Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wacky & Wacky!

So the coffee shops are abuzz with news that once indicted on 7-felony counts ex-U.S. Senator Ted Stevens(R-Alaska) is a free man. Opinions vary, as the latter is an inherent right, through the 1st Amendment. But what gets me is the idiotocracy that follows this madness, guilty or not guilty, like the almost full page congratulatory add placed in the Anchorage Daily Stool by Hackney & Hackney. It starts off with; "There are many good men. There are few great men. Ted Stevens is both." I think there was a misprint, as it should have read Wacky & Wacky, Idiots at Large. What I am getting at is this. In that expensive "God bless you, Ted" layout that I wouldn’t even let my puppy crap upon, there comes this point blank question from the authors: "Did Ted feather the nests of a chosen few? Wherein the Hackney’s go on to answer: "Absolutely. They are called Americans." Gag me with a spoon please! As therein exists the problem of why Ted is disliked by "True Americans". It appears as though Art & April places the stamp of approval on preferential treatment. I never had an invite to Ted’s Nest! I would say that they most likely then not gained favor from such "feathered" misappropriations which means others were disenfranchised! As for most, we fall into the peasant class, and found no special treatment. I am talking the hard working American class. The trickle down theory was indeed alive and well in Stevensville, but that is not what America is all about. Especially when we proletariats only received pennies on "our" dollars, as others in the nest went rich. So maybe the Hackney’s flunked out on civics when the Constitution was being addressed and dissected. If you don’t get it, that was taxpayers’ money that Ted dealt with when feathering the nest! His salary for representing us without prejudice came from my hard earned money garnished away. But in ending, I am glad that Ted is finally enjoying a day of rest. What bothers me most is the fact that before us is a nation wherein "Voters Are Left Behind" and have not the time or energy anymore to bother with seeking out what is right or what is wrong - including infiltrating your nest! Why? Because the nest stinks and we have been screwed by the FOX stealing anything and everything not tied down, then some! I guess if one is on the take, it is OK. If not, then we have a problem. So to Art & April, yes "Many have been touched by Ted’s goodness and his greatness", but not everybody can lay claim to that sentiment, and that is what is wrong with America - where some of us must work without a feathered nest to retreat, to strive for that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Ted’s efforts only undermined the individual’s efforts in that pursuit. For his own greed, and that of those that shared his nest, as you call them, the "chosen few". God help America!

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