Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Charitable Donation

So Sarah Palin is already tired of her new wardrobe! One-hundred and fifty thousand dollars of taxpayer money gone to hell. Sure it was a gift courtesy of the taxpayers, as McCain sided with public financing to take a run at the presidency. Why do I have to pay for someone else to play dress-up? It is nothing short a grownup’s game this political crap. Whatever happened to My America? Is there any righteousness left anywhere? But when Sarah and the MegaWitch – Palin’s asinine sidekick from Alaska – were ridiculed about Palin’s make-me-over wardrobe, it all of a sudden became not a gift but a campaign prop that would be turned over as a charitable donation. In fact, days following Sarah’s extravaganza wild shopping spree in New York City, she decided to wear her hand-me-downs form some consignment shop in Anchorage. Now the MegaWitch is proof that there is no life after Channel 2. Just how many things can backfire from within the McCain campaign? One thing for sure, when McCain retires a failure he can write a book, “How Not To Do It” with emphasis on how to pick a real running mate over a reality show Cinderella. But the wardrobe didn’t make it to the charity drop just yet, as Cindy has been seen wearing the duds up down and around the campaign trail. Get this, I bet it was stuff purchased on Cindy’s credit cards. Then somewhere along the wayward way it would be paid back by the taxpayers’ loot. Palin may not be a good running mate, but a shopping mate passes the muster. Now Cindy is smart, as it seems she plans to use the stuff before it is donated. And she will probably get a big write-off from the charity giving, once again courtesy of the taxpayers via a screw-job upon the taxpayers. See, this is how the rich continue to sabotage the American dream. Anyway, I was traveling around town and it seems that Ted and Don’s old stomping grounds for campaign advertising have gone by the wayside, as vacant lots seem to be the only place that welcomes their ridiculous re-election signs. These lots sport nothing but devils’ club and homeless shelters. In the past, re-election campaign signs for these scoundrels were to be found everywhere, on buses, on churches, you name it they owned it. Things are different today, as the cuffs are getting closer and closer. So I have come up with a brainstorm of an idea. With the economy nose-diving, we need to figure out ways to keep Alaska attractive, maybe recycle things that have fallen by the wayside. Take the Bill “NoseBleed” Sheffield train depot out at Ted Stevens International House of Crime – I mean Airport! Anyway, this facility has never seen a train, so why not turn it into a political jail? The nice big glass windows could be replaced with bars, and incarcerated inside would be all of Alaska’s political crooks, as a show and tell attraction that would provide two things of interest. First, it would be a reminder to Alaskans traveling about how things went out of control with this state’s political system. Ethics and righteousness, what’s that? And we wouldn’t have to worry about a turndown in population for the facility as repeat offenders are a sure bet and since this is a quality engrained in the DNA of Alaskan politicians - MoanaLisa - generations to follow will want to be members of the “Corrupt Bastards Club”. It is like the Skull & Bones membership, and instead of kissing Geronimo’s fermenting skull, kissing Bill Allen’s big fat ass is what it is all about. Secondly, Palin’s House of Political Incarceration - catchy title hey - it would be an attraction visitors could enjoy as soon as they touch down in Anchorage and cherish as a memory forever. Just think of the possibilities. A novelty shop could be incorporated to provide even more entertainment and profits. Corrupt Bastard memorabilia could be sold, along with autographed calendars and memoirs. In fact, the license plate making machines could be relocated and provide the incarcerated with gainful employment, right there before our very own eyes and ears. “That’s the sound of the men working on the chain gang.” Can you imagine what a scene this would create? And since the FBI is still on the hunt, there would be plenty of animals – I mean politicians – to be put on display for a project that would last to infinity. And Ted could do his time looking across the street, at the airport that allows his namesake. Maybe a few fake coconut trees would make Don feel at home. This would be real live entertainment. Hey, if people shovel out hard earned cash to visit a zoo, why not a live house of horrors? It would work, as during this political crises wherein John McCain picked Sarah Palin as a ruining mate, this state has become a novelty subject. People elsewhere make fun of this state, based entirely on the incompetence of our political leaders to the corruptness of the same, especially when a guy like Ted tells the world he is not guilty even though a jury said differently. Ted feels he is above others and gets to vote, even though in reality he is a sworn felon. Yes Ted, you swore an oath that seems to have parted good company for bad. All in all as citizens, are not we tired of the state of affairs wherein this state gets so blatantly ridiculed, even on Saturday Night Live? So we must fight back, if laughter is what they want and indeed the best medicine, a house of political incarceration fits the bill. And Bill “NoseBleed” Sheffield could be the curator. Live conjugal visits? I don’t think so. But Ted and Bill can live out the days of their lives making out, I mean making up. And the added income from this value added product openly displaying society’s wrath could only help to fatten up this state’s coffers, which means more welfare for the masses. What a mess.

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
Contact: Storylineonline@gci.net or www.Storylineonline.com or www.chinookjournal.blogspot.com

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