Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Jerry Prevo: 1 On 1

Dear Jerry;

It was with great interest and enthusiasm that I had the opportunity to speak with you directly! If you have forgotten that 1 on 1, it occurred on Tuesday, when you were walking into the Anchorage Assembly meeting over at the Loussac Library. I just happened to be amongst the “Red-Coat Turn-Coats” that had congregated to make Anchorage a worse off place to live. I was wearing the “blues”, so surrounded by the enemy. But I do not let such surroundings intimidate. Maybe that is why you seemed so at ease, amongst “your” friends. You approached my location with your goon like body guard and several other clergy like guys, the latter easy to tell by their stool stuck-up attitude - like “I’m God and my shit don’t stink”. Your wife was way behind, but maybe you practice the Taliban creed, which bans women from the front of the line-up. Anyway, as you came within arms reach, I voiced a concern to which you readily gave interest upon. I re-iterate what I said, out loud and in plain English, so all your fans could hear. “The Devil is here”. You stopped in your tracks, but became lost with words. You looked me eye-to-eye, but could not form a comeback response to my claim that you were indeed Satan amongst us. Your eyes went watery and dropped. I could tell that you were in deep thought, almost like a repenting. Was that it? Were you repenting or asking yourself, why do some people hate me? Well, Jerry, it is an eye-for-eye and a tooth-for-tooth mentality. You praise, preach and teach hate mongering, using the pulpit as your stage to advance a selfish agenda upon the masses, that equality isn’t necessary. In fact, towards your failed “mission” to disenfranchise, you must import imposters, from the “Valley”. You may disagree with the imposter label, as these are adults on their own accord to do as they please, but what about all the children that are bused in? These kids have no idea what they are doing or for what reason they are recruited. In fact these kids were bored stiff and kept the police gainfully employed, climbing the groomed trees, running through the manicured flower-beds and throwing trash all about. Maybe the “Trash” label meets the test for the imposters you bus in from Wasilla. In fact several tree branches were broke by these kids in boredom. It started looking like a war zone, with litter and worn out trails where before there existed a natural backdrop. And the spitting was gross, especially upon the walkways. My wife complained, but the kids were unresponsive to adult supervision or authority. Is this our future? Why do you insist on “crap” like this? Why do you insist on “crapping” upon others that deny your “mission” statement? Anyway, it was so nice to get back to my home, a neighborhood that sees you only as a creep preacher that has an agenda of destruction, the “Devil” syndrome. In fact, it was so nice to get back to that neighborhood of “diversity for all” wherein freedom is still a God given right, and not based on some religious “We are doomed” base of disgrace. A place where the kids were out playing baseball, as it is summer. I felt sorry for “your” kids, the imposters, for “they know not what they do” in efforts to instill this Christian fundamentalist “Red-Coat Turn-Coat” movement that can only disgrace freedom for all. So your work has to be the work of the devil in disguise. Anyway, thanks for making my day, that I had the opportunity to stare you down, eye-to-eye, wherein you were speechless. I hope you were repenting, as it is never too late to change those evil ways. Jerry, please release the kids from your evil grip, as they have a life to live and should be allowed to form their own opinion instead of being forced upon them your evil ways and means, instilling a hate like attitude so early on in life. But if you let go that grip, then maybe you loose your power to deceive, then what would you do? Repent for the rest of your life as you have along way to go to make good what you have so cherished to destroy. Teaching “hate” cannot be Godlike! I welcome your response to this correspondence at the same time give you the opportunity to express what you were thinking that Tuesday evening outside the library when I provoked your interest by calling you the “Devil”. If you refuse to clear your name, then I know I am right, as a devil must retreat when the cover is blown!

S.Pam MaGee

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