Monday, May 25, 2009

Hose Can You See?

It was pathetic. It was so painfully cruel, to watch in vain as Hose - the poster soldier -tried in vain to enjoy the festivities. Propped up by a grieving mom on one side and a loving sister the other. His facial expression was not one of honor or glory but transpired. ”What’s there to live for?” was written all over where once there was a smile, but now ceases to exist. Hose is confined forever the rest of his life in a wheel chair. He can no longer bath nor feed himself. He is brain dead. His life has no meaning. His mom had to sell off the house in efforts to provide extended care to this young adult whose life was cut short, by a roadside bomb. Pathetic that Congress can spend money on crap when at the same time this country cannot even care for or care about its very own wounded, its soldiers returning home for a homecoming that is missing a meaning. Remember, the “mission accomplished” still haunts this country. The Congress, the present and past administrations are AWOL their sworn responsibilities! Call it a dereliction of duty, it is. Hose was a casualty of the Iraq War “Blunder”. Yes casualty, even though this man still breathes, he is dead inside and out. Death would shine brighter, like many of his comrades of arms returning home in a cold steel box, draped with the red, white and blue tear jerk of a failed mission upon a failed government - our government. It was like watching a retard and as derogatory as that word may be, it is only used when this word finds necessity in getting the word across. War is painful. The aftermath of war is painful. We all suffer the pain. Is the freedom worth it? I watched the Memorial Day celebration from the comfort of my living room. Yes, we have the men and women in uniform to thank for this freedom. WWI, WWII, the Korean War and not to forget the dreaded almost forgotten Vietnam War, the conflict wherein this country was to learn from past mistakes, that necessity to protect is the true and only Mother of intervention. We haven’t learned yet it seems. Evident is the sad fact that those in power today still struggle to learn from past blunders. How this country got itself into such a mess is so pathetic. And the only broadcast that saw fit to air the Memorial Day eve celebration from the United States capitol was PBS, the independent that watched as Congress cut funding for their 1st Amendment efforts – as this broadcast was way too liberal for some senior Congressmen, including Don Young. Like mentioned already, we can waste money then spend money then special interest money but mom has to sell everything just to care for Hose. And if I prefer an independent view upon issues at hand, I have to fork out more money? Another pathetic American ideology wherein Congress has way too much control. Now the stage line-up for the Memorial Day eve celebration held musical talent, but there was an element of professionalism missing. With the present day state of affairs, with a retarded Congress that has no intention to stop the killing fields of war - including the Iraq and Afghanistan blunders - this country didn’t need American idol wannabes to sing Old Glory. Today, we need true American idols, like Bob Dylan or John Trudell, to tell it like it is realistically. But such truth most politicians are afraid to hear. John Lennon said it best, “War is over if you want it.” So why is it that everybody enjoys this day not as a day of remembrance, but a day that means it is time to hit the campgrounds, to have fun, to party all day long and at night, enjoying smores by a campfire? Are we teaching our children false ideals, just like how Congress behaves when all we hear nowadays is lie, lie and more lies? At the same time, heroic men and women – soldiers like Hose and many others - sit to exist brain dead, or dead, from a war that was orchestrated under false pretense, which is fraud. Why the perpetrators of this conflict - the PNAC delegates - including Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, George Bush’s family, Paul Wolforitz are still free to roam the American heartland without remorse, without pain, without some semblance of blame is all so pathetic. Instead of a cookout in Crawford there should have been a “Dog” like round up. I would have loved to see Cindy Sheehan cattle roping George. Instead of a bounty for Bin Laden, there should be a bounty for the imposters, the PNAC delegates that started this mess. But now that the 111th has provided more funds to protract the war, there will be yet another Hose next year come Memorial Day. We fund it, we approve it! It signals one thing. With this type of mindset, with this type of mentality, this nation is doomed. We cannot maintain superiority when we chose battles that are not justified for any rhyme nor reason What is worse upon this nation is the fact that we do nothing about it. I will take that back. Our retarded Congress does nothing. Pelosi and the gang hold the purse-strings, yet they bend over and allow this country to continue down the path of destruction. Maybe it is the only solution, as Bob Marley once sang. And here is the real patheticness of the Cheney War ritual. Right now in Afghanistan the Taliban are putting up a pretty good defense and frightening fight against the NATO troops, which numbers mostly American soldiers. Other countries are not stupid any longer when it comes to the outfall of a war – so they limit involvement. Right now as we enjoy the hotdogs and hamburgers and celebrate this Memorial Day not in morning but enjoying what freedom we have left, the bullets piecing the hearts of young men and women in uniform are “Made in American”! How and why this is happening is so suspicious, so pathetic that it has “special interest” written all over. The Taliban got the “good” goods somehow. Like somebody wanted a fair battle scene? For a protracted engagement? Is there an American gunrunner making millions on some underground dealings? Maybe arms for cocaine, just like occurred back when Regan was President? Probably so, as war makes money for some and brings grieving to moms. On both sides that is. That is why war is an outdated human fantasy. I believe that the only reason that this pathetic Congress gave in to fund these protracted conflicts was to keep the military machine going, with more “crap”, so they could keep their cushion jobs. An end to the wars will mean unemployment. There is no other reason for such pathetic stupidity. Again, is this type of mentality worth it? Is this type of mentality “American”? I doubt it. Anyway, it was a painful night at the Capitol. But it seems the entire Congress and present administration was once again AWOL. A dereliction of duties beyond any semblance of Americanism. But maybe these bastards that start wars and cannot finish wars are truly traders, turncoats who care for one and only one thing, to get re-elected so they can fund retarded legislation that funds retarded wars and we get to watch as Hose tries to tell us what he really thinks. Which I am sure is not what Obama and Pelosi would like to hear, as they are all guilty of aiding and abetting the Bush PNAC doctrine and care not a rat’s ass about the sovereignty of this once great America, the land of the once free and the home of the once brave, especially if the latter two can be purchased for themselves at the taxpayers’ expense. Pathetic is this countries leadership. Bottom line, stop the funding and the wars come to end - it is that simple. We deal with the fallout after the smoke of a retreat clears away. Further the funding, and it means not superiority but a ramshackle state of affairs wherein the economy suffers, the taxpayers suffer and this nation suffers. American made bullets killing Americans in uniform, how pathetic!

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