Monday, January 19, 2009

Inaugural Condoms

“Step right up and get your genuine Barack Obama - made somewhere else – inaugural crap. Supplies are limited, so act now. Just pay the S&H.” The latter stands for shipping and handling and is just another Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme. See, Madoff was successful in taking the Ponzi scheme one dimension higher. He fooled the fools! And this S&H “bullcrap”, why the U.S. Postal Service allows it to continue to fool seems to be just another dereliction of duty wherein elderly Americans get screwed. It is no different then when the regulators get pink eye watching where the TARF bailout money ends up. Somebody’s pocket is getting filled! Should have called it the “BARF”. But “Change” is coming. This inauguration frenzy is like a Woodstock revival. Too bad marijuana is outlawed, as it would be a good time to Bob Marley the time away, to celebrate the occasion. Maybe Bush can pardon that law, or issue a one-day moratorium executive order. From the mountains to the parries to the oceans, people are overly excited over the upcoming home-coming. In fact, like a SuperBowel Sunday, the local grocery stores are featuring specials for the occasion. So we have before us now yet another reason to Tailgate, as people line up to catch a glimpse of Obama’s Freedom train heading towards the capitol, not away. Why is it that every damn occasion of significance requires us to eat? I read with interest and laughter a recent study by the University of Illinois which found through research that the “tab for overweight people in a vehicle amounts to $7.7-million dollars a day” and “the numbers are added costs linked directly to the extra drain of body weight on fuel economy”. This obesity in the Freedom-Almost-Lost land requires more energy, in the tune of $2.8-billion a year. Talk about a train-ride! Isn’t it great that Obama decided to use Amtrak on the trip to his new job! Of course Amtrak is the bailout king. But that is the kind of bailout I am all for, as it promotes mass transportation and is in line with conservatives. In fact, if we spent money creating railroad jobs - genuine pick and shovel jobs wherein young adult obesity would cease - then the taxpayers wouldn’t be getting “railroaded”. Remember George Bush’s last train ride? It is documented in a book by Karen Hughes, called the “Last Train to CuckooVille”. Hughes worked for Bush, as a paper maid. The clip: “The rhythmic rocking of the train felt unnatural”. Maybe George was getting some action? I hope George takes that same train out of CuckooVille. He “mucked” us along the way, so may as well “muck” us on the way out! Please Dick, don’t miss the train! Just what the hell is Dick Cheney doing in these last 48-hours? It is agonizing that this ending is right now a happy ending. Even though George is at the realization that his legacy doesn’t exist. The sentiment, “If you can’t say something nice…” Too late now! This country went so bent on image that it stole away the Constitutional focus. This image thing started with Bill and Monica. And now we have to contend with the Clinton disease infiltrating and affecting the Obama administration. Don’t these people have life after injustice served? We have become a nation of ridicule because of their shenanigans. Be it adjourned that there is enough blame to go around. And it didn’t have to be this way, had Congress performed its sworn duties to uphold the Constitution. Bottom-line, Bush and his cronies should have been escorted to jail many moons ago. But with a failed administration along with a failed Democratic Party along with Tom Delay sticking a knife into the Republican Party, well there was no party left that had any “balls” to defend liberty. I don’t care what you say, Linda Pelosi has none! This country has been robbed of decency. Today before us, Obama sets out to “Change” things. That remains to be seen. Out of respect, I will reserve judgment, as he has already let me down. I wish I could say I voted for him so I could renege on that vote. The fact that Rick Warren is still on the ceremonial guest list, not merely as a guest, but a guest speaker, we have before us a failed candidacy even before the Abe Lincoln train pulls into the station, with maybe two jokers. The fact that the majority of the responsibilities to govern are being handed over to Clinton era cronies, it is dangerous. Anyway, people are going wild, buying Obama memorabilia, most made by slave-labor in China! People, like Montel Williams, are taking advantage of the occasion, to make money. This Obama “coin” phenomenon is a genuine rip off in-line with Hitlerism, buy it or else! Why in hell spend $20.00-dollars for 4 U.S. Treasury “Half Dollars” splat upon with a little lead based paint? Not to forget the $9.00 for S&H. And the terrorist outfit behind this scam has changed its name at least a zillion times since the election, but still tries to tell the innocent that the coins have a serial number of authenticity! It is a crime my friends. As to place a serial number on something out of the U.S. mint is a defacing crime, so there exist no genuine “serial number of authenticity”. It’s a piece of paper costing the victims $27.94! This may be a minor infraction with respect to the big picture show, but it goes to show how we have become such a pennisless nation. No longer is it a nation of brotherly love, but a nation bent of opportunists sticking it to your brother, sister, pet dog, dad and mom! The amount of money being spent for this inaugural affair is mind-boggling, but I guess it is reasonable even though many uppity-uppers are using some of the “bailout” money for expensive ball gowns, penthouse accommodations, bullet-proof limos and private jet transportation, just to “be there”. Sorry, I am a worker-bee and if I wanted time away from my job it would mean termination. But maybe I could use the excuse that “I had to be there” and apply for some of the “Barf” money, as it is my money to begin with. I wonder if I would have to pay taxes on a handout? Isn’t that double-taxation? Can you imagine having to pay double taxation when we get no righteous representation to begin with? Talk about wanting to “barf”. It makes me sick and sad to see how the American value system has eroded. It is crumbling down right before us. We want “Change”, we need “Change”. But it is estimated that it will cost 150-billion for this swearing in party, tainted by Rick Warren’s appearance. I for one will not watch this celebration. Had this been Ralph Nader coming to town, there would be no such fanfare. As this amounts to yet another extension of the class system of preferential treatment. Take this for instance. A lady that owns a ballroom gown shop in D.C. has been quoted saying that she is selling out on gowns that cost upwards $5000.00, for a one night affair. But not to worry she says, as there exist plenty of $500-dollar inaugural gowns, for the “Poorer” folks. Hey, so now we have the rich and the poor rich? The money being spent on this extravaganza is testament that the Clinton/Bush cronyism of the have and have not has infiltrated to doom any semblance of the American way of life and liberty. Look, Bill still has a gripe to pick with the Americans over his impeachment proceedings for the “I did not have sex” scandal. Hillary should have divorced his ass a long tome ago and went on her own, but “image” was too important and now she has become the “peacekeeper”? It is a joke in disguise. Face the facts well wishes, Clinton did OK as a president only because of the foundation put in place by his predecessors. That is why he found time to fool around and cheat. In politics there exists this trickle down theory. Look what Obama is inheriting? I take that back, look what we are inheriting. And all this hoopla is beginning to scare me. Why is Obama trying to re-trace Abe Lincoln’s journey? The train ride? The inaugural cheesecake? Lincoln was gunned down! Anyway, I wish I could have put on my American entrepreneurial hat and had some inaugural condoms made, with S&H. Why, because we are all in for a “F*(^ing”, courtesy a stagnant Congress that has done nothing for you and I and has already signaled dissatisfaction upon Obama’s stand on important issues at hand. But there is one saving grace hope. Obama speaks with words that do not hesitate to reinforce a “revolution”. He used words to that effect on several occasions along the Freedom path. Read between the lines my friends, because if he keeps his word and incites enough guilt, angers up enough frustration upon the real Americans - the workers not so rich anymore - then maybe the time is right for the New American Revolution to ignite and take this country back on the road to Freedom. I am ready and willing and will be the first one to sign up, as I would have done for George Washington, for Abe, for MLK. Mr. Obama, you have my word if so be it that is what it takes. As Revolution is what made this country great once upon a time and may be all we have left to turn back the clock of Constitutional destruction, placed on fast-forward by Constitutional crooks lobbied into submission by the evil rich.

You say you want a revolution
Well you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it’s evolution
Well you know
We all want to change the world

CopyRight 2009 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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