Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Duty Done

I went and exercised my sworn duty as an American citizen. That is, voted against Sarah Palin and Ted Stevens. I didn’t realize it was a “sworn” duty until I received a robo-call from Ted. He kept insisting I wasn’t home! Three nights in a row. But I was home and wanted to congratulate him on his verdict and future prospectus. How can Ted get to vote? Anyway, Ted emphasized that it was my duty to get out and vote. I usually vote for independence, as that virtue is granted and guarded under the Bill of Rights but seems to be on the attack by fundamentalists. If Sarah Palin is any indication of a new age base movement, it is nothing shy a bowel movement. Pathetic it is, to think this Alaskan has what it takes to run this country. Her policy and doctrine to govern is just more of the same bull-crap. In a nutshell, she has been a failure to Alaska as a governess. Case in point. Sure she stood tall against the oil industry with respect to taxation. She raised the operating taxes on this business that has been enjoying a favorable existence as a private entity for some 30-years by now in Alaska! In turn, the oil companies cancelled hundreds of local Alaskan projects. That in turn caused thousands of jobs to wither away. And she did indeed wrestle in a contract for a foreign entity to build a gas pipeline. It was a stupid speculative move. When the “American” oil companies operating in Alaska see it economically fit to build a gas line to send “their” gas to markets, then it will be a done deal. Sarah has a political IQ equal to but most likely less then George Bush when it comes to government. I think therein roams the problem, her popularity, more Bushism! At least it is entertaining and provides journalistic fodder. So it was worth the wait in line early on this Tuesday morning with temperatures hovering about 5-degrees to exercise my right to protect the Constitution. It is nice to realize that we can still protect that emancipator of freedom with a pen, an exercise of the 1st Amendment. But I do believe the evil will surface following the election wherein the 2nd amendment may come in handy. See, using the 1st is diplomacy at work, as most true Americans that practice and preach democracy are diplomatic in their ways and means. So a vote against Sarah and Ted is my contribution to protecting life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. I am a diplomat. Sarah, can you spell diplomat? Now with respect to the other things and challenges on the Alaska/National ballot, I don’t mind speaking my desires. For most of the Alaskan seat seekers, it meant a write-in candidate, PB&J. Yes, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich would provide better representation then those that are trying to break into the Corrupt Bastards Club. When Meyers and Van Pukin are the only ballot choices, something is dreadfully wrong. So it was write in. And at least kids can relate to a PB&J. And I don’t believe in guaranteed employment for judges. Hey, most hard working Americans now fall under the “At Will” employment doctrine, supported by the courts! So judges don’t need preferential treatment. If they want job security, organize! Can you image if all the judges unionized? Can you imagine if all the hourly wage earners across American organized under the same union umbrella? We can call it the Workers Party, maybe get Lech Walesa to coach us in getting what we deserve, freedom, good wages and workplace representation. What a health plan it would mean. What a retirement it would provide! If all of the hourly workers came together under one roof, the power we would have could reshape the sinking ship. This country needs to revamp it cross-country transportation infrastructure, with high speed rail transport, which means a whole lot of jobs to come for a long, long time. My children’s children would be afforded jobs on such a gigantic project. Anyway, I am glad to see that Obama has become the president. And it is still many hours away from when the voting quits. But what a chore he has ahead of him. To replace and make-up for what George Bush promoted in office and got away with. I don’t know of any bail out program that can right all the wrongdoing. Yes indeed, Obama has is work cut out. We have our work cutout also, to support his trials and tribulations. First on the agenda is to terminate all the Supreme Court Justices. What, jobs for life? What a deal. Who thinks of these ridiculous ideas that have no other intent accept to disenfranchise the will of true Americans? Anyway, heaven forbid that Sarah makes it to the White House. If so, I think it may be time to consider a Workers Union. When one considers that 40-percent of the jobs in Alaska are government funded employment, cutting down government will deliver disastrous effects. Can you imagine that many Alaskans out of work? So much for a healthy moose population! But most of the campaign crap that came from the mouths of the candidates during the last two years was all fluff. We are a country at war, a war of choice. Not what America is all about! We are a country at war with Wall Street, again not what America is all about. We are a country that has become the poster child of ridicule from abroad, laughed upon and crapped upon. Not what my country ‘Tis of Thee deserves. So maybe it is time for a new age party, wherein the workers finally get to control of destiny. I don’t know about Obama, but with the likes of Sarah hanging around the White House, we best unite. But I have faith in the people of this land, that when they come to exercise that right this day, to exercise that vote which shines upon the 1st Amendment, then they will have a change of heart and vote for America, and not offer up a Sarah Palin vote against America. Talk about a vote of no confidence! Sorry John McCain, you blew it with your pathetic choice of running mates. Just wait for tomorrow’s news and you will see what I mean! And please John, don’t let Palin come back to Alaska. Keep her by your side along with the Toad as we don’t deserve the pain and suffering of their painful campaigning.

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
Contact: Storylineonline@gci.net or www.Storylineonline.com or www.chinookjournal.blogspot.com

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