Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dent de Lion

Yes, the word is out! “Global Warming” has hit Alaska, as evidenced right here in Anchorage. The convincing research backing the official “It’s here” was found in my own backyard. A few years back I noticed that the French “Dent de Lion” or dandelion species - dreaded by most homeowners - was not only taking over every nook-n-cranny, but also hitting the scenery much earlier then usual. And when a “lion” is encouraged to take root, grow and blossom so early on in the short Alaskan summer, it also goes to seed much earlier. When convinced it is time to move on, a simple Chinook sends the seeds aloft, like a choreographed classical serenade of tiny dancers. Then comes rest, in efforts to prepare for the takeover, and that usually comes with the next growing cycle. Now with that in mind, there was always the interest that if this cycle of the “Taraxacum” began and ended in earnest, was there the possibility of a double duty cycle of growth? So my backyard has been used as a site in efforts to test this theory, and it is so, dandelions have the proliferation to have yet a second seeding in one seasonal cycle. This is in response to global warming and provides an interest as to how nature on its own is taking matters onto itself. A dandelion is a pretty flower, and the taller it grows, the broader becomes its underlying leaf structure. The leaves provide an air gap between the “globally warmed” scorched earth and the beginning of elevation, wherein natural eddy currents are promoted to flow, providing a cooling effect. And the luscious green like leaves need water, so the plant comes equipped by design with a “zero” energy pump utilized to bring the overheated water out of ground zero, thus providing a chilling effect, so in essence the earth can tolerate more heat. This all follows Dr. James Lovelock’s “Daisy Land Theory” made somewhat famous years back when the Internet was more of a research tool then a mad bloggers’ forum. Just kidding, no I’m not. According to Lovelock in defining the GAIA Hypothesis, “The earth is a complex entity involving the biosphere, atmosphere, oceans and soil; the totality constituting a feedback or cybemetic system which seeks an optimal physical and chemical environment for life on this planet”. Anyway, what I have observed is convincing enough through proof that nature provides it own defense to eliminate changes that could be catastrophic upon its survival, if left unchecked and not derailed. So as the scientific community spends billions on research and wastes precious years doing nothing but debating, as it appears any worthwhile research produces a consensus of nothing because of bipartisan flip flopping split opinions, nature takes action. For the human endeavor, it appears the proverbial one-step forward and two-steps back on this issue of “global” warming rules out any credible debate or action, witnessed by inactions. Basically, we spend a whole lot of valuable loot and get nothing in return. Bottom-line, nature is already taking care of business. And we can help! We can mimic nature in its call to “change horses in midstream”! See, manicured lawns - something under our control but out of control - exists as a culprit that aids and abets global warming. Lawns take water, which must be pumped by equipment that utilizes energy, thus more wasted heat. Lawns must then be manicured, and all for no other purpose whatsoever then to make it appear groomed, maybe as a civic-minded duty. That’s OK, for golf courses. I mow my lawn but once a year, to mulch the old growth to foster in new growth. And I have an electric mower, so it may use the same amount of energy, but is much quieter then an old clunker gas-guzzler type mower. Actually, it weighs less so indeed uses less energy then its competitor. And my mower doesn’t come equipped with a seat! No wonder that the ass of mankind is getting fatter and wider all the time. So the lion is here to stay and for a reason – good riddance I say. And it appears that we will be seeing more and more of the so-called “weed” make its appearance around town, not once, but twice. But I can see it now, as some “Love Canal” poison expert entrepreneur will soon offer a time-released chemical that will demonstrate that it can take the lion down, even if numerous uprisings occur within a single cycle. But if we look at what Lovelock’s theory was trying to tell us, that nature can and will fend for itself, we see that to go against nature may have devastating consequences upon mankind’s well-being if we choose to defend what we think is right, by drifting too far to the right. Nature takes no favorites hostage, as we are all in this together. Either with them or against them? All that is needed is a little intelligent reasoning as to why we do things. Manicured lawns are as outdated as “war”. It used to be something and have meaning, but nowadays, why bother? It wastes valuable energy and valuable time. It is time to give it up and learn from nature instead of trying to be smarter then nature, and that is like going to odds against the Creator. So, next year let the lion do its thing. And here is some more research data from my little piece of nirvana without chemicals. My lawn was 10-degrees cooler then a neighboring lawn. My lawn, with all its “natural” growth was home to numerous robins taking advantage of earth that was alive and well. I believe a healthy plot is healthy for the land dwellers. My backyard is a sanctuary, and observing woodpeckers is not a rarity. And as others are wasting time and energy making their lawns appear like something out of a horror movie scene from Soylent Green, so other neighbors can’t complain, I sit back and use that time to drink an ice-cold beer, and waste my time learning from nature and realize that by design we are not even close a match even a “weed”.

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