Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Are We Stupid?

Look Obama was already “in” while most Alaskans were still at work. Which means a majority of Alaskans still had time to cast thy vote. A vote we could be proud upon. The 4-hour delay between here and there gives us an advantage. What are we stupid? The fact that this state exercised that vote in protest to “Change” is stupidity at its best! Either with them or against them is a thing of the past people! Don’t you get it? We should have taken pride in America and given support to Obama and “Change”. This time after factor gives us the opportunity to be proactive. But no-no-no, as corruption has and continues to take hold of righteousness. The fact that 70-percent of Alaskans are stupid is to be remembered. Yes indeed, 70-percent voted for the same old Bush doctrine, the doctrine that Sarah Palin is still trying to understand, or find on her Blackberry. And Sarah, you won’t find information to such in National Enquirer! As a matter of fact, Mad Magazine is a better starting point. But what does a pageant promoter know about politics? I admit with “pride and prejudice” that I am included in the 30-percent that voted against Palin! Proud to admit that I voted against Ted and Don. By the time Obama asked for everybody to join in and make America a better place following McCain’s congratulations, I was enjoying a Sam Adam’s six-pack. I was celebrating! So why do we allow our actions to make this state’s citizenry look like a bunch of “American’s Left Behind”? To vote Ted and Don back into office is a sad joke and a mad joke. It has nothing to do with loyalty. It is down right stupidity based on a fear factor. This state may believe in the 2nd Amendment but we are so shallow as individuals that we allow political bullies to infiltrate our decision making process. Let us face the facts again, Ted and Don are washed up. With “Change” coming to the Hill – Congress – they will garnish about as much power for pork as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Alaska is already the laughing stock state of the union, because of the Palin follies. Did you see Sarah shed a tear when McCain quit? Maybe she was crying because she realized it was time to give back the wardrobe! To say that voting for the loosing party was in support of Palin, look at the repercussions. Obama may not hold grudges, but look who is in charge of Congress? Linda Pelossi still holds a grudge for when Don Young called her a “Rabid Skunk”. So forget about bridges to Nowhere. In fact, we will be lucky to get used toothpicks from the folks on the Hill. And with 40-percent of Alaskan jobs maintained by “porkenomics”, the un-employment lines will extend out into the gated communities of Anchorage. “Buddy can you spare a dime”, will be heard from the mountains to the oceans. Weaning, what is that? Let us face the facts fellow bigot Alaskans, Martin Luthur King’s dream has become a reality. Did you see how Jesse Jackson shed a tear during Obama’s “we’re in” speech. And the fact that the pundits are now referring to the GOP as the Party of the South, we have blown the chance to be part of the solution and are guilty of prejudice by association. We cannot continue on with such a low-down justification. Just in! John Binkley is offering free one-way river rides for democrats! And why is Ted afraid to stay at the Allen Estates down in Girdwood. Bill Allen, I bet he voted for the Ted and Don show, for a final laugh! But the joke is on us, for the political malfeasance and disregard for righteousness. Alaska did not vote its conscious. It voted for the loosing party out of greed. And the way Sarah Palin was used by a campaign that was washed up even before the tide ceased rolling in, this state needs a lesson. And with our courage to show the rest of the nation that we are indeed stupid, how low will we grow? And here is what the “Change” is up against: Economy, Iraq, Terrorist, Heath Plans and Energy. With respect to the economy, no taxation until a wage earner’s earned income equals that of a felon senator. Iraq, well I am sure with Obama at the helm that all will be quiet now on the frontlines and our troops can begin coming home. Why? Terrorist realize that Bush is gone and the threat from a McCain & Palin administration is no longer a concern. As far as a health plan? Just give me the same coverage that Native Alaskan’s get here in Anchorage, at that big humongous castle of a hospital over on Tudor, courtesy the BIA. I don’t mind government medicine. And energy, mass transportation is a beginning. In closing, Ted and Don remember these few lines, courtesy of Bob Dylan:

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum,
They’re one day older and a dollar short.
They got a prayer permit and a police escort.
They’re lyin’ low and they’re making hay,
They seem determined to go all the way.
Tweedle Dee is a low down sorry man.
Tweedle Dum, he’ll stab you where you stand.

And Sarah hear this,

“I ain’t going to work on Sarah’s farm no more”!

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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