Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pirates & Ransom!

Seems Alaskans have their very own pirate story caper. As a U.S. Navy escort ship off the coast of Somalia maneuvered about in efforts to circumvent a pirate like situation involving an American flagged sea vessel, there exists another act of piracy going down right here in Alaska! And we are being held captive, for ransom! Why Ted Stevens deems it necessary to file candidacy papers for the 2014 senate race is beyond reach. It is pathetic. He is 87-years old. Nothing against age but we do not need another Strom on the Hill. And Bill Allen will probably be doing time still by then, but with modern day technology and the way the "justice" system is corrupted, Bill can run the Stevens show from behind those bars. Al Capone did it! The "Teflon Don" had no problem running things from behind bars, even though he had a back door to freedom. Hey Ted, isn’t it time to allow the "young" a chance at running this country that seems to be in ruins after your risk taking adventures? Hey Ted, are not you glad that you steered money to Alaska so the FBI could build that "Secret" hi-tech eavesdropping facility, the one hidden away in the woods off of Tudor? So outsiders ask, what is with Alaskan style politics? See, we have become the laughing stock state with respect to respectable politics. Instead of the "Last Frontier" motto, it is now the "Corrupt Bastard Club" state motto that sticks. Alaska, once known for its wilderness and animals, is now a political magnet and featured daily on the FOX, MSNBC and the "Laugh-In" segment of late night broadcasts. I believe that Ted is filing for the senate race for one and only one reason, so he can continue to raise campaign funds, shift some of that money to his "war chest" and use it to continue to do what he is good at, rip off the system of justice. See, campaign money can be manipulated beyond what and how Congress manipulates then distributes your taxable income. To bad there isn’t a better word for "highway robbery", but rape is reserved. Campaign money is out of control, has been for way too long and it is abusive upon this country’s ethics and righteousness. But it is the same crooks that take advantage of things like campaign spending abuse that make the laws that allow for it, our so-called representatives! And the fact that the Alaska legislature is looking for an apology from Uncle Sam for Uncle Ted, along with the proposition that Uncle Ted can sue Uncle Sam, our own branch of government is acting like pirates and demanding ransom. I think the U.S. government should sue Alaska, for violation of wanton waste laws! The way taxpayer money has been wasted over the years here in the 49er is a crime. And to take "stimulus" money when at the same time there is a healthy Constitutional Budget Reserve - 6 billion - it is robbery upon the U.S. Treasury. I guess the Sarah Palin Family follies aren’t enough, so Ted and company are reigning in! Spotlight on talent? Depends on how one defines "Talent". We have the Sarah & Levi showdown. That comes after many months of son-in-law bashing. According to Levi, Sarah went nasty when she returned back to reality, when she lost McCain’s bid for presidential decency. Had McCain picked not a looser, things may be different in Washington these days. Politics Alaskan style is the comic book that keeps on delivering laughs. At times I think it is all a behind the scenes plan, as it appears to be culminating upon the greatest "reality" show of all times. Has anybody seen Jerry Springer? I mean here is a guy that understands politics. Has money and knows how to play out peoples’ emotions to the enjoyment of others. He is a modern day psychoanalysis guru, he is the Freud of our time. So take into consideration - upon conspiracy theory openness - and pretend that Jerry set out some years ago to frame a stage story of a lifetime? Could there be a better place then Alaska? It was an inspiring place to begin with, a place on everybody’s wish list to visit but for many only a dream. So he comes here to Alaska on a fishing adventure. He finds Wasilla and at the same time hears about Sarah, or maybe the Cheely Brothers. What a find? So with a behind the scenes dash to madness, Sarah’s future is set in motion. When one looks at history, Alaskan politics has been center stage. It started with the reign of the Three Stooges: Ted, Don and Frank. Then Frank gives up his seat to run for governor of Alaska. He wins. He then practices nepotism and gives the vacant U.S. Senate seat to his daughter, free of charge. The only thing we ever hear from the 1st lady - Mrs. MurCowski - is an editorial about how small the crapper is on the jet that Frank purchased. Then Sarah enters the scene and places Ruedrich under a citizen’s arrest, for stealing time away from state government in efforts to run GOP affairs. She becomes governor then sells Frank’s jet on E-bay! The rest is history in the making. I mean comic time in the making. All this madness could not happen by chance! And not to forget is the time that Don called Pelosi a "Rabid Skunk", on NPR and gets away with it! Ben Stevens - son of Uncle Ted - entered the picture somehow, oh yes, when governor Knowles placed Ben in a vacant state senate seat. Why? Supposedly to stay in favor with Ted and Don, the "pork" kings. It goes on and on and on and if not a reality show, then chance and odds have failed decency. But all in all, it sure seems like this will play out to be the "reality" show of a lifetime. There are so many contestants, that maybe it will become a series on TV. Remember Dallas? Hey, that sure looks like Lesil McGuire here at the Taproot! She is trying to pose incognito. I thought Tom was still in the penitentiary? Damn, that doesn’t look like Tom. Payton Place? Jerry Springer? Laugh In? Tabloid central it is turning into! So if people can’t visit, they can sure read about us. Read all about it, extra, extra! And Ted wants his seat back. Pathetic politics. But like pirates and piracy, wherein the innocent are held hostage against their will, wherein ransom for freedom is demanded, wherein rape and pillaging goes hand in hand, all is normal with this scene. So it seems that there is discovered that there is indeed a pre-requisite to becoming an Alaskan politician. Insanism seems to fit well, or tabloid wannabeism, but pirateering is a real match. By God, Mark Twain was right! In closing, a great Marley song fit for modern day politicians, pirates that is:

"Old pirates yes they rob I, sold I to the merchant ships, minutes after they took I, from the bottomless pit, but may hand was made strong, by the hand of the almighty, we forward in this generation, triumphantly. All I ever had, is songs of freedom….Redemption songs, songs of freedom."

If only politicians understood what "Freedom" was all about. This country would be redeemed!

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