Friday, April 10, 2009

Free Admission?

No wonder the Anchorage Daily Stool is almost a paper of the past! It seems to have become a publication of pathetic journalism. Just the other day there was placed an almost full-page ad by some whacko couple that were honoring Ted Stevens. Not all that unusual, but the ad admitted what was wrong with Ted, that he indeed "feathered the nest of a few". Talk about admittance of guilt. This is not free speech. This is blatant cronyism and most likely Art & April benefited from so many years of Stevens’ malfeasance, so they could splurge to give credit where credit wasn’t necessarily due. Ted is a crook. Ted is a felon, no matter what the judge is taking back, as the jury spoke out loud. And when the rest of the story is told, wherein Ben finishes throwing dad under the roaring locomotive of justice, then we will see what went on behind closed doors - especially in the lucrative fisheries business. The Stevens & Allen "Chalet" caper was just the beginning of things to come. But today the Stool greets its remaining readers with this "Free Admission" ad? To and from a church! This was on the front-page. So instead of important news, we get front-page crap. Well just what kind of church does Jerry Pervert run here in Anchorage? Is admission required? Talk about crucifying. Isn’t Jerry the guy that runs the church that takes advantage of tax havens, right here in Anchorage? It has come time to start taxing the hell out of religious properties. And like wise when Congress stole away interest deductions, so should charitable donation deductions be done away with. The separation between church and state does not exist anymore now that the religious right has so much power within the political system it is supposed to stay away from. It is estimated that the yearly tax loss from un-taxed church property and charitable donation deductions in the United States alone is a 12-billion dollar loss to the U.S. Treasury. Now go back in time, get the point. Enough is enough. And we don’t need newspapers anymore, so the Stool may as well shutdown. In retrospect, this town would be better off with a tabloid once again instead of pathetic journalism wherein the only thing good about the daily delivery is the orange "crap" bag. I love it when Republican dog owners scoop the poop but place the orange crap bags filled with doo-doo in the trail-way trees. A poll by the university studied this phenomenon and through that research the republicans were nominated as the shit stirrers. See at one time there was a tabloid called "Voice of the Times". It was a publication paid for by none other then Bill Allen! So when the Stool’s printing press goes silent maybe the "big wheels keep on turning" to turn out a "roid" type publication. We have Sarah, so there would be plenty of trash to write about. It could be called Sarah-Roid or maybe MegHemroid. Headlines of first edition: "Who’s Baby Is It?", or "Meg’s Broom Is Real!". Maybe I am on to something. See, most of America is into Jerry Springer type hype instead of true journalism. The latter has been taken over by the blogisphere movement. When one looks at the intellectual level of bloggers, it is akin to the first printing press gurus, true-blooded Americans, wherein the press was used as a very powerful political tool. Compare "blogging" with the comments section of the Stool and you will see clear-cut evidence that there is indeed an intellectual barrier here in Alaska. Hey, just look at the intellectual level of Sarah when it comes to anything except hockey! And Meg, what is wrong with her voice - talk about sounding horse! And here is another thing, what is with NPR and "another" fund drive? Seems this outfit is always raising money, again and again and again. Almost sounds like a broken record. Now they want a dollar-a-day to keep the airwaves away, from Rusha. That is a whooping 365-dollars a year, about one months cost for Enstar to rip me off just to boil water and keep my house warm. Oh, I forgot, we are sharing the costs for Aurora Gas breaking contracts. So in efforts to keep the Anchorage schools warm for the kids, we all suffer the pain of higher energy costs. Can’t somebody sue Aurora? Aurora Gas is a Texas outfit that isn’t fit to do business here in Alaska. Remember the Alaskan bumper sticker that said it well: "Happiness is a Texan going south with an Okie under each arm". Go home. In fact all of Palin’s "Texass" friends should go away and leave us all alone. But I stopped giving to NPR way back when Don Young cut off funding for "Public Radio". See, that forum was getting way too liberal for the "Billy Goat". Before the Internet became available, "public radio" was starting to give listeners incite into Alaska’s corrupt politics. So came the ax. But NPR would continue to give Don free airtime, so he could call Nancy Pelosi a "Rabid Skunk" and get away with it. And when NPR held a call-in for Don, he was nasty with those trying to pin him down. He was using the "public radio" paid for by listeners to further his agenda, on my dime and your dime. When I complained to the local referees over this, I was told I could listen to another channel, thus my ax was sharpened. With that, I protest giving away money that can in any way shape or form abet Don’s efforts to disenfranchise the liberals. So when the paper goes away and NPR goes away because I am sick and tired of hearing the sponsorship list that amounts to a bunch of rich folks that seem not to pay enough taxes and use NPR as nothing but a write-off but get a say in the action, which is not the intent of "Public Radio", then we have left only the internet as a means to practice our 1st Amendment rights. It is the freest form of freedom of choice. Then maybe we can get back down to business and take back the America that has been lost to pervert preachers, stool stuck journalism and pathetic Americans that believe Ted and Don and MoanaLisa were doing their sworn jobs for the good of not all Americans, but practiced preferential treatment to those individuals "with them and not against them", which resulted in "feathering their nests". Just ask Bill, ask Ted, ask Don, ask MoanaLisa, ask Frank, the list keeps on giving. But I for one am glad that I never was invited to Ted’s nest, his roost. And I am glad that I was never invited to Don’s coconut grove down in Florida. And MoanaLisa’s bird’s eye view of the Kenai River, she got caught! Free Admission? Must be an invite to corruption, Alaskan style!

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