, but for the missing link – ethics in government! When the House adjourns, with a cast of 435, it would mean at least 145 referees following their every move. And like with baseball, the referees would be required to keep close the rulebook – a.k.a. the U.S. Constitution! With the Senate, it would mean another 33 refs, just to keep the bastards in-line, in check. And like with baseball, if you argue too much with the refs, dejection! And maybe fines levied could be part of this new-age oversight, “By the People, For the People”. And with the rules of engagement in force following those of the greatest American sport, like the balk, just think of the possibilities! Don’t show up for a vote? It means a forfeit. Purposely delaying a game, a fine. Now none of this would be necessary if when elected these representatives actually abided by the rules of engagement, but it seems that the security detail at the House and Senate entrance is good at confiscating the rules, along with righteousness. I guess the rules pose a threat to national security! And every-time we try to reason why there is no reasonable representation, they tell us it was all checked at the door because the other party… S.O.S., your Senate is out of control. S.O.S., your House of Representatives is out of control. TILT! In fact, maybe for each week in session, a different set of rules could be used to govern the referees decisions. Can you imagine using the WWW rules of engagement, with Vince McMahon at the helm? Hey, anything would be better then no rules or regulations at all, as that is the way it appears to be, no accountability yet affordable to all - the latter being the U.S. Taxpayers.


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