Friday, January 16, 2009

Crude and Unusual Treatment

So here we are only 16-days into the New Year and already the Anchorage road maintenance budget is allowing kids to be left behind! Two days now three in a row the local schools have been closed due to road conditions. I didn’t see a single iota sanding truck in my neck of the woods. It is not that bad out! In fact the Anchorage schools didn’t even close down when we were under attack by terrorist on 911. So what gives? I just remembered, Begich left town and took the budget with him. Here’s what gets me on a Mark Twain rant. Sam loved Congress’ ways and means of disloyalty towards the citizens of the United States. So funny he made it that he made a living with the ridicule. If only he were still alive! So we can’t afford road maintenance? But we can afford to heat sidewalks around downtown and have a convention center to keep warm, as there seems not to be any attendees for a bonafide "conference". A big empty building takes a whole lot of money to heat a big empty building. This goes to show that we never learned the lesson following the construction of the Alaska Railroad train depot out at Ted "Crook" Stevens International Hall of Fame and named in honor of Bill "NoseBleed" Sheffield. If you weren’t let in on the "NoseBleed" follies, you are an Alaskan left behind. So we seem to waste money on "crap" time and time again. Let the kids walk to school! Or why can’t the parents drive the kids to school? So what if they are a little late getting to work. At least the kids get educated. And do you think the kids are going to stay indoors? Again, get out and walk. It would be the first attempt to curb obesity! Maybe we should take up a collection for the road maintenance. And just yesterday, the Muni was shutdown, again because the roads were strange. It’s winter and we are dealing with break-up like water-boarding. Hey, to shut the one and only transit opportunity down is "torture" for the low income. Anyway, people are joining the ranks of the unemployed in record-breaking numbers. The auto industry here in "Woody Guthrie" this land is your land this land is my land is basically a thing of the past for the "Big Three". More and more people are foregoing luxury items, like instead of steak it means Hamburger Helper - in efforts to feed the family. Want a good stock investment, try Betty Crocker as she produces the "Helper". Cereal pricing is outrageous, but it is the prime example commodity that shows in a nutshell how well off NOT the economy is doing. The Cereal Index for today is "Chaff", which means cereal contains 40% or more almost non-consumable crap. Like mouse ‘s crap and any other crap deemed permissible under the U.S. Constitution, Lobbyist Amendment, - a.k.a. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Nowadays, the addition of "crap" is done for a reason, to help the bottom line. When times are good, the "crap" becomes cattle feed and the Cereal Index rests at "Flake", which means true unadulterated grain. But since the "Helper" is taking over where once beef was king, this "crap" stuff cannot just be thrown away. And food producers are getting smart. Instead of raising prices, they are decreasing the quantity. I purchased a bag of potatoe chips - sorry the only dictionary available was edited by Dan Quayle - just the other day, what a rip off in quantity, even though the price remained the same and there continued to be a 2-for-one sale. So with a two-bag purchase, it was like buying a one-beggar when times were good. Times were good just 6-months ago. What the hell happened? And why is the Treasury being robbed before our very own eyes? But back to the rant and this cruel - I meant crude - and unusual treatment philosophy. As most Americans buckle down for the storm fallout, guess what was the first thing on Begich’s agenda? I am talking Linda Pelossi’s 111 inauguration! Did Pelossi and Boxer come out of the same mole? Anyway, Agenda Item #1 of importance before the 111 was turning their heads when an "AUTMOATIC" pay raise kicked in at the fall of the Rabid Skunk’s gavel! The latter is Don Young’s name for Linda and since Don was voted back in, the name remains. See, over the years this Congressional pay increase - by the way it comes form a garnishment upon your hard earned wages - had become a sore subject around the Hill rotunda. A few thought that it was preposterous that this increase came up for vote when all the time it wasn’t really deserved and was not what the constituent base was happy with. MoanaLisa Murkowski loves it! And truly doesn’t deserve it. She needs a lesson in nepotism. Talk about lame duck, she is the definition. Anyway, these "few" wanted to defeat the Congressional pay raise, saying that most Senators and House Representatives were rich to begin with and if weren’t rich to begin with would be so by the time their terms of endangerment were over with or by the time an indictment was handed down. This country’s legislative branch has realized more indictments against its policy makers in the past 8-years then any other country under a flag of democracy. And if not rich before jail, then there is the afterlife of lucrative lobbying. So in efforts to calm the quarrelling over the pay raise, somebody in their infinite wisdom decided to make the pay increase an "Automatic". Which means no vote and no debate. And the increase follows some outdated formula. It has to be outdated, as it always signals a pay increase! Even when times are ruff and tough. This year it amounted too a $3100.00-dollar pay increase. For the past 4-years in a row, I have had to endure a pay decrease, and I am in the oil industry up here in Alaska. See, competition is swift, especially from the youngsters trying to break into the lucrative job market. It still pays well with the decrease, but what is good for the gander is good for the goose. Oh, the goose was transformed into a FOX. So it seems that Begich already reneged on his promise to not accept a Senate pay increase when he was out campaigning. Oh, it isn’t a pay increase but a cost of living increase. Hey, he’s moving to Washington from Alaska? But maybe the fact that schools are closed again may be for behind the scenes reasoning. It is called Texas hold-m. Sure enough, the Anchorage School Department relied on Aurora Natural Gas for heating crap. But Aurora decided to stop supplying the goods because it was cutting into deep pocket profits that are made here in Alaska then stolen away and now the ASD has to rely on much more expensive heating gas, at three times the going rate. Poor bastards! What’s that? Wow, so that is what’s behind that confusing letter from Enstar’s Rate Maker. But he assured me in a taped telephone conversation that there were no increases passed on to the consumers. Poor bastards we all are. We all get to pay the Texas Hold-m special as we all get to pay for this outfit’s shenanigans. We pay, they profit. Isn’t that the call of Congress, with respect to the constituent base? It goes like this: "We pay, they play and profit"! Can’t we ever get an honest answer anymore? Bottom-line, "Greed" has taken over where ethics left off. Not only that there exists a day after sale, a fire sale, upon what made this country great. Anybody out there that accepts even one penny of bailout money and doesn’t deserve it in my book is a "True Bush Terrorist". There should be dire consequences for the existing leadership that has allowed this country to become so weak economically that the bread and butter of freedom, cereal, is costing and arm and a leg. At the same time, our Congress does nothing - except get a pay raise. It isn’t that this legislative body cannot fix things, as the Democratic party has carte blanch control. But noting gets done accept a bleeding of the Treasury. That is my hard. earned capital escaping! See, when we don’t have term limits and rich people continue to raid the henhouse, they have no idea what it is like to work for a living. If they did, they would think twice about how they spend my money, your money. Remember, Congress does not pay a payroll tax. It is our money to begin with. They continue to show the world that cheaters and crooks are rewarded in this model country supposedly under a form of governance called "Democracy". It is called such but not practiced by any stretch of the imagination. It is time for a revolution. Revolutions are what made this country great. We revolted away from persecution when the Britt’s wanted to crap on our right to religious freedom. It is time now to take back this country, as we are getting crapped upon by those that think they are American. We have no representation. We should not be required to pay a payroll tax until the henhouse is again guarded against by marauding senators and representatives bent on one and only one code of miss-conduct, "Greed". It is not the American way and if we continue down this avenue it will be NOT socialism rammed down our throats but control more in tune to that of communism. We are already so-controlled by "Big Sam" that we must act now, or else. We have no other clear-cut choice before us, accept a calmed down form of capitalism wherein we have socialized medical care and socialized other things modeled after socialism. Wherein all workers unite together under one "Union" to fight for our rights in numbers. Wherein we can afford to send "worker" troops to Washington at the drop of the gavel in efforts to police what is happening behind closed doors. We the people have the power, we just need to act out our Constitutional fantasies. Act now, or forever find your rainy day piggybank "bankrupt". Hey get this with this foreclosure bailout going down. Many houses will be sold off to foreign ownership. It means the house you live in, even if you have been making payments on time, those mortgages could be under ownership of a government other then the United States of America. If this isn’t selling out, then I am dearly scared to what else the Pelossi gang could dream up next. Maybe, selling off our kids? To fight wars for others! Seems that is already happening, as the Iraq conflict and the Afghanistan conflict are nothing more then somebody else’s war, wherein we pay for the war, we pay for the war again with kids being blown to smithereens and we pay again because the war costs have wrecked havoc and turmoil upon the economy back here at home. And double jeopardy is against the law isn’t it? The selling of America, what a sad day in history. But they got their raise and at the same time, our kids can’t even get to school. America, Woody Guthrie’s America, controlled by fools, crooks and crocks. Anybody interested in an American Workers union, please contact . WAR - Workers of America Rising. It is never to late but now is the time to act. Each and everyday our freedoms are sold as an export. People are getting rich on your dime and my dime. And Congress gets a raise! How pathetic they are. How pathetic we are for letting them get away with it all!

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