Friday, October 9, 2009

Afghanistan, Iraq & the Moon!

AIM high I guess! Why is it that Americans don't trust their own government any longer? A pattern of mistrust from a pattern of abuse that seems to be following an exponential decay of approval with no turning back in sight. Now when I say government, I am talking not the executive branch of the U.S. Presidency, but the Congress! Let's face the facts, set aside the privilege of the executive order - a.k.a. set your buddy free from jail - it is the Congress that sets the rigging and the sails in efforts for this country to stay on course, as they on their own are in control of the helm with the added advantage of controlling the purse strings. And therein is executed the problem. Now those representative(s) and or senator(s) that approved 79-million to bomb the moon, this is pathetic and sick legislation and a show of taxpayer malfeasance abuse beyond decency. When we have problems back here on the home turf like a bogged down economy, what benefit is there in attacking the moon? This is not gifted science by any stretch of the imagination. Sure it is an outright unprovoked attack, once again upon a peaceful place. So is this what comes about because we can't get it right in Iraq or Afghanistan, as it appears the insurgents are better bomb makers then our very own military experts. We can't protect the troops but we can annihilate the moon and make more craters. There was once upon a time a far and away semblance of a "Man in the Moon", but it looks like total destruction has transformed the scene. And that face that has entertained folklore for eons was there just the other day. Why target the poor old bastard? Now what if the bombing made a giant moon-rock unstable and it started a trajectory towards Washington, do you think the idiots would run for cover or stand proud to face the consequences. I bet they would all run and say that it was taxpayers' money that did it, placing the blame on us with that guilty by association plea, so they would be not to blame. And maybe this is why we find nowadays more distrust upon the very system of governance that is supposed to police the scene for those that are out working their butts off. It is called representation, but hear it loud and clear, there is very little representation when considering the amount of taxation that is taxing my wallet every two-weeks. I am surely not getting anywhere close my money's worth. And wouldn't it be nice if there came a warranty! The abuse complaint counters would be overwhelmed with the common people asking and demanding answers. But when we want answers, all we get nowadays is more crap legislation because the bastards at lodge are trying their best to cover-up things through confusion and complicating matters. And if Rangle is getting away with hundreds-of-thousands in un-reported income, don't believe for one split second that this is not the norm on the Hill. Remember, they make the rules! I am sure that if one looks close enough to the Tax Code that there is a provision for preferential treatment towards cheating Congressmen. I love the office of the presidency, no matter who is at the helm. Some provide laughs, some statesmanship. It used too be an office of pride and non-prejudice, but Bill fixed that by proving that the woman of a cheating man will put up with the cheating affair if it means keeping the position of power and notoriety even without honor. Really, when one looks back in history when that position of utmost power became a joke, it was soon after Bill was caught with the Devil in the blue dress! But it is the Congress that is the controlling body, just read what the Constitution has in store for those that think differently. So when the news media picks up the story that indicates that most people with school age children are not ready to take a sniff for Uncle Sam - swine flue shot - there is reason to be cautious. Why so? I made a call to Alaska State Senator Mark Begich's office to inquire if the Congress has already been offered the swine dose. See, normally those in power believe that they require preferential treatment as they are our leaders and have to be fit to take over should there be a catastrophic outbreak. So Congress is usually first in line - families included - for anything that extends life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, including a flue shot even if their budding in excludes women and kids still waiting in line. So finding out that Congress is also waiting out this new sniff shot, it is suspicious beyond belief, as to wait means that they themselves are being cautious over the possible side effects of the vaccine. To date only 600-guinea pigs have been subject to the shot. So I will be over cautious and paranoid and not take a shot - sniff - until Congress steps up to the plate and engages. This bombing of the moon is getting tough to swallow. I didn't approve of it! Is this what we get from "stimulus money" gone wild, transparency and an attempt to not hide the truth, no matter how outrageous? Maybe we don't want transparency! Now what if there was life on the moon that knew of a cure for the swine, or a cure for breast cancer or the formula for renewable energy, not anymore! Bombing the moon, what right is there for this country or any other country with military superiority the foolishness to lob bombs towards the moon? What are we trying to teach our children, except that we cannot trust those sworn to uphold righteousness. Just in: Aged satellite orbiting moon will crash into the moon today. And this was also planned by NASA officials! Is there something in the air down NASA way that is causing those with the space missile controls a disconnect from reality? What gives with this Orson Wells invasion of the moon? And there is a web-site that shows locations of "Moon Bombing" tailgate parties! How long has this attack been known about? Think about it this way and in retrospect why we can no longer trust those in power. The decision to bomb to invade the moon was for reason! Why & What? Because there is no opposition. So we invade by bombing and allowing old satellites to crash upon the surface. It is a short lived war we can claim uncontested victory with no waste, no troop casualties and maybe this will be enough to trump the negative effects of two wars we are engaged upon on this earth to which we are far from being honored the winner. It is a diversion attempt that seems to be working, as it is getting more attention then 8 more kids killed in Taliban country by weapons made in America by American businesses making a buck. Trust us I hear the representation yell out, over my mooning body! Just in and please take note: For an erection lasting longer then 4-hours you should seek immediate attention from a medical professional.... Maybe that's it, as those in control from the Hill to the launch pad have something getting in the way of reality and it is indeed having dire consequences upon the trinity, that of life, liberty and my pursuit of happiness.

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