Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A' la Carte Ted

Was Ted Stevens good for America? NO! Was Ted good for Alaska? Maybe. Putting it in perspective…Hold that thought. Laura Ingalls, you must be constipated, again. Go take a crap will ya and please leave Obama’s foreign policy "attempt" alone. Remember, we had not a diplomat at the helm for the last 20-years. Better yet, I understand that Limbaugh and Coulter are looking for a threesome, your presence is gladly appreciated. Your ranting, raving and moaning will add to the excitement. Anyway, whether Ted was good or bad will be debated for years, or at least another week or so. It is the "Tail of Two Cities" scenario, as what was good for Alaska may not have been good for America. If money was wasted away from the U.S. Treasury for Alaskan crap, it hurts America. And most of the money that was sidetracked to Alaska over Ted’s years of endangerment was most likely jobs "stimulus" money but in realty "welfare", republican style welfare, disguised as something but in reality nothing. To date, Alaska does not yet have a sustainable jobs infrastructure, like manufacturing or agriculture that maintains steady jobs. And how much taxpayer money was spent trying? You don’t want to know, as it is sickening. In a nutshell, here is my take on it. Back some years ago, when the Republicans were in power and earmarks were belching out of control like black soot out of a power plant’s chimney soon after Bush lifted all environmental regulations, Ted was interviewed by a local newshound about such earmark reform. With Ted strutting power and seniority on the Hill, he had the power to steer appropriations worth billions towards Alaska. And one earmark in particular was of interest, a grant, to study the "penis" size of the male Musk Oxen. See at one time our government was smart and provided for entrepreneurship and growth through "loans", SBA type loans that required a commitment. "Grants" which requires no commitment and no payback and no nothing came about when Ted was in Congress. It is highway robbery and was instituted for no other reason then to hold Americans hostage at the voting booth. A pat on the back type mentality. Anyway, back to the "penis". Ted received a request for such research and came through. But nobody in their right mind would ever attempt to measure the genitalia of a 1200-pound beast that looks prehistoric and stinks! So the money was used to build a recreational cabin, for a private entity. Taxpayer money! When asked about this, Ted responded in anger that he takes all requests to heart and when he delivers the bacon, once the money leaves his control it is not his responsibility. True, but it buys something, votes. It is pathetic and irresponsible to have this kind of mindset when "My" money is involved and at risk. Another case in point is the fiasco over the spruce bark beetle infestation back in the late 90’s in and around much of Southcentral Alaska. This is where two party affiliated comrades can get sidetracked and think they are working towards a common goal but act recklessly and once again we see the "Fleecing of America". Remember that show? Ted was a celebrity on several occasions. Anyway when the beetle was making biologist nervous, U.S. Congressmen Don Young - Ted’s buddy - thought great, as dead trees creates rough wood which creates lumber which creates jobs. So the Fed.’s rushed millions to Alaska to build what is now the defunct "Pt. McKenzie Wood Chip Export Facility". Well at the same time, some scientist found a way to circumvent the beetle spread, by cutting fire-breaks in the woods, so they couldn’t jump ship following a winter’s hibernation. Ted sent money to Alaska to cut down thousands of healthy tree stands, even before an environmental impact statement was tested. It worked and the beetles surrendered. It meant an end to the wood chip exporting facility, which logged only two shiploads of exports to Japan! A waste of taxpayer money, again "fleeced". And what effect the tree break had upon the environment will not be known for years to come. And many biologists insisted that the beetle was here for a reason! See, it has nothing to do with anything even close to righteous, as it all boils down to "kiss my ass and I’ll kiss yours back". So at the same time, with money wasted away there came no "sustainable" jobs and Alaskan’s are left with another eyesore as can be seen from Anchorage, maybe to remind us of more waste and failure during the reign of Uncle Ted - as some prefer to call him. So just the fact that two top Alaskan representatives were not communicating towards a common goal, it is again reckless behavior and not what we would expect from those sworn to uphold the Constitution. It is "our" money they mess with! There are countless scenarios and failures here in the 49er that could test the question in which this broadcast started out to dismiss or prove. America has been fleeced royally by Alaska, courtesy Alaska’s delegation. And it is happening today with Obama’s stimulus program. We have here in Alaska what is called the Constitutional Budget Reserve, a rainy day fund of 6-billion dollars which should be used before we except anymore government welfare. So was Ted good or bad? It doesn’t matter any more! He is now history. The fact that there exist idiots out there that believe a sitting senator - newly elected Begich - should step down for no other reason then in efforts to give Ted a second chance at re-election is even more dangerous then what Ted may or may not have done with so many years in control of Congress. We have a sinking economy, on his watch. We have two military conflicts, on his watch. We have soaring gasoline prices, on his watch. I could go on. But enough is enough. If you get the point, fine. If not, maybe you can be that fruitcake that would attempt to measure the penis size of a tundra roaming Musk Oxen and go down in history as one that believed in Ted. Bottom line, Ted was guilty, is still guilty and is enjoying freedom due a technicality. Yes the Justice Department is guilty of abridging innocence before guilt, but under Ted’s watch this country changed, towards the worse with regulations, laws and bylaws. To end, I never wished Ted to spend time incarcerated, as the guilty verdict was enough. Again, without doubt in the minds of free thinkers, he is still guilty as the proof is in the pudding. Anybody who aligned himself or herself with Bill Allen was corrupt. Ted’s family knows it, his comrades that took advantage of him know it as do the "Big Oil" CEOs that were not allowed to testify "under oath" when grilled on high gasoline price fixing, that privilege afforded through and by Stevens’ irresponsibility. The "people" were screwed and we know it, and that is why he was voted out of office. Even if today there came another election, Ted would be retired and that is where he belongs. Memoirs? Maybe Ted and Bush can co-author something, like a Mad Magazine article to capture their pathetic journey. As Hackney & Hackney try to dispel any lingering tarnished reputation upon the ex-senator, that Ted "feathered the nests of a chosen few", well Art and April, that is not American by any stretch of the imagination. Preferential treatment is what placed Ted in the crosshairs of corruption! That buddy communications outfit must have money left over from one of Ted’s giveaway extravaganzas as no decent individual or business would waste money on such a spread - unless American Taxpayers’ loot - to advertise that Ted was a statesmen. He is not! And for those wishing to have fun, especially kids "Left Behind" in another fiasco that Ted was in favor of, take this morning’s edition of the Anchorage Daily Stool’s front page spread of the Stevens’ Family - minus Ben - celebrating a victory that allows America crooks to walk, as it makes for a great dartboard! Now that’s celebratory!

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