Saturday, September 12, 2009

Health Care Silver Lining!

Has the smoke cleared away? Not in reference to this summer’s fallout haze from the major interior infernos up Nenana way, but over the “Health Care” reform fervor wherein it is evident that some don’t care about others when it comes to the “life” portion of the trinity. I am talking the almighty threesome of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Why are so many so-called Americans acting like idiots in celebrating Ted Kennedy’s passage? Give this “Statesmen” a break for once. Really, this goon like guy comes into the oil camp that incarcerates my freedom every other week and is raved on a rant about Ted. I felt like decking him, as that would be permissible under U.S. Constitutional self-defense provider, to protect this country. Talk about a “provider”, what’s in your health care plan. Take that back, what’s not covered? Seems like nothing nowadays. It appears that the old motto of “Country of Brotherly Love” has been postponed yet again. Just ask Obama following his “Health Care” speech in front of Congress when a bunch of idiots managed to get through security and heckled out loud lies about the man. Will we ever get back that honor, of “Brotherly Love”? In Anchorage, this largest city of the 49er has become the “Kill Thy Homeless” state of affairs. Has anybody seen Jerry Prevo? I heard his majesty sanitarian had an office over at City Hall, in the rightwing sanitarium of Mayor Sullivan. And what is up with all those elderly folks behaving un-American like with respect to Obama’s dream of health care for all? Hey, nothing is going to happen upon Medicare payments as that system has no checks and balances and is as out of control as the U.S. Tax Code. So don’t worry, as it will take eons times infinity to get the mess straightened out. Not the tax code, as it is evident that after spending over 850-billion dollars in efforts to try and revamp the vampire, it has become just more complicated. That waste could have provided some seed money for a national health plan, way back when Hilary was trying to make a name for herself in competition with Monica. And here is another thing about Medicare. How come we see more and more of those info-commercials about scooters? Is just plain old walking become another unhealthy habit? Are these idiots trying to outlaw even the fundamental form of everyday exercise? Read between the lines of these rip-off artist commercials and you find out really quick that the run-amuck wannabe mobsters run Medicare – doctors and lawyers and corrupt entrepreneurs bent on ripping off the U.S. Treasury so they can live a life of luxury. Just look at the play toys a doctor has at his disposal! Just look at the toys a lawyer has fun with. Doctors are over-paid for a job that is bent on nothing but subscription medicine – at one time called snake-oil medicine. When is the last time a doctor prescribed plain good old “exercise” as a remedy away from something that comes out of a plastic “Mother’s Little Helper” bottle! And lawyers are bent on bending the rules – including the Constitution – for their own benefit. Mark Twain was right, about greed seekers and maggots. Yes indeed, if there is money to be made, doctors and lawyers swam around like fruit flies, but deep down just a bunch of maggots! The entire “privatized” medical establishment is a gigantic disrespect upon righteousness. And according to the Newt, who is somewhat aligned with Obama on fixing the malpractice upon the Treasury with respect to Medicare payments, 1in 6 payments for services rendered are based on fraudulent expenditures. This is outrageous! Maybe the jails should be filled with those that are ripping off this system. And if nothing else, Obama’s plan will fix this mess. So why are we afraid of socialized medicine? We are not in reality, as socialized medicine wastes not want and we find out that we are not compromised as a society, with “medicine” for all. We are very successful as a society ready to focus upon issues of great humanitarian importance then loose that focus with impotence when infused by fear factor mongering, when the perverted “special interest” smoke screen enters the picture. And that sabotage is controlled by maggots also, over-powerful looting lobbyists. Too much power is outlawed by the Constitution. If you don’t believe me, read the 10th Amendment. But when lawmakers are the lawbreakers, what do you expect. Hey, we can’t outlaw politicians, but we can surely outlaw crooks - a.k.a. lobbyists. Is Tom Delay really going to compete in “So You Think You Can Dance”? Maybe a show titled “Can You Disenfranchise Blacks” would be more appropriate. I believe Tom is coaching Mayor Sullivan on diversity. Tom, go away and leave us all alone. Next thing you know it will be Bill Clinton on stage! Anyway, there appears to be a whole lot of “Town Hall” ranting over the issue of health care reform for all Americans. This issue should indeed be on everyone’s undivided focus radar screen, “All Americans”! But with Alaska’s EX-Governor Sarah Palin – a.k.a. loosing running mate of John “Madman” McCain – still loose and gallivanting the political junket circuit frequented by failing idiots and while on tour recommends “Death Squads”, of course the rant is on. Look, this was not anything of interest or concern until Palin made it an issue. So she gets credit for a Hitler like tactics to forego or delay a decent health care program when at the same time she was instrumental in allowing one of the best nationalized health care programs to survive right back home in her own state of Alaska. I am talking the BIA medical facility in Anchorage off Tudor that keeps on giving and growing and caters to those who accept a nationalized medical care program without strings attached. It is a Federally run institution that has been awarded unprecedented awards, to reiterate, a government run institution, running in a class equal to some of the best medical institutions run by major universities! It was voted the 3rd best medical facility in the entire United States with respect to emergency room preparedness and fit-for-duty medical personnel. There is never any over-crowding. There exists hang-out housing when patients come in from the remote villages, for accompanying family members. The size of this medical facility is twice the combined “white man” hospitals. It is clean and neat. It has no shortage of help. It has the most modern of hi-tech medical eavesdropping equipment. It is self-reliant and doesn’t need help from outsiders, like electricity or heating fuel, as it comes equipped with back-up generators - very important should another Richter-9 hits. Funded by Congress, it keeps on growing and provides construction jobs year round. This is “Your Tax Dollars At Work”. This is Uncle Sam administering “health care”, socialized health care. This is how it will be if for once there exists a government run plan that covers anybody and everyone, as long as you can claim 1/8 American bloodline. So Joe Wilson, don’t worry about “illegal aliens”. Isn’t telling lies a sickness? And one would think that a congressman would not be suffering from this disease, as our “Tax Dollars At WORK Again” pay a good amount of loot so the crooks can have 1st class coverage. How come they get it and we don’t get it? And no one gets turned away from this Uncle Sam facility, so its intake desk sees many patients from all walks of life, including families living up here and engaged in the fishing industry - wherein medical coverage is just a dream. OK, so aliens do get covered, as this place doesn’t discriminate. So the true time proven litmus test over a government run health care program is sitting right here in front of us here in Alaska. So what gives with so many opposed to Uncle Sam running the Rx? Its called “GREED”. So here it is in a nutshell. Some like to be at the front of the line because they believe in SDS – a.k.a. their “Shit Don’t Stink” syndrome. When I arrive at the airport and join the true “American” line-up, wherein no preferential treatment is allowed and watch as those with SDS syndrome try to cut the wait by entering the preferential “easy access” gate reserved for pilots and go irate when the TSA guy doesn’t believe in practicing prejudice, and the rant and rave can be smelled like overcooked guts, it is evidence of a “sick” society. It is all based on “greed”, as is the opposing force behind more of the same with health care NO reform. Get over it greed bastards, as we are all in this together, so let’s try to share! So the next time you are heading past the crowds because you think you are better then the rest, think twice, as to join in with the rest along with a little patience, this can go a long way towards “Brotherly Love”. And some believe that “Love” is the cure-all for all our wows! Now there may be an underlying reason people are opposed to nationalized health care, it is called getting healthy. When Uncle Sam gets its mitts into health care, be assured that JFK’s dream of “Ask What You Can Do For Your Country“ will be center stage wherein we as Americans will be asked to lend a helping hand, as a healthy nation is a powerful nation. Nationalized health care may compromise this country’s pathetic eating habits, like maybe it means an end to crappy fast food addictions! It would be one way to pay for a nationalized plan, by taxing the fast food establishments, for aiding and abetting an un-healthy eating lifestyle. Now health care reform is way overdue, especially with respect towards a more healthier American diet plan. We consume crap. Fast food is basically crap. I haven’t infested my stomach with fast fried crap for eons, as I adore real good food, like is served in countries that have not our medical problems. Wherein people take it upon themselves to eat healthy and live healthier, wherein medical costs take a nose dive, because people don’t get sick as much and realize that if you eat crap, you become crap. Now I must admit that early on in life I did partake of the fast food diet, until I watched that Soylent Green movie while a nearby fast food joint belched out an odor that made the movie so real! Is that what burning bodies really smells like? Yuck! And take for instance a most recent study about tooth decay. It was researched with proof that many other countries suffer not the tooth decay found here in glory land. Why? Because most countries enjoy real bread as a staple, stuff that has a crust, as this acts as a natural cleanser. The same not found with Sunbeam or that crap served on some semblance of a bun that tastes like re-cycled newspaper. It all adds up, have it your way? Fast food promotes a hectic lifestyle, so that is in itself a cause for increased cancer risks and deaths. So maybe there is even more added value to a nationalized health care plan, - a silver lining - wherein Uncle Sam getting into our business is for reasons good, for national security. Again, a healthy nation is a powerful nation. In ending, I toast Ted Kennedy. A Sam Adams type of toast, as here was a man with a vision. For Sullivan and Prevo, it is a clear sign that Anchorage will never be a town of brotherly or sisterly love and soon all the homeless will disappear, so convenient? Maybe this is part of the GOP health care plan scam!