Sunday, April 26, 2009


“There’s something happening here, what it is ain’t exactly clear”, except the CDC – Center for Disease Control – just declared an “Emergency” while airing an “Outbreak” notice and “Travel Health Precaution” advisory with respect to the H1N1 Swine Influenza. One government entity that has never lost public respect is the CDC, so when they speak, one is prudent to listen up and take notice. But the website link to the travel stuff is so bogged down by interests of concern that one cannot get to that site to find out where the travel advisory targets. Most likely it includes Mexico and bordering states, like San Diego County and Imperial County of California along with San Antonio and may include parts of New York City! We do know this about that with the following undisputed facts: From December of 2005 through the end of February this year, only 12 cases of the swine flu virus were reported and documented “real” through lab analysis. That caseload occurred over10 states, so it was considered a normal distribution of the disease and not an “Outbreak”. In only 1/20th that time period - the last 57 days as opposed to approximately 1200 days total in comparison - there is now officially documented at least 20 known cases in as few as 5 U.S. states! And taking into account a death toll of at least 81 in Mexico City, with 1,000 confirmed cases, the authorities have cause for concern that a “real” pandemic may be infiltrating the human population. If a health pandemic were to touch this country just when it strives for an economic recovery, it would be devastating, and a sign that we let down our guard, and there is only one entity to blame for such inaction – Congress. But I bet that if indeed this H1N1 “Outbreak” becomes a true pandemic of mass proportions, the first in line for a vaccination would be that body of government – before everybody else including women and children. It is the way this body of government operates. In fact, I just found out that a caseload of “licensed influenza antiviral agents” was secretly delivered to the Congressional medical office, for safekeeping. It doesn’t surprise me at all. It has been the norm over time that they think they are more important, so seek preferential treatment for anything and everything. Be it salary, medical benefits, house loans or time off from “real” work. In fact, Congress should be in “Special Session” right now, with this CDC “Emergency” broadcast! Vaccinations should be prepared around the clock and distribution centers announced. But I must remember, this is the weekend and Pelosi and the gang had a tough week giving away the Treasury. And they just had a 2-week recess, so it was tough getting back to work for an entire week, so they deserve a weekend off - no matter what is happening across the lands to cripple destiny. So if indeed an “Outbreak” were to wreck havoc upon this nation, I would bet the first thing this “protected” Congress would do is divide up the loot and divide up the land and walk over all the dead bodies with a smile! Business as usual, just ask any grieving mom of a U.S. trooper! Hey, if they can’t stop not one war but two, do you really think they can stop a disease, even one named after there own disgrace? Swine Flu, rings a bell doesn’t it!

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