Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Perfect Storm of Justice

Yes, justice has been served. I write on this subject the morning before Judge Sullivan may make history by following the lead of the U.S. Justice Department and rule in favor of fallen U.S. Senator Ted Stevens, to toss out his corruption case due prosecutor malfeasance. Even though the jury has spoken, delivering a 7-count felony indictment verdict, the outcome of the judge’s decision is meaningless. Why? Because justice has been served in a ways and means that is justified for the "crime" of a lifetime! First and foremost, it is good that Ted is in retirement, finally! The fact that his re-election attempt may have been diminished by the "corruption" trial due a 40-year corruption trail is the "Perfect Storm of Justice" served. Government started out clean but has become so corrupt, without ethics, without term limits, without much meaning anymore except more corruption. And someone is to blame for the mess, Ted included. It is ironic that Ted now blasts the same institution that he built and served for so many years. What goes around comes around still works. That chalet in Girdwood - the cornerstone of the felonies - it will remain a nightmare for Ted, like returning to the scene of the "crime". Best sell out Ted, as even your friends down that way did things behind the scenes that makes many wonder, "Friends"? If so, then what are your enemies like? Bill Allen type seems to fit the latter. And when anybody looks at how Bill Allen set out to screw the workers of Alaska in concert with "Big Oil’s" mandate of greed, why Ted would side with Bill is still mind-boggling but goes to show stupidity, manipulation and preference. Ted was never really for the "people", it was just a sideline position. Bill Allen was no good for Alaska, neither was Ted any good for Alaska, as he held a noose upon our freedoms and righteousness for way too long. Politicians seem to behave in this manner. But in a nutshell, it is Ted’s arrogance that made him what he is today, a failed statesman. Sure Ted was supposedly "good" to Alaska when it came to welfare and pork, but Ted was in bed with the wrong forces, like "Big Oil", all to the detriment of the American taxpayers. It all looked good from the outside, but what Ted did on the inside was instrumental in placing this country on the wrong track. It wasn’t only Ted. Don Young is just as guilty. And MoanaLisa Murkowski is proof that those in power don’t care what goes on, in her case by the way she was given her dad’s vacant senate seat, by her dad, which means nepotism is also a thriving disease upon government. No matter what she has done or will do for this state or America, it will never be enough to garnish a re-election vote from this citizen. There is more to this story - Alaska’s failed political scene - then meets the eye and won’t be covered in detail, but the proof exists. Time in office means power. Ted was one of the most powerful U.S. Senators ever to haunt the Hill. This state enjoyed that power, with Ted bringing home the bacon. But in all those years of misappropriations that could have been used for better things, like a tax rebate as all the "pork" to this simpleton meant Americans were overtaxed, it was Ted’s way of control over our destiny. And to this day, Alaska has very little to show for his efforts. OK, so there is an airport in his namesake. Some want the name changed, I disagree, as it will be a reminder of corrupt politics forever. Again said sadly, to this day Alaska is not better off after Ted’s years of service, as most of the money sent this way was wasted. This state is no better off today then when still a territory, when citizens did "ask what you can do for your country" to become a part of that country. With Ted, it was just the opposite and we were placated by a false hope of sustainability. I believe his arrogance was due to the fact that he thought he was doing us a favor when in reality it was not a favor at all, but a noose around our freedoms. "Vote me back in or else"! For so many years, his action and inaction acted as a detriment and stymied this state to surface as a proud state, doing it on our own. We could have, but interference ruled and ruined our chances. Alaska, due Ted’s favoritism with special interests over the interests of the people is a reason this state remains the biggest welfare state of the union, and we still have the biggest producing oil fields upon all America, for almost as long as Ted was in office! So for years, the "Perfect Storm of Injustice" ruled, but now the tides have turned.

CopyRight 2009 - Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
Contact: Storylineonline@gci.net or www.Storylineonline.com or www.chinookjournal.blogspot.com

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