Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Low on life over the routine 5-day & 40-hour workweek job to nowhere? Tired of working that 9 to 5 push and shove? Want a challenge that pays well, upwards of $200 an hour while working at home or at a local coffee shop? How about the opportunity to make your own schedule? And it’s this simple! If you can take 1000-pages of testimony and condense it into a 100-page report – basically trashing 90% of the original material – edit the leftovers in plain English at a grammatical level the Alaska State legislature can understand – 4th grade or lower – then there is a lucrative high paying job waiting for you, even while the state economy goes downhill. Newsflash: “BP laying off hundreds of contractors”. So what do you say, besides YES…sign me up! And at $20,000 a whack per report, you’ll be rich in no time and contributing to the GOP fan club. And like any other state funded project with this “stimulus money” floating around uncontrollably, once started, it is only the beginning of a lucrative never ending career sustainable without any real accountability. And there’s more, NO experience necessary! If interested contact Craig at 907-279-0200. EEO Statement: Preferential hiring allowed those who are family members of committee aides, as allowed under the MoanaLisa Murkowski Nepotism Act of 2002.

Fake add? Of course, but here is what I really have to say over State Representative Craig Johnson’s attempt to give away a $20,000 contract, no bid, to the husband of committee aide - wherein he himself is the committee chairperson, so the aide works for guess who? Make it a contest! Whomever delivers the best report – judged by the legislature – gets the prize. Even 4th grade classrooms can participate! In this day and age of reduced jobs, to just give away a contract to the relative of a friend, it is more maggot politics at work, fruit fly legislation according to Mark Twain. And where and when is it going to end, this giveaway program that started with the inception of the “Corrupt Bastards Club”? Seems like the energizer “no bid” bunny has gone berserk - it keeps on giving to a select few. And I don’t give a rat’s ass over the would-be recipient’s knowledge or past experiences, as everybody should be given a chance to enrich themselves, by following the rules and regulations formulated to disallow preferential treatment of this kind. This is state money at risk! It is a resource, and accordingly, it belongs to the citizens of Alaska and every damn citizen should have the opportunity to bid this contract. So Craig, did you forget about the state Constitution and what it really means? But why should a politician give a rat’s ass, as it seems in this day and age representation is something only but a suggestion, just like an Anchorage STOP sign!

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