Friday, October 9, 2009


This morning, waking with word that this nation's sitting president was the recipient honored with this year's Nobel Peace Prize, it made me proud and anxious to once again say "yeh" America! I’m an Independent. Now this was all good until Rush woke up and found out that the only thing he was recipient of in comparison was to judge the Miss American pageant. What a laugh, but Rush loves the Viagra and is a bonafide feminist supporter. Hey to sit all day on his fat ass and wreck havoc upon righteousness, he has to have a hardon! And all was still quite good until the cast of "Lost", that's the FOX network, woke and smelled the aroma of success on the left! So it was to be a bad day for those bent on seeing America fail while Obama is at the helm. And this award for "Peace" was good news, no matter what spin the conspirators tried to twist on the overall message. In fact, so upset went the henhouse refuges - call it a continuation of the conspiracy theory - FOX staged an event wherein it would not have to talk about the prize upon Obama or bother to broadcast his Rose Garden "wow" speech. So instead of using the broadcast time to televise something good for America, FOX secluded itself away from righteousness because of jealousy and fabricated un-newsworthy ridiculous crap, stuff to keep its idiotic clientele entertained instead of for once allowing the truth to have justice. Yes indeed, a fabricated police chase occupied the broadcast for 3-hours during the morning, which found precedence and an audience over all other news, on a morning that was truly American. It was the typical FOX news’ rush, just when the rest of the nation was getting excited over Obama's “Peace” award. So for nearly three hours, the FOX network played out this live video of cops on the chase of some guy on the lam, for taking off from a gas station without paying. And in the end, when finally the Texas police from the town of Gun Barrel made the move to capture the guy with no known record, it wasn't like some heavy crime scene raid with cops and guns, as it required only a single policewoman to arrest the guy. This had to be staged, just to waste precious time away from true news. And why would FOX pretend like this? Because this shows failure of the highest degree with the Murdoch network, as a win for the left is indeed considered a lose for the right. And the right cannot endure very many more upsets. It didn’t end there with FOX on the spin, while other networks at least gave credit where credit was over-due! So during the day, FOX played more pharmaceutical commercials then would be the norm, just a way to sidetrack finally some good news our way. See, it has a captive audience that has forgotten about Independence! Bottom-line, it is nothing-short pathetic journalism. In fact, it is fake journalism with an ulterior motive to disenfranchise the American spirit. It isn't working, but the FOX has unleashed a monster upon us, so I have fear that Obama may not make it through to November when he is supposed to accept the award – for PEACE. FOX, in the days coming, will use every illegal tactic available to raise havoc upon its following in efforts to excite a riot of hate and doubt, a storm of lies against this country akin to a terrorist act, as when they attack the Commander-in-Chief it is war upon my country. Remember, I am an Independent. Hey, to use the excuse of the 1st to incite idiots, this is illegal and FOX should be censored. Better yet, use some “stimulus” money to buy all that erectile dysfunctional stuff it advertises and give it away like Halloween candy to its subscribers, most likely for a clientele that is neutered, or close too it from way too much Ann Coulter chat time, and that my friend could make anybody limp!

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