Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sarahmoud Palinejad

My morning paper was late again! So maybe there was a printing press malfunction, which allowed a misprint in the morning news! The Anchorage Daily Stool read; “Palin Finishes Memoir “Going Rogue” along side “Iran Test Fires Missile that can Wreck Israel”. There has to be a mix-up! I believe the headline news’ should have read; Palin Test Fires Book that can Wreck America”! Palin and Iran’s Ahmadinejad? Like peas in a pod in my book yet to be published because the publishers are too busy printing crap! And guess what? Palin’s publisher is owned by the FOX, so it has Hannity and Beck and Coulter and O’Reilly’s stamp of “masculine” – a.k.a. Dickhead - approval that testifies that the 1st Amendment allows crap to pollute the mindset. What do you mean Coulter is a blond? That’s pretty dumb! Hey, this is interesting. One can dissect Ahmadinejad’s name and find the word “Mad”. With Palin, “Pain”. Look, if Palin walked into the United Nations to give a speech, there would come a boycott walkout, just like occurred the other day when Mahmoud tried to pawn his memoirs. Wow, two monsters on the loose in the headline news’ just as Sleepy Hollow time comes along – as it is beginning to look a lot like Halloween. Oh I forgot, as one is not to judge a book by its cover - that includes the title. But why would Palin write a book titled “Going Rogue”? According to Webster’s; Rogue – 1) a vagabond. 2) a scoundrel. 3) an animal that wanders apart from the herd and is fierce and wild. 4) to cheat. Now my Webster’s may be outdated, as I refuse to buy a new dictionary with George Bush’s mug-shot included in the opening. Guilty by association can get you in trouble, especially with interest in a war crimes tribunal. Then again, maybe the title was a misprint and was supposed to have read, “Going Rouge”. But the political arena seems to have the ability to misrepresent the true definition of words when it is towards the scoundrels’ benefit. Take for instance the use of the word “crooked”, which has been transformed to mean honest representation. But with respect to the “political” definition of “Rogue”, Palin will be remembered for going “blood red” rogue on “Big Oil” in Alaska by raising taxes against this state’s only viable jobs sustaining infrastructure. Most Americans do not realize that Alaska is by far the biggest welfare state of the Union. Without “Big Oil”, this state would once again be part of the Russian gulag, that place Sarah can see from her backwards backyard. Those glasses she wears must be super- magnifiers. Now as a fallout of the Palin Deliberating Tax, many oil industry infrastructure projects have been shelved, due Palin’s lack of knowledge of how this industry has dominated Alaska for well over 30-years by now. It means thousands of well paying jobs gone away! And why should Sarahmoud Palinejad care about the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of others? Especially other Americans? Why this scoundrel, this vagabond, this animal, this cheat – all according to Webster – would have a following that would spend decent hard earned money on a book of nonsense is beyond American! So maybe it is more in line to patheticism. The latter is defined as the following made famous by Palin. The name speaks for itself. Now with respect to raising taxes upon “Big Oil”, some may say that is good, but it doesn’t work, as “Big Oil” has time on its side and eventually will see too it that honesty gets the best of the politicians in office. With that the tax haven returns, along with jobs. We cannot have our cake and eat it too! Higher taxation against the hand that feeds means fewer jobs. And it was the Palin tax assault upon “Big Oil” that has stalled maybe forever the dream of a natural gas pipeline from Alaska to Iran. See, “Big Oil” controls all the gas. But Palin’s memoirs have credibility for at least something notable besides taxation, as when she alienated herself against “Big Oil” it meant befriending the “Independent” oil entity that had for years been financially banned from the Alaskan scene. Low and behold there came the welcome handshake from Juneau upon the Independents, with royalty relief and tax breaks. When those involved in resource development get such breaks, it breaks the state’s treasury. It means a break for outsiders at the expense of state income. In a nutshell, a lower PFD check! Now the reason Sarah left the governorship was the fact that she was doomed once she doomed the jobs of thousands, by over reacting to taxation upon an entity she could not stand up against. This was like David verses Goliath! But when Sarah attacked big oil, she wooed in the Independents, low budget outfits that have not the sense yet for doing things right. When one observes the “development creep” occurring in pristine areas “offshore” in northern Alaska, it is something that John Muir warned us against. But it may be a long time before the fallout of Palin’s legacy hits home, and she will be long gone enjoying the money paid out by “patheticism”, for a book written by someone else and published by an entity that is way more destructive then “Big Oil”!

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