Friday, June 19, 2009

Dear John

Dear John McCain;

Why did you create such a monster? I am talking about Sarastein, a.k.a. Sarah Palin. Was this by design, using the original formula that produced Frankinstein? Or was Sarastein an experiment gone bad? Was it your intent to break out this secret weapon during the election in efforts to scare us all towards political death? By the way, when this experiment was in its infancy, was there a potion designed to stop if the experiment went wrong? If that is available, please forward to Alaska, as Sarastein’s influence has started a pandemic wherein she is totally out of control and bent on making the entire government mandate a reality show. Please help undo what you have done, as we now feel we are in prison with her everyday outlandish outbursts and you know what prison is like! You started this “crap” upon us, now please finish it. We need help! If this monster gets anywhere near the presidency, we are doomed. So, if that control potion is available, please send it to the Alaska Center for Disease Control, so it can be distributed to stop this monster that is making life under the Constitution a joke. And by the way, if you have any remedies for wicked witches, please send that stuff along, as Sarastein likes to make friends with Mega-witches.

S. Pam MaGee

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