Friday, September 11, 2009

Don't Tread On US

Joe Wilson, Joe Wilson, You yelled out “You lie”,
Joe Wilson, Joe Wilson, Now you pay for “Your lie”!

Now even though there came laughs, and a few outrageous outbursts from the GOP goon-squad upon Barack Obama’s Health Care speech, nothing racks up as insensitive as Twitter-Dee and Twitter-Dumb! The goon squad sat together like a bunch of men without a country. Hey goons bearing the insignia of the GOP do you hear US now? This was the United States of America’s President speaking to the world! Even George Bush demanded more respect, so what is going on here? Many members of the poor loser’s club displayed outrageous and childlike pathetic discontent by ignoring the speech and playing with their BlackBerrys while picking their nose. If they were in any way shape or form “Statesmen”, then they would have realized this is not a game show. It goes to show that spoiled rich kids have taken over righteousness in government. We may hate government, but we are the government! When the “berry’s” came front and center as a means of silent protest, this is the time when it would have been nice to see Mother of Mercy Sister Paula walking the isles with that yard stick in hand, the one with the metal edge that can do justice for those stepping out of line! Maybe “spanking” should be allowed in the chambers! Bottom-line, this defense to ignore the truth and the showing of “NO” respect is a Sarah Palin twit of the trade trait. It is a selfish like tactic that displays a fake and insecure human quality and nothing short then a way to show one is a deep-down idiot. It is so embarrassing, especially when you are enjoying a “coldski” in the company of expatriates from another country and trying to show off your homeland and they ask you how come idiots don’t get arrested for yelling at the Pres! The Rabid Skunk Pelosi should have used the power of the gavel and kicked the bums out! If Tip O’Neil were sitting up there, there would have been justice served. The sergeant of arms would have been escorting the bums out of the chambers for a good enough reason, as this was a show of treason against the Commander in Chief, against all America. Now “of course” there will always be sigh like outbursts, but keep your opinions to yourself if only for at least an hour! That doesn’t appear to infringe upon your 1st Amendment rights! There is always time to debate the specifics of the President’s case, after the facts. But the use of the “Berry” during the speech? Please Madam Secretary, ban the Berries from the chambers! Here is what concerns me. Sometimes our so-called leaders, including twitter-dee Eric Cantor and his cohorts, twitter-dumbs, must work behind closed doors, for security reasons – like during the daily Palin whereabouts briefing. Hey, she is causing a lot of hate and discontent, which can incite misbehavior, so she is on the “axis of pathetic and evil” list. Along with Glenn “I was Molested” Beck, Sean ”I Really Wanted to be a Cunt” Hannity and Bill “I Better Looking Then Ann Coulter” O’Reily. Are they all part of the FOX conspiracy? Now what if during a security briefing a Blackberry is left on and secret information gets to Palin’s confidant, say the MegaWitch? What if she were to “twitter-dee” broadcast such to Palin’s pathetic “twitter-dumb” base, which means it gets into enemy hands. It could be devastating. Hey, her base is the enemy in my book! Since Palin went on tour, more and more hypocrites are carrying guns to school to defend against the so-called “death” squads. She has no idea of just how destructive a mentality she carries around. And she uses a “ghost” writer to play games upon us. Has anybody determined if this “ghost writer” has ties to Bin Laden? Look, Bin Laden made it clear and convincing that it would be very easy to destroy the American dream by killing that dream, through economic destruction. What Palin gets away with seems to fall right into Bin Laden’s calling plan. Destruction, by any means, self-inflicted destruction. With respect to letting someone else quote your mind? Hey, if you can’t go it alone, bail out. And we thought George Bush was dangerous? Palin is right up there with Cheney, except for one thing. Cheney calculates. Palin doesn’t know which end of a fire-cracker to keep away from. When our representatives behave like a bunch of rich-kid morons, it threatens this nation towards oblivion! It shows the rest of the world that we cannot be taken seriously as a nation of leaders put pretenders, as we show that seriousness is missing in action - George Bush style. Remember the “Doomsday Clock”? A real-time countdown based on how close this earth was to nuclear war? Well there comes now before this country its very own “Doomsday”, based on political slugfests wherein compromise on even the basic rights is but a joke. Right now - proceeding the Bush fantasyland years of endangerment - there exists a whole lot of re-work required now that Bush & Cheney are on the run. This is now the American mission, requiring everyone’s undivided attention, in efforts to get this country back on track. That is all Obama is trying to do. We must begin somewhere, and the health of the nation is a good starting point. It wouldn’t matter even if the presidency was controlled by a goon pick of the GOP, as the leadership gone away has let down the name of a once “great” nation, wherein once upon a time other nations looked to us for advise and advice. Statesmen like politics has been consumed by nepotism, seat-sitters who are convinced they need a job for life along with over-aged and outdated mentalities with obscure agendas, so believe me when I say it will be a shame if we do not take this opportunity be turn it all around. Obama is giving this country the opportunity. So it is time that all parties put their anger on hold, and at least try to be a little American like. Wow, I admit I have messed up. See, at one time when the kids were young I was cajoled into signing this contract that delivered a dictionary for life, based on the change of presidents. I paid up front good money, as I thought it would be proper to have a dictionary that was not behind the times. So I just received the hot run edition and yes indeed, George Bush has his mug-shot alongside Bill. That smirk, those dagger piecing like Cheney eyes! Maybe there is no turning back from the ruins upon government and office incited by incompetence, but we have no choice as no other options exist, except total destruction of a once great country. We owe it to ourselves to embrace a forward movement with enough a forward momentum to right the wrongs of a failed administration that has ruined this country financially and inflicted pain and suffering with not one, but two wars of make-believe. But when the goons are bent on nothing but destructive ways and means, is it a hopeless case? So to the Palin base, to Joe Wilson, to Eric Cantor, “Don’t Tread On Us” and if you are indeed true Americans and embrace the Constitution, then you owe it to this country, the soil your heated feet tread upon, and with Obama’s invite to change, to give peace a chance!. But I doubt if any of you can lower yourselves to righteousness, as to do so will prove all the time that you were wrong, pathetic and in actuality “terrorist” at heart, bent on ruining this country for no other purpose then self inflicted gains. Bottom-line, who are the real “Terrorist”? Look in the mirror, it is that easy an answer.

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