Monday, November 3, 2008

Trade Union Trader

Joe the “Plumber” is a Trade Union Trader in a pitiful disguise! He is all about Sarah Palin, playing out his fantasies for her fantasies wherein this election is nothing but a pageant show show-down, me-me-me cuntry first, my country last. I guess birds of tarnished feathers do indeed fluck together. What a laughing crying joke this Palin has become. As an Alaskan, I am qualified to mock her absent mindedness. Her fit-for-duty rating is about to try George Bush’s disapproval record. She makes Mr. Potatoe Head – a.k.a. Dan Quayle – seem like an Einstein. If only the voters knew the true blue Sarah. When running mates must resort to SNL for free advertisement out of desperation, it is yet another show of party weakness. I can hear Ike laughing aloud. I can hear Nixon crying. And whatever happened to “Ask Not…” ? Sarah’s political aspirations for the future? Not on my watch! Now with only 3-days before the presidential election, Joe is heard rallying aloud the fact that he is voting for a “Real” American! Hey Joe, “where you going with that gun in your hand”? Obama is also a “Real” American. Probably far more a “Real” American then McCain. Remember, McCain went a turncoat while imprisoned when he broke the oath of silence, in efforts to obtain preferential treatment. He craved steak over dog food. He let his comrades down. He was allowed out of the dungeon while others suffered for his elite status upgrade, for being a true turncoat. Because John gave into the commies’ demands, the others were tortured even more, for their own stubbiness to abide by the military code of honor. McCain dishonored that code so it is not a surprise that he is dishonoring the presidential election process, by employing fans like Sarah and Joe. And if you thought George Bush’s Air National Guard record was a joke, how many planes did McCain crash? Daddy should have taken away the keys a long time ago! Anyway, Joe’s stupidity epitomizes the fact that he would have benefited from a government handout, like education. I do believe Joe the “Plumber” is the McCain poster child for the failed “No Child Left Behind” program. This guy is a genuine piece of political humor, but this is no laughing matter. His political ideals sound in intellectual deprivation. Let’s start from square one. Does he know what the 1st Amendment relates upon? Remember, we have the right to free speech but are also responsible for that speech. Now my grandfather was a plumber. In my line of work as a “Real” American hard working class tradesmen, I also get involved in pipes, big pipes that carry oil from Alaska’s North Slope oil fields. I guess Joe spent some time here in the Last Frontier, but left because he couldn’t take it or make it. Joe, please leave the plumber’s trade alone. Go away. Elope with Sarah and maybe start again where Papa Pilgrim left off. Anyway, what gets to me about Joe is this. It is just another vain attempt by John McCain to salvage his reputation at the expense of others. The McCain campaign – that has indeed run amuck – is trying to portray this guy as a true American. Well, there have been plumbers and tradesmen in history that have made a difference. One comes to mind, named Lech Walesa. Now Joe is nowhere near this character of a freedom fighter. Lech was a tradesmen that single handedly made a course correction upon an out of control government. He was a true statesmen, not a fake nor a trader. For McCain, and his followers, I see nothing but a turncoat affair. On the other hand, when I see Obama out and about operating in a cool and comfortable fashion, I must also realize that he has the election bagged, short some catastrophic calamity. And behind his goals and ideals, I see Lech’s realization as a guiding light. Along with Martin Luther Kings’s dream, about face about time coming true. And with this sharing of the wealth, maybe a little Huey Long, long overdue. Such character is being assassinated by McCain, Palin and ridiculed by Joe Blow. It is scary, their behavior, as we all know what happened to Mr. Long. We all know what happened to the Reverend. Joe, they were assassinated! And Lech had many attempts upon his life during his term in command. The fact that Joe Blow along with Sarah and McCain dabble in smear rhetoric like socialism fears and sharing the wealth lies, it is offering up the fuse of an assassination. It is an attempt to derail freedom at last, not only for the hard workers of America, but at the same time cast this nation over the edge. Only 3-days away, I fear for Obama’s life, liberty and his pursuit of happiness not only for himself, but for the huddled masses that deserve freedom over fear. Joe, you are a turncoat when you promote such aggravation upon America from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans. And realize this one fact Joe Jerk, McCain is using you! Be a man, stand down now. And get this, rumors abound that it was Cindy that made John pick Sarah as his running mate! Why? Because Cindy had Sarah figured out. Cindy speculated that Sarah would ruin the campaign, as Cindy wanted nothing to do with the White House. She is rich. She doesn’t need the job as 1st Lady of a Turncoat. So John will go down as a failure, erasing all his years of service by this campaign of deceit, going down just like Ted Stevens is going down for the count. Now I saw a movie called, “W”. It is basically George Bush’s memoirs published before he heads out to the same pasture of failure as Don Rumsfeld, Paul Wolforitz and the rest of the scoundrels. But George Bush achieved something that cannot be overlooked. He wasn’t daddy’s choice for the presidency as daddy Bush realized that no intelligence in the White House would mean an end to the Bush dysentery, I mean dynasty. The old man knew what he was talking about, as in three months time, that will become a reality. I doubt that a Bush will ever again make it into the history books. Of course George may make it to the war crimes tribunal. But I am glad that Bush was at least successful in disgracing the family jewels, such made so powerful by a conglomeration of liars and cheaters. So we don’t need anymore the likes of John McCain or Sarah Palin or Joe “Plumber” and company, as with the tearing down of righteousness by un-ethical and scare tactic political campaigning, they have succeeded also, in tearing down the GOP madness - forever Amen. Thank you George. And thank you John, Sarah and Joe for helping out in tearing down this wall of political deceit, the GOP wall. Tom Delay, hip-hip harrah! And with the DNC as weak as the hull of the EXXON Valdez, maybe this country can move forward on a course correction and a “great party” loyalty will arise out of the ruins, wherein socialism is not a bad thing after all forevermore. The bottom line is this. Our country ‘Tis of Thee is a socialistic country in disguise. When one considers the welfare from both parties, to keep the jobs infrastructure in tune along with “social” programs for the not so lucky, it is undeniable a socialistic government. When 40-percent of jobs are government funded, that is a GOP funded socialistic agenda. When “social” programs - like school funding for example - consume 40-percent of the Treasury’s pot of taxpayers’ gold, again we find a government mission nothing short of socialism. So enough is enough. America has been on the socialism bandwagon for a long time by now, and it has worked! Look around you. What are we afraid of, a label? Brother, can you spare a dime, sure! So maybe the Obama agenda is just that, a new society that has socialism as the base, love it or leave it, it works. Can you imagine what this country could achieve if we embraced who we really are, socialist! With socialism, there exists only one party, for the people. Wherein lobbyist are those in the unemployment lines, but socialism also takes their side into account – it doesn’t hold grudges. That is where this country roams, at the crossroads. Our days of capitalism have come to an end. We have the choice. We can either accept and embrace socialism or in time we will be forced to accept a harder line, called Communism. I prefer the former, as it still means a sense of freedom but equitable to the masses, the huddled masses. Socialism, coming soon to your local neighborhoods! A Change it is.

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