Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Airplane Tax

As Anchorage’s newly elected Mayor Dan “What’s Diversity” Sullivan continues to sit at the right hand of the scab - a.k.a. Jerry Prevo - it appears that budget wows are the mayor’s front and center realization. Sure Prevo is a scab, no different then those that are willing to cross picket lines in efforts to undermine the working class heroes, all for their own personal agenda. In my book, Prevo has already crossed the line. He has too much influence upon parents of kids – the latter our future - which is sad, as kids should be free to enjoy their own opinion and fabrication of such – it’s called INDEPEDENCE! This is America! As I have talked upon before, I realized Hugh Hefner as a mentor when I was growing up. He knows all about INDEPENDENCE. Sure the pictures tested our adolescence, but the articles were 1st class and intellectual, something that is missing from a Prevo sermon. So I propose a new tax that could help out this city’s budget shortfalls. Tax Prevo! That would be nice. First and foremost I must say this about this. It was a real quiet Labor Day weekend in my part of the neighborhood! Because that idiotic Elmore Extension road was closed! Whoever approved this sickening gesture of a road will probably be a senator one day. It seems that even creating crap jobs can get one into the hall of shame, the Hill of Corruption. Did “Senator” originate from the word “maggot”? Many think so, but the translation has been lost through time. I believe we should re-instate it! And why is it so, that come Labor Day, the DOT gets to talk about how great a job they are doing with roads in and around Anchorage? Because nobody is around to give a rat’s ass or listen about road construction lies! If the Round-Abouts are indeed safer then intersections, then why was the Dowling Wreck-Around closed? So the DOT could install long overdue “Speed Ramps”. And it may be true that accidents have been reduced drastically as drivers begin to understand that the “bouts” are for the insane, but I received a 10% discount from my insurance carrier, to avoid these fender bender nightmares. So many of us are staying away! Anyway, it was a quiet weekend until about 5pm, when all the private planes started heading back into town. This is disruptive, as they fly low and disrupt my peace and quiet. They have no right to do so, plus it seems dangerous with skies so crowded. Now I have nothing against private plane ownership, except the fact that those individuals that can afford such a luxury are well endowed, like lawyers, judges, crooks and doctors. So this faction that charges and arm and a leg just to be different then most Americans can most likely absorb a luxury tax upon there aircraft, for disrupting my peace and quiet. Hey, if Don Young can get a fishing pole tax placed in a highway appropriations bill, a noise tax should be an easy deal. Here is how it will work. If they pay the tax, they can fly over neighborhoods. If not, then they must use the major flyways that follow the byways. It’s simple and doesn’t disenfranchise anyone. You play, you pay, that simple. Look, besides the noise, that stuff isn’t rain coming from the skies when clouds are missing in action, its urine! I’ve seen it happen, a pilot gets close to town, he has to pee, and so it is very convenient to piss in a bottle. And why bother taking the mess home, just let it fly. So this is were fair taxation finds credence. My estimates are pretty interesting, bringing in about an extra million dollars a year. Possibly enough money to pay for those heated sidewalks in downtown along the civic center that has no bookings. What a waste! Is it really going bankrupt already? Have you been vigilant to what the “stimulus money” is doing around town? Late at night an army of crossing guards in bright bozo suits infiltrate the intersections – the unsafe places according to the DOT guys. Your taxpayer money is being used to replace traffic lights that are still under warranty and don’t need replacing! This is a luxury. Instead of a balanced approach upon a replacement program, it is waste in efforts to create a few jobs. And it doesn’t do anything to support a sustainable jobs infrastructure. It is Alaskan style waste at its best. Now this is the stimulus waste we see front and center if vigilante enough to notice such. What is happening behind closed doors is scary. Oh, how about $20,000 no bid contracts to friends. When will it ever stop, this giveaway program. Someday, the American taxpayer will say enough is enough and revolt and take back this country and renegotiate the Constitution, with term limits a necessity. I can see it now, the front and center amendment will say “read my lips, no second terms”! It is the one weak link in a good system of checks and balances, except the no-limits allows those in office to laugh all the way to their banks, most likely offshore! Is it true that Mayor Sullivan has picked a John Lennon tune for his opening of “Diversity” week? No it is not “Give Peace a Chance”, its “Woman is the Nigger of the World”! Bottom line, if Sullivan was in any way shape or form a credible mayor he would jump on this airplane tax. But he is not credible, because he proved to be missing any semblance of credibility or trust when he decided against the ethical thing and recuse himself from interfering with the Anchorage Assembly’s vote on equal rights - something that began in earnest when he was not in that position. And we all know that Prevo used propaganda and hate like tactics to delay a vote, until Sullivan was seated at the scab’s right hand as Mayor, all in efforts to overturn the Assembly’s verdict. This is as unethical as it can get. Had this been a trial by jury – which in reality it was through the Assembly’s vote – Sullivan would have to bail out, as judges know that recusing is one of the almighty things still revelent and still a trustworthy human quality when it comes to one individual sworn to seek justice for all and having the “power” to tip that scale of justice. In this case, it seems the “Corrupt Bastard’s Club” is alive and well, with the devil calling the shots. Maybe it is time to tax people and organizations like Prevo’s ABT, as when such organizations get so tuned in as to affect outcomes with prejudice, it is like a scab crossing the line, between state and church in this case. And as John Lennon once sang out, “Woman is the nigger of the world, Yes she is…think about it. If she’s real, we say she is trying to be a man. Woman is the nigger of the world. Think about it…do something about it.”

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