Sunday, November 1, 2009

Twain'd Again!

Mark Twain couldn’t find any kind things to say about U.S. Senators, even insisting that a Senator was “a person who makes laws in Washington when not doing time.” In Eruption, Twain quotes, “We have lately sent a United States Senator to the penitentiary, but I am quite well aware that those who have escaped this promotion there are several who are in some regards guiltless of crime – not guiltless of all crimes, for that cannot be said of any United States Senator,,,,” That was the sentiment of many Americans back in the 20’s as corrupt politics seemed to be getting into everything civil. It is way past that era and before us we have an error prone era that goes to show the Corrupt Bastards Club – which made its debut in Alaska – has grown its membership ranks and become so popular amongst Democrats that the bastards no longer hide out in their hideouts, the Hill! Or when the heat is on, retreating to their loyalist lobbyist dungeon! They act as if being corrupt is “Vogue” and getting caught red-handed with their hand in the cookie jar is but a trivial pursuit with respect to justice. There exists today no true Democrats nor bonafide Republicans holding onto office in efforts to represent, as they have sold out as Loyalists to the Lobbyists. “Lobbyist: 1) con artist extraordinaire; 2) terrorist”. “Loyalist: 1) hit men for the Lobbyists; 2) terrorist”. And when a lobbyist can lie in front of Congress and walk away without “Contempt of Congress”, we have before us a genuine mutiny. This health care reform thing is beginning to sound like something out of the gulag. Who is really in control of our destiny, besides the lobbyists? Why is it that most spouses of Senators find high paying jobs with a lobbying firm? What ever happened to ethics in government? I guess it has indeed become just a suggestion! I wish that everyday it were a required broadcast ceremony wherein our representatives must swear again to uphold the Constitution. And they should be required daily to write 500-times on the Congressional blackboard, “For the people, By the people”. Hey, if they were all corralled in detention, then they couldn’t waste away the Treasury. Talk about “deflation”. But this newest health reform bill has to be a joke “For the People”, as it doesn’t ease up on “pre-existing conditions” until the year 2013! That is 3 long years away. Just think of how extra-rich the insurance companies can get in three years’ time with Treasury money to boot along with your money! Hey, if you were a dying breed insurance company, what would your bucket list look like? Money, money, money! I can see it now, even a cold or flu will towards the end be considered “pre-existing”. Here is why I feel the “public option” is not favored by the business community. I work for a living and for the past thirty years have had an employer/employee relationship wherein we both foot the bill for medical coverage. At least it started out like that. Premiums for coverage have escalated in price, wherein it has become a double whammy for the workers. I pay more and more per month for coverage and the deductible keeps on giving away my overtime. Good thing I am healthy! So, when the “public option” takes over, and I opt out from my employer’s healthcare plan, will I see an increase in my paycheck? If the employer doesn’t have to put out for the health premiums, there is some extra money hanging around, and I want my fair share. Bottom-line, the money that an employer puts out is considered part of your wages. And here is what we hard working Americans may find when we question where that extra money is going besides being used to fatten up that paycheck - that we have been racked over the coals from increased wages as “our” contribution towards health care includes what we thought the employer was putting out. I bet that the entire employee/employer relationship has been subject to rape wherein the workers are paying much more then the employer and foregoing any wage increases. So, maybe we won’t see a pay increase cometh “option”, as it appears that the bastards have already stolen away the money. It isn’t pollution that will sink this country. It won’t be terrorists that sink this country; it will be greed that sends this country down not only a rocky road but also a cesspool runneth over road. It sucks, that this nation has produced a mentality of con artists. Instead of brotherly love, how about “Brotherly Love Screwed”. In the end, I hope that Obama uses his “Executive Privilege” to set this country back on track. Maybe instead of using the ”privilege” to get friends out of jail like past presidents have so abused the privilege, he will use that power of the pen to fix what has been screwed up by Twain’d representation. Wherein the voice of the people that elect supposedly righteousness to office is but a faint voice in the distance, once the lobbyists infiltrate and soundproof against that righteousness, with an end result another greedy and seedy take over of our rights. Is there not one decent Senator out there? NO, because if there was, one single true American representative “Un-Twain’d” could have Pelossi arrested, have Reid arrested, for contempt! The Halls of Congress are beyond corrupt! The rest of democracy now laughs at us, out loud. In fact, France is contemplating taking back Miss Liberty and replacing it with a “Headless Henchman” statue, as it appears that this country is being run over by crap like politics. Sure they should all be doing time, as the way bills are manipulated to include all kinds of “pork”, this is not what the Constitution agrees upon, as nobody could or would write that kind of legislation into the great emancipator. Can you imagine teaching modern day politics in the classroom, to what really goes on in Washington? Kids would laugh then cry and never fend for this country. Greed, it is the UN-American way but portrayed as the American way! And it is all performed under the table. Hey, it is my money being stolen away. It is your money being stolen away, and it is ending up in some lobbyist’s wallet! Or in the hands of a Senator’s spouse. Lobbyists, and spouses of Senators, are all getting rich on your generosity! Isn’t there a crime being perpetrated herein, with the way our hard earned money is taxed away for their own greed? If there is not a crime, there should be. Talk about welfare for the rich and influential idiots. Now there may indeed be a few statesmen in Congress, but when we see the American people getting raped over the coals day in and day out, we begin to wonder and agree what Mark Twain was right about a long, long time ago, and we continue to suffer because it is way beyond the laughing stage! Health Care Reform? How about Corrupt Bastards Reform!

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