Thursday, April 9, 2009

Holy Communion

What do I know about WAR? "WAR, what is it good for, absolutely nothing". But in perspective, when one sees a well respected Catholic churchgoer dressed in a Texas Rangers "trench-coat" along with a Texas Rangers cowboy hat - probably a Stetson - in line for Holy Communion, and that thing bulging out from concealment is not what you think and is what shouldn’t be present at the Almighty’s altar, then you have it in white upon black. And if not enough, to go from neighbor to neighbor recruiting - in the same uniform worn to church - in efforts to establish a neighborhood vigilante like militia to take matters onto themselves, when local cops were slow at responding to robberies on the Hillside - where the rich people live in gated communities - you better get the point. As it is OK for preachers to shoot retreating thieves in the back, in cold blood, Alaskan style revenge it is. And the biggest test WAR will have if he gets the badge of the Alaska AG, is the "Caribou Die Off" case, also known as the "4th of July Suicide Trail Massacre". Point Hope spokesperson and village president Jack Schaefer has asked in writing for the governor to intervene in this case if a sentence is forthcoming, that intervention allowing "Native Sovereignty" justice through tribunal jurisdiction, for sentencing. I am in total agreement, as something stinks the way the investigation has come about with evidence once lacking to entrapment like tactics in efforts to find a village informant needing a plea bargain arising out of alcohol abuse, in a dry village. And rumors coming forward about that massacre or "die off", wherein 8-local village hunters were indicted for violation of wanton waste laws, that rumor indicates that they came upon the already dying animals and that was soon after a plane was seen in the same area, wherein wild gunshots were heard from a distance. The "Suicide Trail" is out in the middle of nowhere! No roads, no normal air traffic patterns. It may be a set-up all right! If not, realizing WAR’s attitude towards subsistence hunting, these kids have not a chance in the city-slickers’ criminal justice system. First Nation, Indian country, whatever you prefer, it should have jurisdiction in this matter. Our laws - that of the "White Man" - don’t come close to understanding the rules, regulations and ways and means of a culture that is at least 10,000-years of age in the making. Our system of justice is way too new to deal with why and how, if true, this "massacre" came about. If not a set-up, was such a massacre in efforts to provide the village elders with food! The fishing was terrible this past year for many of Alaska’s coastal subsistence villages, as it was the year before. And next year looks just as bleak. And when the village of Emmonak went "food" dry and didn’t get the governments attention until it became a photo-shoot opportunity - what’s a few noticeable rib cages on humans - sometimes one must do whatever necessary to survive, just like a vigilante. Was it true subsistence? And when we go back in time to see what happened to the buffalo herds, and why there was an attempt to kill off that relied upon food source in efforts to kill off a race, I wouldn’t doubt it that some rich bastards are flying around Alaska unescorted by any rules, laws or regulations and trying out their vigilante type weapons - in a place out of sight and out of mind, they thought! There have come a few rumors in the past that third party gunrunners come to Alaska in efforts to try out a client’s weapon. They can get away with it out in the boonies. They have the money to buy the same kind of aircraft that drug pushers’ use, faster then what the law has at its beckon call. And radar seems not to work or that well when crooks are at the stick! And the way the Mod-Squad is so short-staffed in the bush, all kinds of ugly things can go on, without ever coming to light. So WAR may have his work cut out for him, with the "Caribou Die Off" case. More too come! So I reserve my right to change my answer to "WAR, what is it good for?" But right about now, it is still the same answer, "Absolutely Nothing". Damn, there is somebody at the front door. Look’s churchlike. May be a preacher. Where’s my gun! Don’t turn ya back now, ya hear!

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