Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ted's Lingering Legacy

So Ted still has an “International” airport named once upon a time for his honor, but now it seems more in tune to in his dishonor. And then there exists the Stevens’ family this and that reminders, more keepsake namesaking which occurred when most Americans were sleeping or working their ass off and son Ben became the “Special Olympics” head honcho, wherein he made a bunch of money on daddy’s generosity. Sad thing? That generosity is my hard earned money taken away by thieves to fund the U.S. Treasury then flushed clean for their own personal gains, like providing preferential cushion like jobs to their sons and daughters – not to mention vote buying. It happens all the time, just look at MoanaLisa MurCowski, her daddy came through! And we are stuck again with not a representative but something in between a fruitcake and Megawitch. The latter in consideration of Sara Palin’s spokeswitch. Maybe the theme in D.C. is “Who’s your daddy” or broom handler. Now many would have thought that Ted’s lasting legacy would amount to that of an indicted felon set free! Kind of ironic, seems the entire affair. For years Ted was in charge of many things government, including the justice department that brought him down. Seems like a whole lot of things under “government” are now totally out of control. Now with due respect, not all blame is upon Ted, with this government crap, but a whole lot of deterioration occurred during Ted’s terms of endangerment and dereliction of duty became the normalcy of Congress. Are there any non-crooked representatives on the Hill? Maybe a lie detector test should be a daily requirement for this body of government, or at least a mandatory reciting of the kindergarten creed. “I shall not…. Look at Congress today. It is a pathetic diseased creature of habit. Again, not all the blame upon Ted and Don and Frank and MoanaLisa and Mark and Bill and Bill, but guilty by association is the evidence of conviction. Now Bill & Bill were not bonafide members of the elite club of crooks but had influence. See Bill “NoseBleed” has already spent 44-million for that bridge to nowhere, and we are still just talking about it. And Bill “Veco” screwed over many oil field workers, by instituting sub-standard pay. These idiots suck when they let greed cheat other Americans out of life, liberty and that pursuit of happiness. Soon, if things keep going south, about the only thing left to fuel freedom will be the 1st and 2nd Amendments. Maybe this country needs to start over, with the latter two as the basis for a true “Republic”. $44-million, for what? And now that the stimulus money is hitting the streets - especially the streetless national parks - we see Ted’s legacy unfolding. It is a laugh all the way to the banks, offshore in most cases! And the laugh is on us, the taxpayers! The way the government is now throwing money away, even before it is confiscated away from my paycheck, it is a mortal sin! We are getting stuck with a big fat I.O.U.! Where do these idiots come up with such ridiculousness? When I read how many “millions” are being sent here to Ted’s foreign state of Alaska - a.k.a. Corrupt Bastard Club state - just for crap like wilderness projects it makes me want to stop working and join in on the free-for-all. Can you imagine having a job that pays well and has “zero” accountability? Who cares about evasive plants in the middle of nowhere? In fact I can’t wait until dandelions wave from sea to shinning sea! In fact, I may bring a bunch of seeds north, just to help out nature. So to spend “millions” to hire college kids to pick “weeds” in the national parks here in Alaska, it is shameful. It is yet another wasteful project. Did somebody plan it this way? Let’s face the facts. This ”shovel ready” crap is annoying and amounts to the ’biggest” pork giveaway blunder of all times historic. Projects that were deemed ridiculous, too costly and not taxpayer credible have now been resurrected and being funded. It appears that the majority of projects here in Alaska are for new toilets! See, we have been crapped upon, the cesspool of corruption has overflowed upon the righteous citizens of this nation. Think about it, only shelved projects of ridiculousness fit this “shovel ready” criteria. It is beyond highway robbery. It is fraud! In fact, it probably falls under RICO statutes! It is organized, a racket, corrupt and influenced by special interest groupies. But this is the same thing that went on for years behind closed door legislation wherein our so-called representation pulled the wool over most Americans and stole away our incomes, stored it in the U.S. Treasury, threatened the American taxpayer with levies and stiff fines for not bending over to the IRS – the most inept government entity until the TSA came along – and the bread-winners suffered as the politicians gained favor with their constituency. What soured the American spirit is this free-for-all pork crap that should have been put to a stop a long time ago, with jail time for the instigators. Ted almost made it to jail, but something appropriated his freedom. Anyway, this giveaway has Ted written all over it! See, it doesn’t do anything for the economy long term. It doesn’t do anything to provide an infrastructure that creates sustainable jobs. This has Alaska “Failure” written all over it. See, when Ted was controlling the purse strings – not all alone but in cahoots with Frank and Don – Alaska benefited from regurgitated taxpayer funded pork disguised as “appropriations”. That was just a fancy word that made stealing comfortable under the Constitution. Alaska maintained on an average 3-times what most other states received. Multiply that times 50-years in the making of this state, and there has come a boatload of money this way. But it failed to create a sustainable jobs infrastructure. Why? It wasn’t supposed too! It was welfare at its best. Welfare is control! It meant a noose around our necks, that if we voted out the crocks then there would be no jobs. It was republican welfare, fostered on shovel ready jobs and today Alaska has very little to show for it. Now during these terms of endangerment - with Ted and other crooks at the helm - many friends made it big-time, to the status of the rich. There came no control of the loot once it was secretly entered into appropriations bills so complicated and fake that anybody walking through an un-secure office on the Hill could just walk right in and jot down wasteful spending. Like studying the penis size of the male Musk Oxen here in Alaska. So now this giveaway program is front and center. It is the biggest American rip-off in modern times, but it was time tested for years behind closed doors, and now the thieves have demonstrated their blatant disregard for Americans - the hard working class that are making this crap legislation possible. Not by choice! We as a nation are overtaxed. If taxation were fair, then we would have more money to spend on what we feel is necessary and we could do a much better job then the entire cast of vagrants that earn a living disenfranchising the American spirit. Congress I am still talking about. All total an IQ of a pigeon. So today we see stimulus money buying crap like an “Athletic Trainer” or a contract to clean the “crappers” along the Dalton Highway. That highway was ours at one time, open only to residents. Now though, the travel industry is stuck up MoanaLisa’s ass and we get to clean up the crap left behind by tourists. It is estimated that to clean up the crap and haul it away will cost $36.00-dollars per pound! Same as the cost of halibut once Ted went involved in the fisheries and screwed that industry over. I am glad Ted is free from the “Chalet” thing. I hope they get him on the fisheries industry manipulations. Why? Because it costs me a whole lot more to eat healthy these days, as the fisheries regulations accomplished one thing, it allowed the price of Alaskan caught fish to triple in price! It was preferential de-regulation at its best. And if stimulus toilets and cleaning crappers isn’t just more crap upon the taxpayers, how about parking for the employees of the BLM, in downtown Anchorage? Let them walk to work. Yes indeed there is stimulus money for 100 BLM employee parking spaces. But it must be located between 4th & 10th and Cordova & F. I wonder who owns property in that part of town? I bet Begich has something to do with it? See, the city built a convention center that will see as much usage as the Bill “NoseBleed” Sheffield train depot over at the Ted “Pirate” Stevens International Airport or as much activity as the Kodiak Launch Facility. It means “zero” train traffic and “zero” rockets launched! Two eyesore “pork” projects that created construction jobs and nothing else in return. There exists a whole list of failed projects here in Alaska. That list can only grow longer with this stimulus bull-crap heading this way. So just for parking space – courtesy of the “Recovery Cash Out” – it will cost taxpayers in order of $250,000 in efforts to provide convenient parking for a privileged few. Now what in hell is “shovel ready” about this? In fact, tear down the damn convention center and parking garage and make a park for the homeless! And magnets? Yes indeed, we taxpayers are footing the bill for 5000-magnets. It doesn’t say what for. But that government giveaway was delayed and now we see it out for bid only after an amendment, as somebody requested that the magnets be supplied in florescent “pink” canisters. What gives? Simple Simon! Ted’s legacy has now come to fruition. Keep taking it. And give it all away in a flash waving of that preferential sinister wand. Recipients of the fallout of this no good gift-giving? Friends, relatives and special interests. And maybe the trickle down theory will give American something to smile about, like a penny’s return on each tax dollar! No accountability. No nothing. Just highway robbery at its best. 30-years in the making, and now we see the ultimate heist. Out in the open, without any remorse for such actions. As we have let the bastards get away with it way too long, and now they think it is business as usual. And when it comes around to re-election time, guess what, just offer up more pork - as the Congress runneth over with bile as the Treasury runneth dry! Please, don’t visit the site to see where “YOUR” money is getting lost. As it can only incite riots and make one want to quit decency and call upon the leaders of corruption, our Congress, to visit the confessional of treason. Just in! On the Alaska site for the accountability of the “Stimulus”, it reads like this: “Money must be spent quickly”! Sad day it is for America.

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