Saturday, January 17, 2009

American Iranianism

So Iran, having oil exporting as its number one commodity for economic well-being, it is trying to boost up the sagging price of oil, by hording oil away from the global markets. Sure enough, in efforts to force the cost of a barrel of crude oil upwards, the Iranian Oil Ministry is allowing export tanker loads of Iranian crude oil to just float around the open seas, waiting for the price to increase. About 5-years ago, one couldn’t give away a tanker. Now these floating steel beasts are in demand as floating storage vessels, even if not double-hulled - as what happens out at sea stays at sea! Anyway, Iran and other oil producing countries are basically holding back in efforts to drain off the glut of oil, as stocks are at an all time high. There exist supplies in excess of 40-million barrels right here in the United States! See, when oil was selling for $150-dollars a barrel, efforts all around to produce more and more of the "Black Gold" caused an over-supply. And faced with a downturn in the economy, it means a double-whammy effect upon the supply and demand theory. Herein the "demand" side of the equation has become more or less the "be damned" part of the equation. See what "greed" will get you? Anyway, that is why we are seeing more high seas pirateering. It is piracy to begin with, by strangling the market. So an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth sings in harmony. And foreign producers are allowing their crude oil storage tanks to fill up to the brim, instead of selling off the commodity. Crude oil loading facilities sit silent for the most part. All in effort to hold back. Again, an attempt to suck down the stocks that refiners have at their convenience right now, during winter when it takes a whole lot of "stock" to make heating fuel. Anyway, this seems like something that may be good for business but not good for the economy. It cannot be good for my wallet. I am glad that American businessmen think differently. Or for that matter we have regulators that are out and about watching for this kind of monopolizing shenanigans. I say it again, it is high seas’ piracy! I mean this effort comes form a country that is considered "The Axis of Evil". But low and behold, as our very own "Big Oil" is engaged in the very same thing, right here in Alaska. Come the beginning of the month, the beginning of the New Year, Alyeska Pipeline Service Company allowed its crude oil storage tanks in Valdez to "fill up". That amount in storage accounts for 45% of the U.S. daily oil requirements, so it does indeed have an impact on the supply and demand aspect. It is "our" home-grown oil, so it has a very realistic and drastic effect upon that equation of energy independence. All 18-storage tanks, 9-million barrels total, were allowed to fill so high that this "greed" caused a problem. See, there came rough seas in and around the Prince of William’s Sound, which meant tankers could not call on the Port of Valdez. Like mentioned before, tankers are in demand for storage. And since the oil consortium that owns Alyeska was holding out for higher prices, the weather bit them in the butt, as the pipeline had to shutdown for at least a week - or go to reduced throughput. And why this state’s regulators sought not to do anything about this ways and means to disrupt the flow of crude oil to markets - by the hording - it goes to show who the regulators work for. And why should they be concerned as to how "Big Alaskan Oil" does business even though it means more at the pump for the peons? See, by keeping the state’s share of oil behind bars, in the end this strangulation will allow the state’s in-kind royalty oil to also see a price increase. It helps the state’s bottom line, so Sarah can continue gallivanting around the country showing off her stupidity and the state can continue to pay medical bills for Bill Sheffield’s nose-bleeding. At the same time, this strangles out the American dream. It is not a one-to-one relationship. If Alaska’s oil sees an increase, it helps but does not have the same effects as if the price of gasoline actually dropped. Energy prices can help or hurt the economy. It is the crazy increases and decreases over the past year that has catapulted our economy down the drain. Wild-ride energy pricing makes it very difficult for any business to forecast even the price of toilet paper. But "Big Oil" and oil producing countries have seen what $150-barrel oil can buy. So there is an all out attempt to regain a footing by manipulating the supply and demand equation, and disrupting that supply is the textbook solution. At the same time it sinks the economy, jobs are lost and unemployment becomes the number one best seller. It is indeed a catch-22 scenario, but this is a land for the people by the people and not a place wherein a class type attitude should rule ethics and wherein "greed" is more important then liberty. Crazy, that this same type of pirate racketeering happens right here in our own backyard! And for days, Alyeska broadcast that it was the weather that warranted a slow-down in oil exporting, something to do with surface waves to big to make oil boom useable should there be another EXXON Valdez wreck. What a load of bull. So they manipulate the market to strangle the crude oil supplies then continue that manipulation by blaming Mother Nature. Well, it only meant a "small-craft" advisory warning from NOAA! But like mentioned before, we think it is more important to fatten up that yearly welfare check then to "distribute" the wealth, as that can only lead to a re-distribution in health. That in turn could only strengthen the economy, which is what life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is all about. If this state’s residents were truly American, then we would not allow this type of manipulation to occur. We would demand justice away from this type of corporate "greed". We have the power but lack the trust within ourselves to right the wrongs. We have become just too comfortable here in the 49’er, the "Last Frontier", with welfare and corruption. Blah, blah, blah may be your sentiment, but here are the blahs in plain clear facts. Just the fact that the supplies were disrupted a few days based on efforts to manipulate the market which was successful and allowed the reserves to dwindle, it cost you at the pump. Gasoline increased about 10-cents in the last week. Now taking this increase into perspective using the Phineas J. Whoopee Cereal Factor Calculator, that increase actually cost you to forfeit away an arm and leg. Basically that increase equates to a total outlay of your hard earned money in the tune of $2369.00 a year, for the basic needs of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. I am talking what that 10-cent effect has on the overall economic picture. And take into account that if the 2009 PFD swells to that same amount, maybe due to the stinginess factor wherein this state fairs well while going along with "Big Oil’s" plans of manipulation, it is all awash and we have been crapped on once again. Of course you would have to pay a dividend tax for that welfare giveaway. Basically, we really get nothing in return. Have it your way, but it ain’t the true American way! Of course many will ask, what is the "True American Way" as for many of us, we have no idea what is meant by this or have forgotten about this once practiced ritual, wherein America was a place of brotherly and sisterly love! It was something we all learned in kindergarten but lost when cashing out that note with Sarah’s signature!

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